Right or Left Medial Scapula Technique
SCP - Dorsal Scapula
CP - heel of INFERIOR hand
ST - opposite side of horse high enough to obtain correct LOC
STAB - have an assistant lift the affected leg into flexion without putting tension into the scapular muscles
LOC - PA IS ML along the spine of the scapula toward the point of the shoulder
Right or Left Lateral Scapula
SCP - the caudal aspect of the metacarpal bone and radius
CP - hold the metacarpal bone in both hands with the wrists crossed, INFERIOR ON TOP OF SuPERIOR. Forearm of the inferior arm contacts the radius. Pull flexed leg slightly superior and step toward the front of the horse to establish the correct LOC
ST - next to and facing the horse on the side of the listing in a slight squatting posture
STAB - an assistant may need to stand on the opposite side to keep horse from moving away
LOC - AP SI LM along the spine of the scapula
Right or Left Anterior Humerus
SCP - anterior aspect of the greater tubercle of the humerus
CP - heel of SUPERIOR (inside) hand
ST - in front facing the horse near the shoulder on the side of the listing. Grasp lower leg above the knee at the distal ulna with the inferior (outside) hand and raise it to a neutral position
STAB - inherent in standing horse
Right or Left Lateral Humerus Technique
SCP - lateral aspect of the greater tubercle of the humerus
CP - heel of INFERIOR (OUTSIDE) hand
ST - near the shoulder on the side of the listing facing the rear of the horse. Grasp lower leg above the knee at the distal ulna with the superior (inside) hand
STAB - inherent in standing horse
LOC - LM, perpendicular to humerus
Right or Left Elbow Traction
SCP - cubital fossa
CP - place INFERIOR (OUTSIDE) forearm in the cubital fossa
ST - at the shoulder of the horse on the side of the subluxation. Use superior (inside) hand to flex leg around adjuster’s forearm using the distal ulna
STAB - inherent in standing horse
LOC - open the joint. Repeat 3-5 times
Equine olecranon adn radius fuse at
3.5 years of age
prior to 3.5 years of age you may need to use ___ to adjust radius and ulna
separate segmental contact points
Right or Left Medial Radius/Ulna
SCP - medial caudal aspect of the olecranon
CP - cupped fingers of the INFERIOR (OUTSIDE) hand
ST - at the shoulder facing the rear of the horse on the side of subluxation
STAB - support the forearm with the superior hand BEHIND the cannon bone and radius keeping the forearm parallel to the ground
LOC - PULL ML perpendicular to the joint
Right or Left Lateral Radius/Ulna Technique
SCP - Lateral ascpect of the radial head
CP - heel of INFERIOR (OUTSIDE) hand
ST - at the shoulder facing the rear of the horse on the side of subluxation
STAB - support the forearm with the superior hand BETWEEN the cannon bone and radius keeping the forearm parallel to the ground
LOC - PUSH LM perpendicular to the joint
The carpus of the horse consists of
two rows of carpal bones
In full extension the carpals
lock as part of the stay apparatus
In flexion the carpals
separate and move forward
The accessory carpal glides
distal and proximal as well as lateral and medial
Anterior Carpal Technique
SCP - Anterior surface of the individual carpal bone, one at a time
CP - Both thumbs, one on top of the other
ST - in front of and facing the horse. Lift the lower leg and place it between the knees of the adjustor. Knee and shoulder of the horse should be extended
STAB - inherent in standing horse
LOC - AP relative to the knee joint with slight ML for radial carpal and 2nd carpal, slight LM for ulnar carpal and 4th carpal
alternate anterior carpal use inferior hand to hold and superior guarded thumb - if they want their foot let them have it and then try again
Right or Left Carpal Traction
SCP - Posterior surface of the knee joint
CP - place MEDIAL (INSIDE) forearm behind the knee
ST - facing the horse on the side of the involved leg
STAB - grasp distal cannon bone with opposite (lateral) hand
LOC - flex the knee around the forearm of the adjuster to open the carpal joints
jumpers or horses with lots of adhesions in knee
Carpal Traction
Accessory Carpal Technique
SCP - accessory carpal bone
