Essential Oil Profiles Flashcards
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Ocimum Basilicum Family: Lamaciae or Labiatae Extraction: steam distillation of leaves and flowers Note: Top Blending factor: 3 Three main constituents: 1) Methyl chavicol 2) Linalool 3) Beta-caryophyllene Main applications/uses: Antispasmodic, analgesic, mucolytic, antiviral, febrifuge, emmenagogue, galactagogue, anxiolytic, calming, soothing, anti-inflammatory, uplifting to emotions Contraindications: possible skin irritation, use with caution during pregnancy, on children, and on clients with cancer
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Citrus bergamia Family: Rutaceae Extraction: cold pressed from the rind Note: top Blending factor: 7 Three main constituents: 1) Limonene (monoterpene) 2) Linalyl acetate (ester) 3) Linalool (alcohol) Main applications/uses: Astringent, antispasmodic, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiviral, detoxifying, antiseptic, diuretic, anxiolytic, soothing, calming, antidepressant Contraindications: phototoxic, short shelflife
Clary Sage
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Salvia sclarea Family: Lamiaceae or Labiatae Extraction: steam distillation of leaves and flowers Note: top Blending factor: 2-3 Three main constituents: 1) Linalyl acetate (ester) 2) Linalool (alcohol) 3) Germacrene D (sesquiterpene) Most common/useful applications: Antispasmodic, sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiperspirant, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, antidepressant, calming, soothing hormone-balancing
Eucalyptus globulus
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Eucalyptus globulus Family: Myrtaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the twigs and leaves Note: top Blending factor: 1 Three main constituents: 1) 1,8-cineole (oxide) 2) alpha-pinene (monoterpene) 3) Limonene (monoterpene) Most common/useful applications: Immunostimulant, anti-microbial, bacteriostatic, bacteriocidal, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchiodilator, mental stimulant, antispasmodic, febrifuge, diuretic, stimulates circulation, strong prophylactic, and analgesic Contraindications: pregnancy, high bp, epilepsy; may counteract homeopathics; do not use on or near the face of infants or children under the age of 10 years
Eucalyptus citriodora
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Eucalyptus citriodora Family name: Myrtaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the leaves and twigs Note: top Blending factor: 4 Three main constituents: 1) Citronellal (aldehyde) 2) Citronellol (alcohol) 3) Citronellyl acetate (ester) Most common applications/uses: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, analgesic, antispasmodic, insect repellant, antiviral, antihypertensive, tissue regenerating, expectorant, immune stimulating, mental stimulant, anti-addictive, uplifting to mood. Contraindications: skin irritant, caution on sensitive skin, broken or irritated skin, infants’ skin, and mucous membranes.
Eucalyptus smithii
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Eucalyptus smithii Family: Myrtaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the leaves and twigs Note: top Blending factor: 2 Three main constituents: 1) 1,8-cineole (oxide) 2) Beta-Eudesmol (sesquiterpenol) 3) Limonene (monoterpene) Most common applications/uses: Analgesic (painful muscles and joints), expectorant, decongestant, anti-catarrhal, bronchial dilating, antimicrobial, anti-infectious, antiviral Contraindications: considered the mildest of the eucalyptus species. Better tolerated by ppl with sensitive skin, prob due to higher alcohol content. Good for relieving congestion and joint and muscle aches. Works well as a deodorizer. But do not use on or near the face of children under the age of 10 years.
Eucalyptus radiata
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Eucalyptus radiata Family: Myrtaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the leaves and twigs Note: top Blending factor: 4 Three main constituents: 1) 1,8-cineole (oxide) 2) alpha-terpineol (monoterpenol) 3) Limonene (monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Immune stimulating, antiviral, circulatory stimulant, expectorant, bronchial dilating, analgesic, anti-microbial, tissue regenerating Contraindications: none known. Considered a softer version of eucalyptus globulus and closer to Melaleuca in composition. Good immune stimulant. Do not use on or near the face of children under 10 years of age.
