Module 5 Practicals Flashcards

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Determine the specific heat capacity of a material
- Method (5)
- Graphs and Calculations (4)
- Safety (1)
- Validity (2)

  • Measure the mass of the aluminium block using a balance
  • Place a thermometer and an immersion heater into the aluminium block and connect the immersion heater to a circuit containing a power supply, an ammeter and a voltmeter
  • Before switching on the power supply, record the temperature of the aluminium block
  • Switch on the power supply and simultaneously start a stopwatch
  • Record the voltage, the current and the temperature of the block every 30s for 5 minutes
  • Calculate the power at each interval using P = IV
  • Calculate the work done at each internal using W = Pt (where t = 30s)
  • Plot a graph of cumulative work done against temperature
    • Line of best fit should be a straight line through the origin
    • E = mcΔθ (y=mx)
  • Divide gradient by mass of block to find specific heat capacity
  • The immersion heater can get very hot
  • Insulate the aluminium block to reduce heat loss
  • A greater range of temperatures will reduce the percentage uncertainty
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Determine the Specific Latent Heat of Fusion
- Method (5)
- Graphs and Calculations (3)

  • Place a known mass of ice into two funnels, above two beakers
  • Place an electric heater in each funnel, connecting one heater to a power supply, whilst leaving the other with no power source
  • Determine the power of the power supply using P = IV
  • Switch on the heater in the first funnel and switch it off after 15 mins
  • Measure the mass of the water in each beaker
  • L = E/Δm
  • Δm = mass of water in first beaker - mass of water in second beaker
  • (difference in masses is equal to the mass of water that has been melted due to electrical energy input)
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Investigating the relationship between pressure and volume
- Method (4)
- Graphs and Calculations (1)
- Safety (3)
- Validity (2)

  • Attach a pressure gauge to a valve (connected to a foot pump) and connect this to an air column that contains oil
  • Start with the valve open and pump up the apparatus to a high pressure and close the valve
  • Record the volume of air and the pressure value
  • Repeatedly release the valve slowly to reach the next data point and record the data
  • Plot a graph of 1/volume against pressure
  • Wear eye protection
  • Do not exceed the maximum pressure
  • Watch for any leaks that may eject oil
  • Wait a couple of minutes before taking readings as compressing the air warm it up slightly, so the gas must cool to room temperature before measurements are taken
  • Release the valve slowly to ensure the temperature remains constant as gas cools as it expands
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Estimate a value for absolute zero from gas pressure and volume
- Method for Volume (3)
- Method for Pressure (3)
- Rest of Method (4)
- Graphs and Calculations (1)
- Safety (2)
- Validity (1)

  • Seal a capillary tube, containing a sample of air trapped by a small amount of sulphuric acid, at one end
  • Attach a 30cm ruler to the capillary tube using elastic bands
  • Place the capillary tube into a large beaker full of boiling water, with the open end facing upwards
  • Place a bung with connective tubing into the neck of a flask, making sure it is tight
  • Attach a connective tubing to the bourdon gauge
  • Place the flask into a large beaker of boiling water
  • Measure the temperature of the water using a thermometer
  • Record the length of the air sample as indicated by the ruler/pressure on the bourdon gauge
  • Decrease the temperature of the water by adding ice
  • Continuously record the temperature and length of air sample/pressure at regular intervals until the water reaches room temperature
  • Plot a graph of length/pressure against temperature
    • L/p = mθ + c
    • X intercept = absolute zero
  • Take care when handling boiling water
  • Handle capillary tube carefully as sulphuric acid is corrosive
  • Ensure the ruler is attached so that the 0cm mark is at the very start of the length of air sample
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Investigating the relationship between pressure and volume
- Method (7)
- Graphs and Calculations (4)
- Safety (2)
- Validity (2)

  • Take the plunger out of a syringe and measure the syringe’s internal diameter using a vernier calliper
  • Place the plunger back in the syringe and draw in 5 cm3 of air
  • Place tubing over the syringe nozzle and pinch it shut using a clip
  • Set up a clamp stand and attach the syringe to it so the plunger is pointing downwards
  • Attach a string to the end of the plunger, leaving a loop
  • Attach a 100g mass holder to this loop and record the volume of air in the syringe
  • Keep adding masses and recording the volume until enough readings taken
  • Calculate the cross sectional area of the syringe
  • Calculate the force exerted by each mass at each recording
  • Calculate the pressure exerted on the gas at each recording using P = F/A
  • Plot a graph of 1/volume against pressure
  • Be careful if masses drop
  • Use counterweight on clamp stand
  • Make sure the pinch is as close to the nozzle as possible
  • Subtract value for atmospheric pressure from each pressure reading
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Estimating the work done by a gas as its temperature increases
- Method (2)
- Graphs and Calculations (5)
- Safety (2)