CP - lift leg by grasping below the fetlock and flex theknee. Motion palpate to determine the presence andnn direction of the subluxation. The adjsuting arm is the OUTSIDE (LATERAL) arm
ST - In front of and facing the horse on side to be adjusted
STAB - lift leg by distal ulna
LOC - varies, thrust in direction to restore motion
can have loud audible
The fetlock and pastern move in
lateral flexion
Adjusting techniques for fetlock and pastern are more general in nature and aimed at
restoring motion in any or all limited directions
Fetlock Technique
SCP - First phalange
CP - grasp phalange below fetlock, traction the joint if possible
ST - stand beside or behind flexed leg facing the same way as the horse
STAB - hand on the distal metacarpal on opposite side of the thrust
LOC - LM or ML
Sesamoid Technique
SCP - sesamoid bone
CP - use thumbs to assess motion in sesamoid bones
ST - beside or behind flexed leg facing the same way as the horse (same as fetlock)
STAB - holding the distal metacarpal
LOC - varies. If subluxatin is found, use one hand to stabilize and thrust in an LOC to correct the lack of motion
Non weight bearing and profound tenderness in sesamoid can be indicative of
sesamoid fracture
Pastern Technique
SCP - proximal second phalange
CP - Grasp 2nd phalange in one hand
ST - beside or behind flexed leg facing the same way as the horse (same as fetlock)
STAB - maintained by 1st phalange in other hand
LOC - rotation medial, lateral, or in a direction to correct for lack of motion
Coxafemoral (HIP) joint primary movements
rotation as the leg flexes and extends
gliding as the leg internally and externally rotates
as the leg internally rotates, the greater trochanter moves
as the leg externally rotates, the greater trochanter moves
Superior Internally Rotated Femoral Head Technique
SCP - greater trochanter of the femur
CP - thenar contact on the SUPERIOR hand
ST - beside the horse on the side of subluxation
STAB - flex the hip using the inferior hand, use inferior leg for leverage if necessary
LOC - PA SI ML and internal to external. Rock the hip and use a minor thrust to remove subluxation
Inferior Externally Rotated Femoral Head Technique
SCP - greater trochanter of the femur
CP - thenar contact on the INFERIOR hand
ST - beside the horse on the sdie of subluxation
STAB - superior hand on the cannon bone to extend the hip, use inferior leg for leverage if necessary
LOC - AP IS LM and external to internal. Rock the hip and use a minor thrust to remove subluxation
Medial Patella Technique
SCP - medial patella
CP - finger tips of the cupped SUPERIOR hand
ST - beside the horse facing the same way as the horse
STAB - grasp the limb just below the hock, raise it off the ground, and flex the limb slightly to relax the joint. May need to flex and extend in order to reduce the subluxation
The hock consists of
3 rows of tarsal bones
In extension - the tarsals
lock as part of the stay apparatus
In flexion the rows of tarsals
separate and the bones move caudally
The calcaneous glides
distally and proximally as well as medially and laterally
Lateral Calcaneus Technique
SCP - lateral aspect of calcaneal tuber
CP - pisiform of the OUTSIDE hand
ST - beside and facing opposite direciton of horse with the involved leg lifted and held in a farrier stance
STAB - inside hand on proximal cannon bone with the lower limb on the thigh of adjuster
Medial Calcaneus Technique
SCP - medial aspect of calcaneal tuber
CP - pisiform of the INSIDE hand for PUSH or fingers of the OUTSIDE hand for PULL
ST - beside and facing opposite direction of horse with the involved leg lifted and held in a farrier stance
STAB - outside hand on the proximal canon with lower limb on thigh of adjuster for push; inside hand on proximal cannon bone for pull
LOC - ML for both push and pull
Caudal Tarsal
SCP - caudal aspect of the lower tarsal bones one at a time
CP - fingertips of both hands, one over the other
ST - beside the horse on the side of the listing facing the rear of the horse. Adjsuter places the toes of the inside foot gently on the toe of the listed rear limb
STAB - inherent in standing horse
LOC - PULL caudal to cranial with both arms