Eucalyptus dives
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Eucalyptus dives Family: Myrtaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the leaves and twigs Note: top Blending factor: 2 Three main constituents: 1) Piperitone: (ketone) 2) alpha-phellandrene (monoterpene) 3) Terpinene-4-ol (alcohol) Main applications/uses: Tissue regenerating, anti-inflammatory, good for the skin, immunostimulant, antitussive, anti-catarrhal, stress and emotional releaser, circulatory stimulant, insect repellent, muscular aches and pains, injuries, associated with alleviation of grief and sorrow Contraindications: none known
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Citrus paridisi Family: Rutaceae Extraction: coldpressed from rind Note: top Blending factor: 6 Three main constituents: 1) Limonene (monoterpene) 2) Beta-myrcene (monoterpene) 3) alpha-pinene (monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Astringent, lymphatic draining, digestive tonic, appetite stimulant or suppressant, detoxifying, diuretic, immune stimulating, uplifting to the emotions. Contraindications: easily oxidized, shortest shelflife, phototoxic – do not expose skin to sun within 12 hours of application
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Citrus limonum Family: Rutaceae Extraction: coldpressed from the rind Note: top Blending factor: 4-5 Three main constituents: 1) Limonene (Monoterpene) 2) beta-pinene (Monoterpene) 3) gamma-terpinene (Monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Exfoliating, antiseptic, lymphatic draining, astringent, detoxifying to Liver and kidneys, hepatoprotectant, antihypertensive, circulatory stimulant, diuretic, immune stimulating, antiviral, antibacterial, febrifuge, mental stimulant, stems bleeding, dissolves cellulite Contraindications: phototoxic, short shelf life
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Citrus aurantifolia Family: Rutaceae Extraction: coldpressed from the rind or steam distilled Note: top Blending factor: 4 Three main constituents: 1) Limonene (Monoterpene) 2) beta-pinene (Monoterpene) 3) gamma-terpinene (Monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Astringent, digestive tonic, appetite stimulant, lymphatic draining, antimicrobial, antiviral, diuretic, uplifting and stimulating, antidepressant, anxiolytic, heightens alertness
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Citrus reticulata Family: Rutaceae Extraction: coldpressed from the rind Note: top Blending factor: 7 Three main chemical constituents: 1) Limonene (monoterpene) 2) gamma-terpinene (monoterpene) 3) alpha-pinene (monoterpene) Main application/uses: Cicatricant (especially for stretch marks), astringent, carminative, improves circulation, assists liver function (bile production and fat digestion, especially in the elderly), stimulates circulation, calms intestines, diuretic, highly sedating, useful for over excited children Contraindications: phototoxicity
Sweet Orange
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Citrus sinensis Family: Rutaceae Extraction: coldpressed from the rind Note: Top Blending Factor: 7 Three main constituents: 1) Limonene (monoterpene) 2) Myrcene (monoterpene) 3) beta-bisabolene (Sesquiterpene) Main applications/uses: anti-spasmodic, improves circulation, lymphatic draining, immune stimulating, anti-catarral, anti-stress, relieves constipation, indigestion, anti-depressant, improves fat digestion, sedating (especially good for children), supports collagen formation CI’s: Tisserand says not phototoxic. May be a slight skin irritant. To be on the safe side, avoid sun for 12 hours and avoid use on sensitive skin. Caution RE:-oxidation
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Citrus x aurantium Family: Rutaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the leaves of the bitter orange tree Note: Blending factor: 6 Three main constituents: 1) Linalyl acetate (ester) 2) Linalool (alcohol) 3) alpha-terpineol (alcohol) Main applications/uses: Astringent, anti-perspirant, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, carminative, helpful for constipation, diuretic, anticoagulant, anxiolytic, sedative, antidepressant (especially postpartum), lymphatic draining, improves circulation, aphrodisiac, relaxes and soothes muscles of the uterus Great for anger and panic. Soothes the mind and calms the body, eases breathing and reduces rapid heartbeat. Great for convalescing after illness and particularly good for insomnia. Helps to clear greasy skin, acne and excessive perspiration. CIs: none known
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Pinus sylvestris
Family: Abietaceae aka Pinaceae
Extraction: steam distilled from the needles, twigs, and cones
Note: top
Blending factor: 4 to 5
Three main constituents:
1) alpha-pinene (monoterpene)
2) beta-pinene (monoterpene)
3) delta-3-carene
Main applications/uses:
Mucolytic, expectorant, respiratory tonic, *antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, insect repellant, analgesic, antiperspirant, kidney and urinary support, diuretic, nervous fatigue
CI’s: none known, but can be irritating if oxidized or used in high concentrations
* of all the pines, it has been found to be the strongest antiseptic. Some hospitals, diffuse to prevent infection after severe burns. Effective expectorant, and anti-septic action is beneficial for almost all respiratory disorders. 
