Module 2 Craniocervical Equine Flashcards
Right or Left Lateral Mandible
SCP - the distal mandible at the intralveolar space
CP - ventral portion of the fingers of EITHER hand with the thumb in the interalveolar space
ST - OPPOSITE side of laterality
STAB - opposite hand on maxilla just above the SCP making sure not to restrict breathing - above the soft spot of nose
LOC - LM pull - LONG LEVER MOVE so use minimal force, mouth should be slightly open
Lateral Mandible Push
SCP - the distal mandible at the interalveolar space
CP - thenar eminence of EITHER hand with the thumb in the interalvelar space
ST - on the side of laterality
STAB - opposite hand on maxilla just above SCP
LOC - LM - LONG LEVER MOVE - use minimal force, mouth should be slightly open
Lateral TMJ
SCP - ramus of the mandible on the side of laterality just ventral to the condyle on the condylar process
CP - supported thumb of LATERAL (outside) hand
ST - beside the horse facing in the same direciton on the side of laterality
STAB - the opposite zygomatic arch and temporal bone with palm of the medial (inside) hand
TMJ Traction/Compression
SCP - ventral mandible below TMJ
CP - ventral aspect of fingers of both hands for TRACTION; thenar eminence of both hands for COMPRESSION
ST - beside the neck of the horse facing the same direciton
STAB - supplied by the weight of the head
LOC - VD and DV to TRACTION the joint exert downward pressure
to COMPRESS the joint apply steady pressure, alternate traciton and compression
Tongue resting between the upper and lower teeth
uneven tooth wear
abnormal carriage of the tongue
TMJ dysfunction
Inability to shift the mandible from side to side
irregular movement or clicking sound of the mandible
popping or clicking while chewing
TMJ dysfunction
chewing more on one side compared to the other or always chewing in the same direction
dropping large amount of food when eating
taking excessively long periods of time to eat
TMJ dysfunction
passing whole food in the manure
change in drinking habits
the float procedure itself
TMJ dysfunction
throwing the head while riding
tilting the head while eating or riding
difficulty flexing at the pole
TMJ dysfunction
Difficulty bridling or difficulty with the bit
failure to perform even after trying different types of equipment
drop off from peak performance
TMJ dysfunction
Occiput Superior Right/Left
SCP - lateral portion of the occipital crest and the caudal part of the temporal bone behind the zygomatic arch on the side of occiput superiority, MEDIAL to the ear
CP - fleshy pisiform or knife edge of the hand on the side of the superiority
ST - in front of or above faving the horse - holding the lead rope - may need bale
STAB - an assistant puts their inside hand flat on the wing of the atlas on the opposite side of the superiority. bring the horse’s head towards your abdomen using the opposite hand to stabilize and support the head with fingers under the mandible and wrist adn forearm on the sid eof the mandible
LOC - PA SI slight LM along the angle of the occipital condyles (70-75 degrees to the slope f the forehead) toward the opposite hip of the horse
Atlas Superior Right/Left
SCP - the dorsal cranial aspect of the atlas wing on the side of superiority LATERAL to the ear
CP - the thenar pad of the hand on the side of laterality
ST - fencers stance in front of and facing horse - may need bale
STAB - bring the horse’s haed towards your abdomen using the opposite hand to stabilize and support the head with fingers under the mandible and wrist and forearm on the side of the mandible
LOC - PA SI slight LM - along the angle of the occipital condyles (70-75 degrees to the slope of the forhead) toward opposite hip of the horse
Atlas Superior
SCP - the caudal ventral aspects of BOTH atlas wings
CP - the thenar eminence of BOTH hands
ST - in front of facing the horse
STAB - hold head on shoulder, slightly extended
LOC - AP SI - torque to rotate the atlas anterior tubercle inferior
Atlas Inferior
SCP - the cranial ventral aspects of BOTH atlas wings
CP - the thenar eminence of BOTH hands
ST - in front of facing the horse
STAB - hold head on shoulder, slightly extended
LOC - AP SI - torque to rotate the atlas anterior tubercle superior
Atlas Posterior Right/Left
SCP - dorsal arch of atlas on side of posteriority
CP - without interlocking fingers, wrap fingers loosely around dorsal arch with center of laced fingers on teh side of atlas posteriority. The opposite hand is placed on top.
