Module 1 The Roles Of The Teacher And Learner And Language Teaching methodology Flashcards
List objectives of Module 1
analyze the personal characteristics and habits of successful teachers in learners
Identify the characteristics of effective classroom instructions and strategies for checking instructions
Categorize the roles played by teachers in a language classroom, such as organizer and facilitator
Establish some preliminary recommendations for effective teaching strategies
Categorize, historic and current language, instructional methodologies, such as communicative language, teaching, audio lingual method, and the direct method 
List the teaching roles within the classroom
 The explainer lecture role
The counselor facilitator role
The organizer role
The planner role-the prepared teacher
Role model
Assessor role
Define explainer/lecturer role
Define: the explainer/lecturer role
The traditional model of teaching, where the teacher explained the grammar and structure of language, with little chance for students to practice.
Define: the counselor/facilitator role
In the counselor/facilitator role, the teacher encourages the learner to be independent and practice self learning. Examples: how do use self access centers, media labs.
They teach students that learning never stops.
Why is the counselor facilitator role vital?
Individual students have their own individual needs and unique problems in learning. The teacher reviews what is effective for the learner, and enables each one to take initiative in his own learning, and fill in the gaps that can exist in what students are taught in the classroom.
List 4 tips for effective teaching
Questions! Do not ask questions, unless you have taught the students how to answer them.
Vocabulary! Never teach new vocabulary of drastically different difficulty levels , or present too much vocabulary at one time
Circle back. Never abandon the topic when students do not understand it . Come back to it, review it and incorporate it into other lessons until students do understand.
Interconnected. Let the students know that lessons are connected, that they are not randomly, jumping from point to point
List tips for effective teaching (short answer).
Be thorough
Be prepared
Be enthusiastic about your students work
Learn to anticipate
Praise, but don’t patronize
Stress continuity
Use visual aids
Check comprehension
Keep it interesting
What is TTT?
Teacher talk time it should not dominate find ways to facilitate students practice, speaking while you monitor guide and clarify
What is echoing?
When your students answer a question, and you repeat the response, don’t do that
Should you help students by completing their sentences?
No be patient and allow students enough time to think and respond.
What is one pitfall to avoid in order to best manage the classroom?
Avoid being insufficiently authoritative, or overly polite
List nine teaching pitfalls to avoid. short answers only
Over helping
Working with best students, and not involving reluctant students
Not listening to your students
Failure to check comprehension of instructions
Fear of genuine
Running commentary
Weak rapport
List the qualities of a good learner
Accepts correction from others to benefit the learning process
tries different learning strategies
ask questions
study habits
self learning
experiments and takes risks
listening skills
Define a visual learner
Visual learners tend to think in pictures
Define auditory learners
Auditory learners, often learn best through, listening to discussions and lectures
Kinesthetic learners
Kinesthetic learners usually find the active experiences booster comprehension
How should one think about the relationship between the teacher and the learner?
The role between the teacher and the learner is not a segregated role. It is best understood as a symbiotic relationship that is continuously changing and growing through their interaction as a teacher and learner.
List, the eight teaching methodologies discussed in module 1.4.
Grammar Translation
Direct method
Audio lingual method
Communicative language teaching CLT
Total physical response TPR
The silent Way
An eclectic approach
Define grammar translation, teaching method
This is a traditional method that is teacher centered. It explains most of the lesson in the students native language students may only do some exercises in the target language and much time is spent on translating passages. Back-and-forth little attention is given to speaking and listening, and almost none to pronunciation. Students usually cannot produce spoken language on their own.
Define direct method of teaching
This method permitted new translation in class and all teaching is done in the target language there’s a D emphasis of grammar in the second language classroom, and instead the emphasis on speaking, this is a student centered class in theory the student is to learn as naturally as a child, would it is sometimes called the natural approach. Learning a language is equated with habit formation teachers correct mistakes as they occur with praise used to reinforce correct usage of the language.
Define audio lingual method
This method was designed in response to research done by behaviorist during World War II and it was popular through the 1970s. It emphasize the primacy of oral drill work to make students‘s responses to teachers questions and drills automatic praise was given for correct responses and punishment or negative comments, given for incorrect responses until the student could produce the correct form.
Define communicative language, teaching, or CLT
This is the most popular approach today. It emphasizes the language learners ability to communicate in real social context to just making request excepting offers explaining things, expressing, preferences, etc.. This approach stresses learning language through real world task, assignments, and problem-solving at times let it is less concerned with accuracy than fluency, it does not stress, teaching grammar, and isolation but it does de emphasize painstaking error correction.
Define total physical response or TPR
This is a teaching methodology that is a humanistic approach to second language acquisition in this approach students respond to instructions, and then later tell stories with appropriate physical responses, such as miming the meaning of the language by acting out language, it is thought that students interpret meaning through physical response, rather than intellectual analysis it is recommended that TPR be used in conjunction with other approaches since it is considered inadequate alone, but it does appeal to beginners
What is the silent Way?
I humanistic approach to second language acquisition that takes into consideration students feelings, as well as their reasoning to learn language. This focuses this on the students doing the majority of the speaking, while the teacher remains silent the teacher uses mime gesture and manipulatives to to communicate with his students. One advantage is that this reduces teacher talk time.
What is the suggestopedia language learning method?
This is a humanistic approach that emphasizes the learning environment music, yoga, and meditation are used to aid, relaxation of students proponents claim that when students are in a relaxed state is allows them to come as open to suggestion as children are in a new language, aiding rapid learning
Define eclectic approach to teaching methodologies
This is the way most teachers teach they may select different teaching methods according to the different outcomes to be achieved.
List the goals of module, one, covering the rolls and characteristics of successful teachers and learners and current instructional methodologies
Analyzing the personal characteristics of habit of successful teachers and learners
Categorizing the roles played by teachers in the language classroom, such as organizer and facilitator
Establishing some preliminary recommendations for effective teaching strategies
Categorizing, historic and current language, instructional methodologies, such as CLT, the audio lingual method, and the direct method
List the objectives for module, two classroom management
Describe possible adaptations of the classroom environment to suit learning activities
Identify the characteristics of effective classroom instruction and strategies for checking for instructions
Summarize the benefits of listing information from students rather than encouraging them to receive information passively
Give examples of strategies for affectively promoting students and or listing information from them
Analyze and categorize errors, and explain their usefulness and learning and teaching
Indicate some of the advantages and disadvantages of using textbooks
Describe some specific techniques to manage classrooms as effective workplaces for students and teachers