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Salvia officinalis Family: Labiatae or Lamiaceae Extraction: distilled from the leaves Note: top Blending factor: 3 Three main constituents: 1) camphor (ketone) 2) alpha-thujone (ketone) 3) beta-thujone (ketone) Main applications/uses: Antifungal, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, hair loss (scalp stimulant), expectorant, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, digestive tonic, aids elimination, improves gastric and biliary secretions, reduces inflammation in the GI tract, antimicrobial, antioxidant, febrifuge, hormone balancing, antidepressant, diuretic CI's: Ketones can be neurotoxic, this is a very powerful oil – should be used with care, 1% or less should be sufficient. Do not use in pregnancy, seizure disorders, young children, or with hypertension
Tea Tree
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Melaleuca alternifolia Family: Myrtaceae Extraction: steam distilled from leaves Note: top Blending factor: 3 Three main constituents: 1) terpinen-4-ol (alcohol) 2) gamma-terpinene (monoterpene) 3) alpha-terpinene (monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Astringent, antifungal, antiviral, insecticidal, antibacterial, anti-infectious, analgesic, antiparasitic, immune-stimulating, decongestant, mentally refreshing, lymphatic draining, CI's:A very safe oil; however has been known to cause sensitivity – only cases were where oil was oxidized
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Thymus vulgaris Family: Labiatae or Lamaciaea Extraction: steam distillation of flowers and leaves Note: top Blending factor: 1 Three main constituents: 1) thymol - (phenol) 2) para-cymene (monoterpene) 3) carvacrol (monoterpenol) Main Uses/Applications: Anti-infectious, antifungal, scalp stimulant, antibacterial, antiviral, respiratory tonic, decongestant, anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, removes uric acid buildup, digestive stimulant, carminative, stops diarrhoea, antiparasitic, immune stimulant, nerve tonic, sharpens concentration CI’s: Thujanol CT, Linalool CT have no known CIs. Limonene CT may inhibit blood clotting, contraindicated for clotting conditions or blood thinners. The geraniol CT may be cholerectic (stimulates secretion of bile); recommended 1% due to thymol and carvacrol which may cause sensitivity
Black Spruce
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Picea mariana Family: Abietaceae aka Pinaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the needles and stems Note: middle Blending factor: 3 main constituents: 1) Bornyl acetate (ester) 2 B-pinene 3) a-pinene (monoterpene) 4) *Camphene (monoterpene) 5) (+) limonene (monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Particularly suited to restoring depleted and overworked adrenal glands, antiseptic, expectorant, antitussive, stops diarrhea, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, circulatory stimulant, anti-infectious, antifungal, helpful for chronic fatigue syndrome, supports adrenal function, uterine prolapse, anxiolytic. CI’s: none known, oxidation concern *Camphene is known for its mucolytic and respiratory benefits
Roman chamomile