ST - adjuster stands in front of and facing horse with horse’s head on adjusters shoulder opposite the subluxation (with a left posteriority, the head is on adjusters right shoulder, the right hand is the contact hand with left hand on top) adjuster assumes fencer’s stance. Extend head to bring the joint to tension. The horse will naturally slightly laterally flex and rotate its head. Don’t fight this but let the horse put its head where it’s most comfortable
STAB - inherenct in standing horse
LOC - PA IS LM, a straight line PULL towards the adjusters episternal notch
C2 Posterior
SCP - the bilateral lamina junctions of the axis
CP - either thenar eminence, opposite hand on top
ST - in front of facing the horse on either side. Rest the horse’s mandible on adjuster’s shoulder and AVOID PUTTING PRESSURE ON THE TRACHEA
STAB - bring joint to tnesion by slightly stretching and extending the upper cervical spine
LOC - PA IS with a slight inferior to superior scoop
Pain at the poll
Decreased flexion at poll
Head not vertical in work
upper cervical subluxation
Ear sensitivity
Heavy on the bit
Head shaking
upper cervical subluxation
one eye or ear may appear higher
hard to halter or bridle
upper cervical subluxation
difference in the psace between the atlas and mandible bilaterally
upper cervical subluxation
obiquus capitis cranialis (C1 wing to mastoid and occiput) tight on side of posteriority
tender upon palpation - head shyness - atlas posterior on the left will usually be
atlas superior on the right
tender side is side of posteriority
obliquus capitis caudalis (SP C2 to wing of C1) tight on one side or the other
usually accompanies C2 posterior
fixation or restriction of meovement in the joints of the occiput/atlas and or atlas/axis motion units
upper cervical subluxation
lower cervical facet angle
disc plane of lower cervicals is
ball and socket joint
facets change from 45 to coronal at
Cervical Body Right/Left (C3-5)
SCP - lamina pedicle junction on the side of body rotation
CP - pisiform of INFERIOR hand
ST - on the side of body rotation. Lower and laterally flex neck to the side of body rotation
STAB - obtained by bringing the joint to tnesion - lower in the neck, more lateral flexion
LOC - LM 45 degrees OUT from the axis of teh spine, IS PA 45 degrees UP from the sagittal plane of the spine. Angle increases the lower in the neck you go
Uglee Technique (C6-7)
SCP - lamina pedicle junction of C6 or C7 on the side of body rotation
CP - flat part of the knuckles of INFERIOR hand go under scapula and contact vertebra
ST - adjuster and assistant both stand on side of body rotation - DOC HOLDS LEAD ROPE
STAB - assistant flexes front leg and pulls it caudally. use superior hand to bring joint to tension by flexing and lowering neck and head
Decreased lateral flexion, flexion or extension of the neck
lower cervical
gait abnormalities
can’t elevate neck
performance problem
lower cervical
rear limb ataxia - wobbler’s
decreased fore limb ROM
triceps spasms
lower cervical
foreleg offness/ short strided up front
difficulty getting head to the ground
difficult engaging rear end for work or difficulty getting rear end under self
lower cervical
loss of lateral flexion of the atlanto occipital joint
on same side as the ______
on opposite side of the ______
atlas superior r/l
atlas posterior r/l
if atlas posterior R/L is present, there will be
muscles spasms present in obliquus cranialis muscle on the SAME SIDE
head shyness and tender obliquus cranialis muscle
atlas posterior L/R
decreaesed ROM of ipsilateral scapula is
C7 subluxation
short-striding almost stabbing of theh ipsilateral front leg
point tenderness in caudal aspect of triceps on ipsilateral side - usually directly above the olecranon
C7 subluxation