Module 6 Flashcards
Where does olfactory processing occur?
Initially, in the olfactory bulb, then secondarily, in the higher olfactory processing areas of the cerebral cortex
What are some reasons a person might lose their sense of smell?
Injury to the olfactory nerves can occur from a jar to the head, a fracture to the cribiform plate – which can impinge or even cut olfactory neurons – lesions to the cranial nerve can also occur by meningitis or tumours of the frontal lobe
What is the part of the nose that plays the greatest role in our sense of smell?
The Olfactory epithelium
The olfactory epithelium is made up of what three kinds of cells?
1) Olfactory receptor cells: function as sensory cells, the “locks” that the “keys” (odour molecules) fit into; these cells are connected directly to the brain
2) Basal cells: progenitors of the receptor cells; divide continually and replace the receptor cells every ~ 30 days
3) Supporting cells: scattered among the receptor cells; provide functions like producing secretions and tissue matrix
What is the “flavor” of food a combination of?
The “flavor” of food is really a combination of the sense of taste and smell
What are disorders of the sense of smell classified as?
They are classified as -osmias
What is the role of the respiratory epithelium (3 functions)?
To clean, warm, and humidify air before it enters the lungs; it also produces a fine layer of mucus to trap dust and other pollutants; finally, the cells produce tiny hairs that “sweep” the debris carrying mucus out of the lungs
The olfactory nerve is which cranial nerve?
Cranial nerve I
Is the Olfactory nerve the longest or the shortest of the 12 cranial nerves?
The shortest.
What are M/T cells?
They are mitral and tufted cells (secondary olfactory neurons that carry olfactory impulses to higher cortical centers)
What part of the brain is sometimes referred to as the “nose” of the brain?
The limbic system (the reptilian brain)
What are the two nervous systems within the hypothalamus?
1) Sympathetic - prepares the body for “flight or fight”, raising heart rate and blood pressure, decreasing digestive activity, and diverting blood flow to the muscles.
2) Parasympathetic - prepares the body for “resting and digesting”
What is the role of the hypothalamus in the process of olfaction?
The hypothalamus activates smell-related emotions and “the olfactory relationships with memory, eating, survival, sex, and other emotional behavior”. The hypothalamus also plays a very important role in regulating body functions and activities during times of stress. Thus, because of their influence on the limbic system, essential oils play a very important role in the management of stress.
What is the role of the hippocampus and olfaction?
The hippocampus, together with the limbic system, has a primary role in processing events and experiences into memories. It is therefore one of the most important parts of the limbic system in the psychological aspect of aromatherapy.
Explain why the sense of smell can be described as a lock and key.
The first time we smell something, it sets a “lock” in our subconscious mind, and the next time we smell the same aroma, it is like a “key” that unlocks the memories of the odour and when we first smelled it.
What makes sesquiterpenes so special in terms of oxygenation of the brain? Name up to eight oils that have high sesquiterpene levels.
Sesquiterpenes can increase oxygen levels in the brain by as much as 28%. High levels of sesquiterpenes occur in vetiver, patchouly, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, frankincense, Melissa, myrrh, and clove