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Chamamelum nobile Family: Asteraceae (formerly Compositae) Extraction: steam distillation of the flower heads Note: middle Blending factor: 1 Three main constituents: 1) Isobutyl angelate (ester) 2) butyl angelate (ester) 3) methylpentyl angelate (ester) Main applications/uses: Antihistamine, helpful for burns, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anxiolytic, sedating, carminative (can help relieve colic), antiparasitic, antiemetic, anti-diarrheal, reduces inflammation of the bowel, improves lymph flow (good for cellulite), immune stimulating, antibacterial, anti-infectious, relieves menstrual pain, regulates menstrual cycle, good for insomnia, migraines, headaches, chronic fatigue, anti-depressant CI’s: avoid if allergic to ragweed – Roman chamomile is from the ragweed family
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Cupressus sempervirens Family: Cupressaceae Extraction: steam distillation of needles and twigs Note: middle Blending factor: 5 Three main constituents: 1) alpha-pinene (monoterpene) 2) delta-3-carene (monoterpene) 3) cedrol (sesquiterpenol) Main applications/uses: Anti-perspirant, insect repellent, relieve congestion in blood vessels (hemorrhoids, varicose veins, strengthens connective tissue), very helpful for congested lymph (cellulite), vasoconstrictive, circulatory stimulant, softens the walls of hardened arteries, relieves angina pain, strengthens connective tissue, nose bleeds, antiviral, expectorant, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anti-diarrheal, antiparasitic, regulates menstrual cycle, hormone balancing, pancreatic tonic CI’s: no known, but easily oxidized, potential skin sensitizer
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Pelargonium x asperum or Pelargonium graveolens
Family: Geraniaceae
Extraction: steam distillation of stalks, stems, and flowers
Note: middle
Ending factor: 3
Three main constituents:
1) Citronellol (monoterpenol)
2) Geraniol (monoterpinol)
3) Linalool (monoterpenol)
Main application/uses:
Astringent, balances production of sebum, good for burns, cytophylactic, wound regenerating, cicatrisant, relieves congestion in blood vessels (Hemorrhoids, varicose veins), Antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infectious, immunostimulant, analgesic, carminative, anti-spasmodic, improves general elimination, circulatory stimulant, drains lymphatic congestion (cellulite), diuretic, stimulates adrenal cortex, relieves painful menstruation, relieves PMS, menopause,
CI’s: Low risk skin sensitizer. Possibility it can react with diabetic medication (reduces blood sugar) and increases liver glycogen levels
Juniper Berry
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Juniperis communis Family: Cupressaceae Extraction: steam distilled from the dried or partly dried berries and needles. Note: middle Blending factor: 4 Three main constituents: 1) alpha-pinene (monoterpene) 2) sabinene (monoterpene) 3) beta-myrcene (monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Astringent, skin tonic, lymph draining, cellulitis, hemorrhoids, scalp stimulant, UTIs, pyelitis, kidney and bladder stones, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, gout, expectorant, anti-nausea, anti-diarrheal, stimulates digestion, circulatory stimulant, diuretic, detoxifying, Reynaud’s syndrome, antiviral, anti-infectious, and anxiolytic, improves memory and concentration, eases nervous and emotional exhaustion CI’s: traditionally contraindicated during Pregnancy and kidney disease; However, Tisserand says it is neither abortifacient or damaging to the kidneys. Research shows that there has been some confusion between Juniperis communis and Juniperis sabina (The latter does have the former risks).