  • Same as for Estimate a Value for Absolute Zero: for Volume
  • Measure the internal diameter of the capillary tube using a vernier calliper
  • Calculate cross sectional area of capillary tube
  • Calculate volume of air sample at each length using V = LA
  • Plot a graph of volume against temperature
  • Work done = pΔV where p = atmospheric pressure, so Work done ∝ ΔV
  • Therefore (from graph) as temp increases, work done on gas also increases
  • Take care when handling boiling water
  • Handle capillary tube carefully as sulphuric acid is corrosive
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Investigate Circular Motion Using a Whirling Bung
- Method (5)
- Graphs and Calculations (2)
- Safety (2)

  • Tie one end of a string to a rubber bung and attach a weight to the other end of the string
  • Mark the point where you will hold the string and measure the length of the string that will spin around (the radius)
  • Whirl the bung in a horizontal circle at a constant speed to ensure the radius stays constant
  • Measure the time for 10 revolutions
  • Repeat the experiment by adding different weights but keeping the radius constant
  • Calculate the speed of the bung, using v = distance/time (v = 20πr/t)
  • Plot a graph of force (weight) against v2
    • Gradient = m/r
    • Multiply gradient by r to find mass of bung
  • Wear eye protection
  • Conduct in an open space
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Investigate the factors affecting simple harmonic motion
- Method for Simple Pendulum (7)
- Method for Mass Spring System (6)
- Graphs and Calculations (3)
- Safety (3)
- Validity (2)

  • Attach a ball bearing to a string and attach this to a clamp stand
  • Adjust the length of the string until it is 1m
  • Wait until the bob stops moving completely and place a fiducial marker directly underneath it
  • Pull the pendulum slightly and release it
  • As the pendulum passes the marker, start the stopwatch and time 10 full oscillations
  • Repeat this twice more and calculate a mean time
  • Repeat the whole experiment, reducing the length of the string by a fixed amount each time
  • Attach a spring to a clamp stand and attach a mass holder to the spring
  • Wait until the spring stops moving completely and place a fiducial marker directly opposite it
  • Pull the spring down slightly and release it
  • As the bottom of the mass holder passes the marker, start the stopwatch and time 10 full oscillations
  • Repeat this twice more and calculate a mean time
  • Repeat the whole experiment, adding mass by a fixed amount each time
  • Divide the mean time to get time period
  • Simple Pendulum: Plot a graph of T2 against I
    • T^2 = (4π2/g) L
  • Mass Spring System: Plot a graph of T2 against m
    • T^2 = (4π2/k) m
  • Be careful about masses dropping
  • Place a counterweight on the clamp stand
  • Wear eye protection when using springs
  • Using a fiducial marker reduces uncertainty in timing
  • Make sure the angle of oscillation is small (<10°)
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Observing Damped Oscillations
- Method (7)
- Graphs and Calculations (3)
- Safety (3)
- Validity (4)

  • Attach a spring to a clamp stand and attach a 500g mass to the spring
  • Fix a ruler to the clamp stand
  • Wait until the spring stops moving completely and place a fiducial marker directly opposite it
  • Pull the spring down slightly and release it
  • As the bottom of the mass holder passes the marker, start the stopwatch and time 10 full oscillations
  • Pull the spring down slightly and release it again, recording the amplitude the spring is pulled to
  • Measure the maximum amplitude of the spring at the start of every oscillation for at least 10 oscillations
  • Divide mean time by 10 to get time period
  • Calculate frequency of oscillations using f = 1/T
  • Plot a graph of maximum amplitude against number of oscillations
    • Line of best fit should be an exponential decay curve
  • Be careful about masses dropping
  • Place a counterweight on the clamp stand
  • Wear eye protection when using springs
  • Repeat measuring amplitude three time and calculate mean values for maximum amplitude at each oscillation
  • Use a sensor to more accurately record amplitudes
  • Using a larger mass increased the time period, making measurements easier
  • Read at right angles to the ruler to avoid parallax error
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Observing Forced Oscillations
- Method (7)
- Graphs and Calculations (2)
- Safety (2)

  • Attach a vibration generator from a clamp stand and hang a spring directly below
  • Attach a mass to the spring
  • Place a position sensor directly beneath the spring set up
  • Wait until the spring stops completely, then measure the distance from the bottom of the mass to the sensor
  • Turn on the signal generator and set it to a frequency lower than the natural frequency
  • Using the position sensor, record the maximum amplitude of the oscillations above its equilibrium
  • Repeat the step above, increasing the frequency by 10Hz each time
  • Plot a graph of maximum amplitude against frequency
  • Resonant frequency = frequency when max amplitude reaches its peak
  • Be careful about masses dropping
  • Place a counterweight on the clamp stand
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