Module 4 Hydration And Fibre Flashcards
Hydration and what are crucially linked
Blood pressure
Water in the body can be in one of two compartments what are they
Intracellular and extracellular
Intracellular is held where
Within cell membranes
Extracellular is held where
Outside cell membranes
Plasma volume is the amount of what held in your blood
As your plasma volume increases so does your what
2 answers
Blood pressure
Blood volume
Too much extracellular water can cause what
Water retention
Sodium and potassium are both what
Inorganic molecules and they carry a positive charge
Because of the electric charge potassium and sodium carry they are referred to as what
In osmosis what two inorganic molecules can freely pass a cell membrane
Potassium and sodium
What happens to a cell if the osmosis press isn’t kept equal
Explode or shrink because of water-rushing in or out
Water leaves the plasma and enters the interstitial fluid via what
Capillary beds
Vasopressin also know as
Antidiurectic hormone = adh
What is the gland called in your brain which releases antidiurectic hormone Adh
In order for Adh (vasopressin)to be released an increase in what must be detected
Not enough water
Adh (vasopressin)constantly regulates and balances the amount of what in your blood
Angiotensinogen is an enzyme produced by ?then when renin is released to activate it, it is the converted to what?
Then it is converted to what in the lungs
The liver
Angiotensin 1
Angiotensin 2
The body tightly controls its water balance and blood pressure via the what?
Which are controlled by
RAAS renin angiotensin Aldosterone System
RAAS (renin angiotensin aldosterone system)is what and what does it do
Is a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance
How much percent of body water is held in intracellular
How much percent of water is held extracellular
Sodium potassium pumps are small what
What is functional fibre
Extracted from starchy foods or manufactured fibres that’s are added to foods used in supplements etc
What does resistance starch do
Resist digestion
List the different forms of resistant starch
Rs1 2 3 4
Fibre can be described as what
An indigestible carbohydrate
What does our body lack to break down fibre
What does soluble fibre form when eaten
A thick gloopy paste that adds bulk and water to stool
In what foods is soluble fibre found
Flesh of fruit and vegetables
When eaten soluble fibre the extra bulk aids in doing what
4 answers
Stretching the GI muscles
Stimulating contractions required to pass stool
Steady transit time allowing reabsorption of certain nutrients
It stimulates digestive juices to break down food
What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fibre
Insoluble cannot be absorbed in water
Insoluble fibre foods
Husks of whole grains
Skins of fruit and veg
Nuts and seeds
You get a slower gastric emptying time when eaten what fibre
The fermentation process in your colon produces what acids
Butyrate acetate proportionate
When are short chain fatty acids produced
When fibre is fermented in the colon
What type of foods encourage the production of scfa
Fibre foods
Which type of short chain fatty acids is good for Crohns
Name the 10 different forms of fibre
Psyllium Cellulose Hemicellulose Ploy dextrose and polyols Resistance starch Beta glucans Fructans (inulin oligofructose fructooligosaccharides Pectin Gums Lignin
Short chain fatty acids are absorbed into where
The intestinal walls
What are the benefits of short chain fatty acids
Alters ph balance making it more acidic. This causes bile to become more soluble and deactivates certain enzymes which are responsible for altering bile acids from there primary source to more harmful secondary form.
In short scfa can reduce secondary bile acid forming
Secondary bile is associated with colon cancer
What percentage of water do babies have
What percentage of water do adults have
Slightly less in the elderly
Each kidney has a range of how many nephrons
1 to 1 half million
How much percentage of blood is pumped from the heart to the kidneys
How many mls of blood is filtered through the kidneys per minute
And per day
130 ml
Or 187 litres per day
Hypertension is
Very high blood pressure
The most important effect of anti diuretic hormone is
Conserves body water by stopping the amount urined out
Adh promotes the kidneys to do what
Reabsorb water into the body and blood instead of being excreted
The angiotensin aldosterone system job is to
Control sodium levels
Aldosterone stimulates the ——- to increase sodium————
Fermentable fibres act as a
What is a prebiotic
Something that promotes growth and diversity of gut microflora
What is the UK recommend intake fibre for over 17year olds