Module 5A Flashcards
Argument Construction and Refutation:
Argument construction often starts with attempting to refute someone else’s view, often using more elaborate methods than simple counterexamples.
Common Refutation Method:
One common and powerful method of refutation involving argument construction is reductio ad absurdum.
Reductio ad Absurdum:
Briefly described by Govier on pp. 248.
- An argumentative technique that aims to demonstrate the falsity of a proposition by showing that its logical consequence leads to an absurd or contradictory result.
- Reductio ad absurdum involves constructing a detailed argument to show that if a particular proposition were true, it would lead to absurd or contradictory conclusions.
Power of Reductio ad Absurdum:
A powerful technique that goes beyond simple counterexamples and aims to expose inherent contradictions or absurdities in a given viewpoint.
Argument by reductio relies on modus tollens and conditionalisation. The principle involves the following steps:
- P [prem.: provisional assumption]
- Q [prem.: any non-provisional assumptions, displayed as a conjunction]
- Q & P [2 & 1, conjunction]
- C [3, consequence of P and any other premisses Q]
- If Q & P, then C [3 & 4, conditionalisation]
- Not-C [obvious ex hypothesi]
- Not-(Q & P) [5 & 6, modus tollens]
- Not-Q or not-P [7, distributing the negation]
- Not-not-Q [2, double negation]
- Not-P [8 & 9, disjunctive syllogism]
Role of ‘P’ and ‘C’:
‘P’ indicates the statement targeted for refutation (the first provisional premiss).
‘C’ indicates any obviously false conclusion derived from conjoining P with other non-provisional assumption[s] (Q).
Unquestioned Truth of ‘Q’:
Truth of Q is unquestioned and meant to outweigh P in a choice between them.
A version of Revised Standard Form is used to display more information than in the notes Lecture 3A
Risk in Reductio ad Absurdum
Reductio ad absurdum carries the risk that if someone accepts P but admits that C is obviously false, they might reject P and attribute the issue to one or more other assumptions labeled as ‘Q.’
The proponent of the reductio offers Q as outweighing P, but this offer may be rejected.
Identifying the Cause of Trouble:
A reductio does not on its own indicate which premiss is the cause of the trouble.
Broad vs. Narrow Sense of ‘Reductio’:
The argument-form uses a broad sense of ‘reductio’ where the derived consequence C only needs to be obviously false.
In the narrow sense used by Govier, C must be an explicit contradiction.
An argument leading to an explicit contradiction is more conclusive than one leading to an ‘obviously false’ statement.
Explicit contradictions are universally rejected, while opinions may differ on statements labeled as ‘obviously false.’
Argumentum ad Hominem
Argumentum ad hominem refers to an argument that targets the person holding a particular view (‘P’) rather than addressing the view itself.
Relation to Reductio: Argumentum ad Hominem:
The presentation of argument by reductio as a strategy against a person holding a view connects it to argumentum ad hominem.
Ad Hominem Definition:
Ad hominem means ‘against the man,’ implying an attack on the person rather than engaging with the substance of their argument.
Dependency on Conditionalisation and Modus Tollens:
Ad hominem
Ad hominem arguments can depend on the moves of conditionalisation and modus tollens
Example in Plato’s Euthyphro:
Example: Sections 6D–9B of Plato’s Euthyphro contain a powerful ad hominem argument where Socrates demonstrates the inconsistency in Euthyphro’s action of prosecuting his father for impiety based on Euthyphro’s own definition of piety.
Consequence for Euthyphro:
The consequence for Euthyphro is that, if he cannot find an objection to Socrates’s argument and wants to be consistent, he must either abandon the prosecution, abandon his account of piety, or face prosecution himself.
Here is another powerful example:
Argumentum ad hominem
Foxhunting ought to be abolished; it is cruel to the victim and degrading to the participants.
A .
Foxhunting ought to be abolished; it is cruel to the victim and degrading to the participants.
B .
But you eat meat; and you never worry about whether the killing of the animals you eat is cruel to them and degrading to the butchers.
B’s argument, spelled out in somewhat non-standard form, goes as follows:
- Foxhunting is cruel to victim and degrading to participants [accepted by A]
- Killing of animals for food is not relevantly different from foxhunting [claim added by B]
- Both ought to be abolished [consistent with A’s original inference]
- If 1 and 2 are true, then 3 is true [conditionalisation]
- But A cannot accept 3 [since A eats meat]
- A cannot consistently accept 1 and 2 [4 & 5, by modus tollens]
****Assuming that A is moved by the requirement of consistency, this leaves him with a difficult choice
of responses:
- A must abandon 1;
- or show that 2 is false;
- or accept 3 and (presumably) stop eating
Not all ad hominem arguments are equally powerful. Here’s an example of a weaker one:
Example of a Weaker Ad Hominem:
Argument: Disregard Hegel’s views on women because of his unsatisfactory breast relationship with his mother, influencing his perspective on women throughout his life.