True Lavender
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Lavandula angustifolia Family: Labiatae or Lamiaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the flower heads Note: middle Blending factor: 7 Three main constituents: 1) Linalyl acetate (ester) 2) Linalool (monoterpenol) 3) Lavendulyl acetate (ester) Main applications/uses: Burns, skin tonic, antifungal, anti-infectious, wound healing, insect repellant, soothing and anti-inflammatory to skin, sedating, anxiolytic, headache, vertigo, anti-hypertensive, antitussive, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, carminative, antiviral, anti-infectious, anti-catarrhal, Labour-supporting CI’s: none known
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Lavandula x intermedia Family: Lamiaceae or Labiatae Extraction: steam distillation of the flower heads Note: middle Blending factor: 4 Three main constituents: 1) Linalool (monoterpenol) 2) Linalyl acetate (ester) 3) camphor (ketone) Mean application/uses: Respiratory tonic, expectorant, anti-catarrhal, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, antifungal, wound healing, carminative, anti-nausea, circulatory stimulant, headaches, sedative, anxiolytic CI’s: May worsen a burn, unlike true lavender which is useful for burns. Lavandin is contraindicated orally with anticoagulant medication
Spanish Lavender
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Lavandula stoechas Family: Labiatae or Lamiaceae Extraction: steam distillation of the flower heads Note: middle Blending factor: 4 Three main constituents: 1) camphor (ketone) 2) fenchone (ketone) 3) 1,8-cineole (oxide) Main applications/uses: Antiviral, antibacterial, anti-tussive, bronchodilator, mucolytic, mucociliary, anti-inflammatory, promotes lung function, reduces dyspnea, bacteriostatic, bacteriocidal, wound healing, insect repellent, antipruritic
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Origanum marjorana Family: Labiatae or Lamiaceae Extraction: Steam distilled from the fresh and dried leaves and flowers. Note:middle Blending factor: 3 Three main constituents: 1) terpinen-4-ol (monoterpenol) 2) sabinene (monoterpene) 3) Linalyl acetate (ester) Main applications/uses: Anxiolytic, calming, sedative, calms CNS, stimulates parasympathetic system, very powerful muscle relaxant, analgesic, soothes digestive system, anaphrodisiac, anti-spasmodic, antifungal, carminative, anti-hypertensive, vasodilator, diaphoretic, heart tonic, anti-viral, bacteriacidal CI’s:
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Mentha piperita Family: Lamiaceae or Labiateae Extraction: steam distillation of the whole plant above ground just before flowering Note: Middle Blending factor: 1-2 Three main constituents: 1) Menthol (monoterpenol) 2) Menthone (ketone) 3) Menthyl acetate (ester) Main applications/uses: Expectorant, antiemetic, travel sickness, carminative, cholagogue, astringent, antipruritic, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, headaches, vasodilator, circulatory and lymphatic stimulant, aids liver function, febrifuge, emmenagogue, antigalactagogue, improves alertness, concentration CI’s: neurotoxic in high doses, mucous membrane irritant, avoid on ppl with cardiac fibrillation, do not apply on or near the face of infants or small children
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Styrax benzoin Family: Styraceae Extraction: solvent extraction from from resin of the tree that is 7+ yrs old Note: Base Blending factor: 7 Three main constituents: 1) Benzyl acetate (ester) 2) Cinnamic acid (Carboxylic acid) 3) Benzyl benzoate (ester) Main applications: Calming to respiratory tract, pancreatic tonic, digestive aid, blood sugar balance, improves elasticity of skin, wound healing, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, indicated for rashes, expectorant, analgesic, digestive stimulant, diuretic CI’s: none, but can be mild skin irritant
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Boswellia Family: Burseraceae Extraction: steam distillation from the oleo gum resin; can also be carbon dioxide extracted (higher in triterpenoids) Note: Base Blending factor: 3 or 4 Three main constituents: 1) alpha-pinene (monoterpene) 2) alpha-phellandrene (monoterpene) 3) (+)-Limonene (monoterpene) Main applications/uses: Astringent, very wound healing, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, Anti-depressant, calming, grounding, lung tonic, indigestion, uterine tonic, eases labour pains, Anti-infectious, antihemorrhagic, CI’s:
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications :
Latin name: Commiphora myrrha Family: Burseraceae Extraction: Steam distilled from the resin Note: base Blending factor: 6 Three main constituents: 1) Furanoeudesma (sesquiterpene) 2) Furanodiene (sesquiterpene) 3) Curzerene (sesquiterpene) Main applications/uses: Anti-cancerous, gentling and calming to the CNS, highly prized for spiritual effects and direct action on hypothalamus, pituitary, and amygdala, eases grief and heals emotional wounds, anti-infectious, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, hormone balancing, helps with amenorrhea, antifungal, antipruritic, hemorrhoids, wound healing, expectorant, anti-diarrheal, digestive tonic, good for oral hygiene, immunostimulant, uterine stimulant, regulates menstruation, edema, analgesic, sedative, anxiolytic CI’s:
Latin name: Family: Extraction: Note: Blending factor: Three main constituents: Main applications/uses: Contraindications:
Latin name: Rosmarinus officinalis Family: Labiatae or Lamiaceae Extraction: steam distilled from the leaves, flowers and twigs Note: middle Blending factor: 2-3 Three main constituents: 1) Camphor (ketone) 2) 1,8-Cineole (oxide) 3) Verbenone (ketone) Main applications/uses: Expectorant, heart tonic, facilitates elimination of toxins from the liver and kidneys, excellent for headaches, antispasmodic, analgesic, headaches, astringent, stimulates hair growth, carminative, anti-diarrheal, anti-infectious, antihypotensive, stimulates circulation, arteriosclerosis, obesity, cellulite, antiviral, antifungal, high antioxidant activity, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulates CNS, improves memory and concentration CI’s: 1,8- cineole CT – do not apply on or near the face of infants or young children. No evidence that it is contraindicated during pregnancy or hypertension. Caution with seizure disorders.
