Module 5 Testing For The EFL/ESL Student Flashcards
List 4 types of test students take to demonstrate English proficiency
TOEFL test of English as foreign language
TOEIC test of English for International communication
MET Michigan English test
IELTS International English language testing system.
What is a placement test
A placement test is used to determine the general language skills of a student’s that a school has a basis for determining the initial class level for that student.
Describe the university I Michigan placement test.
It has 4 sections. 20 listenin questions, 30 grammar) 30 vocabulary, and 20 readin questions. One must beable to read to take this exam.
Describe the Basic English skills test
Develop by the center for applied linguistics to evaluate listening, speaking, and writing skills of limited_ English is popular with programs that serve refugees & immigrants.
Describe the institutional TOEFL
, A paper version of the TOEFL contains recycled information from past international TOEFL test. Its scores are therefore only valid for internal use by the school that administers the test it is more appropriate for students an academic preparation programs. I eat those students who have attained at least a B1 CEFR level and are preparing to enter colleges and universities in English speaking countries.
True or false English teaching textbooks often produce accompanying placement test
What are the most common English proficiency test?
True or false if student’s marks are based on these test. It is the teachers responsibility to coordinate his teaching with the Contant of the examination. For example, if the final exam comes from a textbook publisher, the teacher should verify that all teaching points in that textbook are covered during the timetable of his course.
What constitutes a test?
Anytime, a teacher assesses a students performance a test is taking place example of matching game an oral report and a role-play can be used to assess the fulfillment of learning objective, so they can be considered test
What are the two broad categories of testing?
Discrete point questions, and integrative assessments
What is the difference between discrete point questions and integrative assessments
Discrete point questions have one correct answer well integrative language questions may require more subjective judgment about whether competence has been demonstrated
What three factors are used to choose the best way to assess students
1 ease of giving and marking the assessment
2 type of skill being assessed, i.e., reading comprehension versus oral report
3 breath of information we want the assessment to provide
List, examples of discrete point language questions
- Yes, no comprehension questions
2 true false questions
3 sentences made of scrambled words that must be unscramble to make sentences
4 multiple choice, questions, and a 
What is a cloze exercise?
This assessment takes a long passage from a text and then removes every fifth or 10th word learners attempt to complete the passage. The ease or difficulty of this task can help teachers assess whether the reading level of the text is it appropriate for these learners
A ____ ____ is often used to mark integrative assessments
Scoring rubric
Why is testing important for students?
- Testing provides confirmation of student learning.
- Students can see their individual, strong points and weak points in English.
3 students have an opportunity to review material when discussing the results
4 students feel that they are part of a professional program with regular testing rather than part of an in formal program when there is little or no testing
5 students to see consistent evidence of progress through testing will usually feel more content with their program
Why is testing important for teachers?
1 test results can be a good indicator of a teacher’s effectiveness
2 teachers will know what areas will need further reinforcement for their students to learn effectively
What makes a good test
1 the test is fair: including only material that was covered in class
2 the test is announced so students have time to prepare
3 the test serves the purpose for which it was created
4 test is manageable in length and difficulty so that the teacher returned the results in an appropriate amount of time
5 the test results are useful to everyone who sees them students other teachers administrators, parents, and employers
List forms of integrated assessments
Portfolios, self assessment, and Peer assessment