- Weakness of the Argument:
– The degree of support for this ad hominem argument is weak, and it lacks completeness. - Not Entirely Negligible:
– Despite its weak support, the argument is not entirely negligible. - Fair Warning:
– The argument, if its premises are true, provides fair warning that there might be issues with Hegel’s views on women. - Separating Rationality and Correctness:
– Acknowledges that even if Hegel’s views were irrationally formed, they could still be correct. The ad hominem doesn’t necessarily invalidate the correctness of the views but suggests caution due to potential biases.
Ad Hominem in Standard Logic Textbooks:
Standard logic textbooks categorize argumentum ad hominem as a fallacy to be avoided.
Variety in Ad Hominem Arguments:
Ad hominem covers a wide range of arguments with varying degrees of support.
Focus of Ad Hominem:
Ad hominem arguments don’t prove a specific statement false; instead, they attack something about a person.
Govier’s View on Ad Hominem:
Govier’s discussion (pp. 157–60) may suggest that she sees ad hominem as always fallacious, but upon closer examination, she acknowledges the diversity in ad hominem arguments.
Degrees of Support:
ad hominem arguments
Govier shares the view that some ad hominem arguments are good, while others are bad, similar to how the quality of arguments in other forms varies.
Circumstantial Ad Hominem:
Govier treats the circumstantial ad hominem as always fallacious, but this stance ignores the complexities revealed through examples like Euthyphro.
Questioning Govier’s Interpretation:
Ad Hominem:
When reading p. 158, questions arise about Govier’s interpretation of Lowe’s argument against Szasz’s theory.
Was Lowe arguing that Szasz’s theory is false, or was he making a different point?
Acknowledging Real Problems:
Govier’s stance on circumstantial ad hominem overlooks real problems concerning consistency, as evident in the Euthyphro example.
Criticism as an Argumentative Process:
Criticism, whether starting with specific argument forms or not, is fundamentally an argumentative process.
Response to Criticism:
Responding to criticism is also an argumentative process, implying that exercising critical skills involves constructive skills as well.
Constructive Arguments:
Even purely constructive arguments, when well-presented, should include anticipations of likely objections
Dialogue Nature of Arguments
An argument, even if conducted by a single individual, should effectively be a dialogue, considering potential objections and counterarguments.
Philosophical Arguments in Dialogue Form:
Famous philosophical arguments, especially those of Plato, are often presented in overt dialogue form, even if the dialogues may seem one-sided at times.
Starting Point for Constructing an Argument:
Often, the best starting point for constructing an argument is formulating the conclusion that seems most probable, defensible, attractive, or least implausible.
Flexibility in Conclusion Formulation:
Formulating the conclusion doesn’t necessarily mean making up your mind in advance; you are free to change your conclusion as you proceed.
Counterexamples and Conclusion Modification:
Immediate consideration of counterexamples may arise, prompting modification or abandonment of the initial conclusion.
Announcing the Conclusion:
In argument presentation, it’s advisable to announce the conclusion at the outset to provide clarity and direction.
Argumentation by Denying the Conclusion:
t’s possible to argue for a conclusion by denying it and then arguing against the denial, for example, through reductio ad absurdum
Argument Against Not-C as Argument For C:
An argument against not-C serves as an argument for C.
Next Stage of Construction: AFTER C
- List every reasonable and serious idea relevant to proving or disproving the conclusion.
- Data Gathering:
Gather data, including information from books or journals, as needed. - Divide and Classify:
Divide the ideas into considerations for and against the conclusion. - Argument Structures:
Identify argument structures (see Lecture 3A) that capture the relations these considerations have to the conclusion. - Numbering for Clarity:
Number considerations for easy reference and organization without constant rewriting. - Selection of Considerations:
Choose only considerations that provide strong support for the conclusion or its denial. - Clear Assembly of Considerations:
Assemble the remaining considerations to ensure a clear depiction of structures. - Argument Direction and Clarity:
Ensure clear depiction by structuring the argument logically, avoiding jumbled premises and conclusions. - Considerations as Premises:
Considerations that serve as premises must be acceptable, requiring thought about the intended audience and their perspectives. - Target Audience Consideration:
Consider the kind of person your argument aims to convince, especially if defending a theory against holders of rival theories.
Acceptable Premises:
Premises in your argument must be acceptable, requiring consideration of the intended audience, especially if defending a theory against holders of rival theories.
Consideration for Target Audience:
When constructing premises, think about the kind of person your argument is aimed at convincing, particularly relevant when defending a theory
Clear and Simple Language:
Present your argument using clear and simple language consistent with the subject matter.
Definition of Key Terms:
Define key terms if they are used in an unusual or technical sense, though it’s unnecessary if they are not.