Rosemary, Camphor CT
Three main constituents:
1) Camphor
2) 1,8-Cineole
3) alpha-pinene
Best used as a general stimulant, and is considered the most specific as a heart tonic. It is useful for muscular aches and pains, and is the most anti-spasmodic of all the chemotypes
Expectorant, mucolytic, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, rubefacient, cicatrisant, wound healing
CIs: Should not be used in children under five years of age.
Dermal maximum 16.5%
Rosemary, Cineole CT
Three main constituents:
1) 1,8-Cineole
2) Camphor
3) alpha-pinene
Best used for respiratory ailments (expectorant), and to facilitate elimination of toxins from the liver and kidneys. Mailheblau recommends blending 1,8-cineole CT with lavender and peppermint as an excellent headache remedy
Do not apply on or near the face of young children. Not contraindicated for hypertension or pregnancy.
Rosemary, Verbenone CT
Three main constituents:
1) Camphor
2) Verbenone
3) alpha-pinene
High in ketones; the best one to use for liver and gallbladder. Considered the most gentle and non-irritating. Good for skin preparations. An expectorant and anti-spasmodic.
Suggested dermal maximum of 6.5%. Dermal maximum of most other cultivars of rosemary suggested to be 22%; although considered safe through pregnancy, avoid all rosemary cultivars in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Latin name Family Extraction Note Blending factor Three main constituents Main applications/uses Contraindicaitons
Latin name: Pogostemon cablin Family: Lamicaceae Extraction: steam distillation from dried and fermented young leaves Note: Base Blending Factor: 5
Three main constituents:
1) Patchouli alcohol (monoterpenol)
2) a - Bulnesene (sesquiterpenoid)
3) a - Guaiene (sesquiterpene)
Main applications/uses:
astringent, psoriasis, eczema, acne, gastric spasm, appetite stimulant, anti-diarrhea, nausea, protects against gastrointestinal ulceration, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, Antifungal, anti-wrinkle, deodorant, insecticide, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-hypertensive, anti-arrhythmic, lymphatic stimulant, antiviral, diuretic, regulates hormone production, aphrodisiac, ameliorates ED, sedative, nervous tonic, anxiolytic
Contraindications: No known - orally can inhibit blood clotting
Rosa damascena
(Bulgarian Rose - most prized)
Latin name: Rosa damascena Family: Rosaceae Extraction: steam distillation of fresh flowers picked before 8 am, carefully controlled heat Note: Base Blending Factor: 1
Three main constituents:
1) (-) - Citronellol
2) Geraniol
3) Nerol
Main applications/uses:
Soothes and harmonizes the mind, anti-depressant, eases grief, fear, tension, addresses sexuality, self nurturing, self esteem, emotional problems, circulatory stimulant, anti-arrhythmic, antihypertensive, Liver and gallbladder support, hydrating, good for dry and mature skin, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, cicatrisant, antitussive, high antioxidant activity, anti-cancerous, uterine tonic, hormone balancing, sedative, anxiolytic, supportive in labor, may help with infertility in men
Contraindications: No known - depending upon the methyleugenol percentage, there may be some skin irritation in people with skin sensitivities
Rose otto
Turkish Rose
Latin name: Rose otto Family: Rosaceae Extraction: steam distillation of fresh flowers picked before 8 am, carefully controlled heat Note: Base Blending factor: 1
Three main constituents:
1) (-) - Citronellol
2) Nonadecane
3) Geraniol
Main applications/uses:
contraindications: none known - depending on methyleugenol percentage, there may be some skin irritation in people with skin sensitivities
Rosa Centifolia Rose Maroc French Rose Attar of Rose or Rose Absolute
Family: Rosaceae
Extraction: Solvent extraction form the fresh flowers
Note: Base
