Module 5 - Detailed Sections of Astrophysics Flashcards
Nebula (process) (3)
- over time, dust and gas in a nebula will slowly come together to form denser and denser clumps of matter
- due to the gravitational attraction between individual atoms
- this inward movement of material is called gravitational collapse
Protostar (process) (4)
- as more and more matter is pulled together, work is done on the particles of dust and gas by collisions
- leads to an increase in the particles’ kinetic energy
- leads to an increase in temperature (some denser areas of gas become hot enough to glow)
- this large core of material is called a protostar
Main Sequence Star (process) (8)
- the protostar’s gravitational field continues to attract more and more matter until the temperature and pressure becomes much greater
- the hydrogen nuclei in the core then undergo nuclear fusion
- 4 protons –> 1 helium-4 nucleus, 2 neutrinos, 2 positrons, 2 gamma ray photons (enormous amounts of energy released)
- the momentum of photons released leads to an outwards acting force called radiation pressure
- there is also a force acting outwards due to - the pressure caused by the kinetic energy of the gas atoms
- in a star of stable size, the radiation pressure and gas pressure are in equilibrium with the gravitational force acting inwards
- the star is then a main sequence star, where it will remain for the majority of its life
- star is stable and continues to convert hydrogen into helium through fusion in its core
Red Giant (process) (6)
- when most of hydrogen nuclei present in the core has been fused, fusion will slow and eventually stop
- the outwards radiation pressure decreases
- the forces are no longer in equilibrium
- the core collapses as it compresses under the weight of the star
- leads to an increase in temperature high enough for shell hydrogen burning and core helium burning (fusing)
- outer layers expand and cool, forming a red giant
Planetary Nebula (process) (5)
- core helium burning releases massive amounts of energy causing the radiation pressure to increase, balancing the forces
- when helium in the core runs out, core contracts again
- this produced temperatures high enough to undergo shell helium burning
- the carbon-oxygen core is not hot enough to fuse heavier elements so star becomes unstable and collapses again
- outer layers of gas are ejected back into space forming a planetary nebula
White Dwarf (process) (3)
- after a planetary nebula, a solid core is left behind
- core continues to collapse under its own mass until it can collapse no further
- left is a very hot, dense remnant of a low mass star (a white dwarf)
Black Dwarf (process) (4)
- nuclear fusion stops since only heavy elements remain (e.g. C, O)
- star continues to radiate energy as the photons from past fusion reactions leak away
- star gradually cools down so its surface temperature is just a few K
- is then classed as a black dwarf
Red Super Giant (process) (2)
- follows same process as red giants but are much brighter
- shell burning and core burning forms heavier and heavier elements, so that eventually an iron core is formed
Supernova (process) (6)
- once iron core forms, it becomes unstable and begins to collapse as no more fusion reactions can occur
- during collapse, the immense gravitational pressure forces protons and electrons in the iron to combine to become neutrons
- this releases huge amounts of energy
- outer layers fall inwards and rebound off core causing shock waves
- shock waves cause an explosive blowing out of the outer shell (a supernova)
- this generates temperatures high enough to fuse heavy nuclei with neutrons to form all known elements beyond iron
Neutron Star (process) (3)
- if star has a core with mass greater than Chandrasekhar limit,
- collapsed neutron core remains intact after supernova explosion (neutron star)
- neutron stars are very small and extremely dense
Black Hole (process) (4)
- is neutron core mass is > 3MSun,
- the pressure on the core becomes so great the core collapses even further into a singularity
- gravitational forces are so strong, the escape velocity of the core is greater than speed of light
- photons (light) is unable to escape the black hole
The Chandrasekhar Limit (5)
- the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star
- 1.4MSun
- if the mass of a red super giant core is less than limit, star will remain a white dwarf
- if the mass of a red super giant core is more than limit, electron degeneracy pressure will not be sufficient to support the core
- it will undergo gravitational collapse leading to a supernova
The Cosmological Principle
On a large scale the universe is uniform meaning it is:
- isotropic: the same in all directions to every observer
- homogeneous: of uniform density as long as a large enough volume is considered
- subject everywhere to the same physical laws and models that apply on Earth
Evidence To Support the Big Bang Theory (2)
Hubble’s Law shows the universe is expanding
- if the universe is expanding, there must have been a singularity from where it started expanding
Microwave Background Radiation provides evidence the Universe has expanded from a single point and cooled significantly over time
- with Big Bang, no microwave background radiation
- if universe was younger than 13.7 billion years, temperature would be higher than 2.7K
- since temperature of radiation is mostly uniform, implies all objects in Universe are uniformly spread out
The Evolution of the Universe (13)
- started as a singularity
- the Big Bang happened
- in <1s: the 4 fundamental forces originated
- in first 100s:
- matter formed: all fundamental particles (quarks and leptons), photons
- quarks formed (anti) protons and (anti) neutrons (1x10^-4s)
- more matter present (which will leave a matter dominated universe)
- matter and antimatter annihilate producing lots of gamma photons (cosmic background radiation)
- protons cool enough to undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei (no atoms yet)
- 300,000 years: electrons combine with protons and neutrons to form atoms
- 1 million years: galaxies begin to form
- 11 billion years: solar system and Sun are formed
- 13.7 billion years: life on Earth
Evidence for Dark Matter (9)
- astronomers expect to observe the velocity of an object within a galaxy decrease as it moves away from galaxy’s centre
- since the gravitational field strength would weaken as it moves away
- observed in smaller mass systems
- not observed in larger mass systems (e.g. entire galaxies)
- shows mass is not concentrated at the centre of galaxies but is spread out
- however all observable mass is in the centre
- therefore there must be another type of matter that can’t be observed - dark matter
- predictions from Big Bang model of ratio of protons and neutrons formed in Early Universe agree very well with present H and He levels in the universe
- suggests dark matter not likely to be made up of ordinary matter
Evidence for Dark Energy (4)
- used to try to explain the accelerating expansion
- astronomers found the acceleration of the universe was increasing and has been for the past 10 billion years
- therefore a material with a gravitational repulsive effect needs to be present
- would also need to exert a negative pressure