Commonplace about Definitions:
The commonplace idea that arguments should begin with the definition of terms is considered false and pernicious.
Misuse of Definitions:
Misuse of this commonplace leads to decorating opening paragraphs with definitions that are then ignored in the continuation of the argument, a common fault in essays.
Obscurity in Definitions:
Often, definitions are more obscure than the terms being defined, and in philosophy, arguments may revolve around what the definition ought to be, making an initial definition question-begging.
Use of Examples for Clarity:
One or two well-chosen examples of a term’s use are better aids to clarifying meaning than most definitions.
Importance of Considering Opposition:
Careful consideration of the case for the opposition is crucial in argument construction, providing preparation for facing criticism and offering an opportunity to learn from it.
Learning from Opposition:
In a finished and systematic deployment of arguments, like an essay, clear and sympathetic presentation of the case for the opposition is crucial to demonstrate that your opponent fails even on their best case.
Consideration of Likely Objections:
Part of presenting the opposition involves considering the most likely objections to your own argument, promoting a thorough and well-rounded discussion.
Govier’s Discussion:
Govier’s discussion on pp. 109–11 provides sensible insights into the importance of presenting the case for the opposition and considering likely objections.
Consistency Requirement:
Consistency is a vital requirement for any argument, and an argument will be deficient if its conclusion is supported by mutually inconsistent premises
Two Types of Inconsistency:
Statements can be inconsistent in two ways:
- contradictories (either true or false) and
- contraries (cannot both be true but may both be false).
Example of Contraries:
Contraries may both be false, like ‘All cats eat fish’ and ‘Some cats will eat only Smarties.’
Consistency in Presenting Both Sides:
Presenting both sides of an argument is not inconsistent; inconsistency arises when this is done without realization.
“Ad hominem arguments are all fallacious.”
“The proper way to begin a serious argument is by first defining your terms.”
- refutation
AND - proof
Reductio ad absurdum can be used as a method of both proof and refutation.
How should you begin an argument by reductio?
Take the statement you aim to argue against and make it your first premise
If two statements are related in such a way that they can’t both be true but can both be false, then they are known as
If two statements are related in such a way that they can’t both be true and can’t both be false, then they are known as
Which of the following principles and methods are standardly involved in constructing an argument by reductio?
- disjunctive syllogism
- conditionalisation
- modus tollens
- double negation
- distribution
- Hypothetical Syllogism and modus ponens are not standardly used in constructing arguments by reductio.
- All of the other techniques listed are standardly used in constructing arguments by reductio.
Narrow reductio & broad reductio:
In this narrow sense, the argument works by
producing a recognisable contradiction.
In the broad sense, an argument by reductio produces a consequence that is thought to be absurd because obviously false.
Such a consequence need not be a contradiction,
just something that the arguer supposes no one would believe
General structure of a reductio argument
aiming to show that Not-P is true..
- P [prem.: provisional assumption
- C [1 (some consequence of P)]
- If P, then C [1 & 2, conditionalisation]
- Not-C [obvious ex hypothesi]
- Not-P [3 & 4, modus tollens]
You must remember that, in practice, all the difficulty will come in getting from P to C.
There may be several steps needed to derive it, and
probably some auxiliary premises too, so that in a real case it probably wouldnʼt be step
At a Philosophy Department meeting, a motion is passed if at
least 50% of those present vote in favour of it, and is not
passed if at least 50% of those present vote against it.
- At a Philosophy Department meeting, a motion is passed if at least
50% of those present are in favour of it, AND is not passed if at least 50% of those present are against it [prem.; provisional
assumption] - It is possible that at a Philosophy Department meeting, exactly 50% of those present vote in favour of a motion and exactly 50% vote against it. [prem.; non-provisional
assumption] - 1 & 2 [1, 2 conjunction]
- It is possible that, at a Philosophy Department meeting, the same motion should be both passed and not passed.
[3] - If 1 & 2 are both true, then it is possible that, at a Philosophy Department meeting, the same motion should be both passed and not passed.
[3, 4 conditionalisation]
6. It is not possible that, at a Philosophy Department meeting, the same motion should be both passed and not passed.
[obvious; 4
involves a contradiction]
- It is not the case that, both 1 & 2 are true. [5, 6 modus tollens]
- Either 1 is not true or 2 is not true. [7 distributing the negation]
- It is not the case that 2 is not true. [2 double negation]
- 1 is not true. [8,9 disjunctive syllogism]
- Rocks lack weight (prem, provisional assumption)
- Things that lack weight float in the air (prem, scientific knowledge)
- Rocks float in the air (1 & 2, linked)
- If 1&2 are true, then 3 is true (conditionalization)
- 3 is false (common observation)
- (1&2) is false (4, 5, MT)
- Either 1 is false or 2 is false (Distribution)
- It is not the case that 2 is false (2, double negation)
- 1 is false (7, 8, Disjunctive Syllogism)