Blending factor: 1
Main chemical constituents:
1) 2 - Phenylethanol
2) (-) Citronellol
3) Geraniol
-refined liquid extraction of fragrant compounds from the fresh blossom
-absolute is a refinement of a concrete
-extracted from concretes with pure alcohol
-alcohol dissolved, absorbs fragrant material
waxes fats and other non-aromatic contents precipitate out and are removed by filtering
-alcohol removed by evaporation
-pure absolute left (concentration of aromatic compounds including essential oil constituents)
no known CI - methyleugenol percentage dictates skin sensitivity
Rose facts
3 main products:
1) Essential oil
- fresh flowers picked before 8 am and steam distilled with carefully watched heat
-Rose otto - two-stage distillation process, redistill the distilled water (cohobation), for higher yield, the two distills are combined
phenyl ethyl alcohol in rose otto almost exclusively from cohobation water
2) concrete
- rose petals agitated in vat with solvent
- draws out aromatic compounds and other soluble substances like wax and pigments
- vacuum processed to remove the solvent
- waxy substance that remains is the concrete
3) absolute
- concrete is mixed with alcohol
- alcohol dissolved the aromatic constituents, leaves behind wax and other substances
- alcohol low-pressure evaporated
- leaves behind finished absolute
- can be further processed to remove impurities
Latin name Family Extraction Note Blending factor Three Main chemical constituents Main application/uses Contraindications
Latin name: Santalum album Family: Santalaceae Extraction: steam distillation of roots and chipped heartwood - tree over 30 yrs old Note: Base Blending factor: 6
Three chemical constituents:
1) (Z) - a - Santalol (Sesquiterpenol)
2) (Z) - B- Santalol
3) E - B- Santalol
Main application/uses:
Astringent, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, cicatrisant, mucolytic, antiemetic, anti-diarrheal, carminative, circulatory stimulant, lymphatic stimulant, diuretic, adrenal tonic, anti-depressant, sedative, anxiolytic, headaches, drying to mucous membranes
no known precautions
Latin name:
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
Main applications/uses:
Latin name: Pseudotsuga menziesii
Family: Abietaceae aka Pinaceae
Extraction: steam, distillation of the twigs and buds 
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
High in monoterpenes 
Main applications/uses:
Contraindications: prone to oxidation 
Hemlock Spruce
Latin name:
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
Main applications/uses:
Latin name: Tsuga canadensis
aka Abies canadensis
Family: Abietaceae aka Pinaceae
Extraction: steamdistillation of the needles 
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
Very high in bornyl acetate (up to 43%)
High level of terpenes
Main applications/uses:
Therapeutic for muscle aches and pains, respiratory conditions, poor circulation, and as a relaxant 
Latin name:
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
Main applications/uses:
Latin name: Cedric’s atlantica
Family: Abietaeae or Pinaceae
Extraction: steam, distillation of the wood or sawdust
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
- An essential oil is composed of sesquiterpenes and alcohols
- But should be treated with caution as it contains approximately 20% of the ketone atlantone
Main applications/uses:
Ylang Ylang
Latin name:
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
Main applications/uses:
Conservation status:
Latin name: Cananga odorata
Family: Annonceae (contains only one species, Ylang ylang)
Extraction: steam distillation of the flower
Blending factor:
Three main constituents:
High content of alcohol (~50% linalool)
Main applications/uses: helpful in cases of hypertension, tachycardia, extreme anxiety, frustration (including sexual), and overwork
Conservation status: least concern