Medial Scapula
SCP - dorsal scapula
CP - pisiform of INFERIOR hand
ST - opposite side or behind the standing or recumbent dog
STAB - hand on the chest. Lift the chest until the leg on the side of the fixation is not in contact with the surface
LOC - PA ML. Thrust toward the GH joint along the spine of the scapula (push move)
Dog presents with foreleg lameness, decreased flexion of the shoulder joint, decreased neck extension and or lateral flexion to side of subluxation
Medial Scapula
Medial Scapula Lateral Recumbant Technique
SCP - Dorsal Scapula
CP - Pisiform or heel of the inferior hand. Lay fingers parallel along the spine of the scapula
ST - behind the dog who is place in lateral recumbency
STAB - hand on antebrachium of affected side. Lift the leg on the side of the fixation off of the table in a neutral position
LOC - PA ML. Thrust toward the GH joint along the spine of scapula
Lateral Scapula
SCP - GH joint, humeral head
CP - broad finger contact. PULL flexed leg slightly superior
ST - Behind the dog on the opposite side of the fixation
STAB - contacting thoracic spine and rib cage with doctor’s chest or hand on dog
LOC - AP LM slight SI, along the spine of scapula (PULL move
Dog presents with foreleg lameness
decreased extension of the shoulder joint
decreased neck flexion
lateral flexion to side of subluxation
Lateral Scapula
Lateral Scapula Technique 2
SCP - GH joint, humeral head
CP - broad finger contact. Pull flexed leg slightly superior
ST - behind the dog who is placed in lateral recumbency
STAB - contacting thoracic spine and rib cage with doctor’s chest or arm or hand on small dog
LOC - AP LM slight SI along spine of scapula
Anterior Humerus Tubercle Pull
SCP - Greater tubercle of the humerus
CP - fingers of the ipsilateral hand
ST - behind and opposite fixation
STAB - humerus just proximal to the elbow joint by reaching under the animal to extend the humerus
LOC - SI perpendicular to the spine of the scapula. Keep adjuster’s forearm alongside the rib cage and elbow slighlty ventral
Dog presents with decreased limb extension - dog jumped off couch and now laying on one side
Anterior Humerus
Anterior Humerus Tubercle Push
SCP - Greater tubercle of the humerus
CP - guarded thumb the contralateral hand
ST - in front of the dog
STAB - humerus just proximal to the elbow joint, extend to full extension
LOC - SI (cranial to caudal), perpendicular to the spine of the scapula
handler hold dogs head on this
Won’t go down stairs, won’t extend front leg
Anterior Humerus
Elbow Traction
SCP - cubital fossa
CP - finger of ipsilateral hand in the cubital fossa
ST - stands at the shoulder of the dog
STAB - inherent
LOC - open the joint. Use other hand to flex leg aroudn finger. Repeat 3-5 times
Caudal Radius
SCP - caudal aspect of the radial head - tissue pull
CP - Take a tissue pull from caudal to cranial with thumb, ending with thumb on the radial head on the posterior lateral side of the elbow
ST - front of or beside the dog
STAB - maintained by grasping the dorsum of distal radius and ulna with non adjusting hand. Bring elbow to full extension
LOC - caudal to cranial perpendicular to the radial articulation
Dog presents with lameness in forelimb
caudal radius
Caudal Ulna
SCP - ulna just distal to the olecranon
CP - take a tissue pull from caudal to cranial with thumb, ending with the guarded thumb on the ulna just distal to the olecranon
ST - front of or beside the dog
STAB - maintained by grasping the dorsum of the distal radius and ulna with non adjusting hand. Bring elbow to full extension and thrust in the LOC
LOC - caudal to cranial perpendicular to ulna
Lateral Radial Head
SCP - lateral aspect of the radial head
CP - guarded thumb INFERIOR hand
ST - front of or beside the dog
STAB - maintained by grasping the dorsum of the distal radius and ulna with non adjusting hand
Medial Ulna
SCP - medial aspect of the olecranon
CP - guarded thumb
ST - front of the dog
STAB - maintained by grasping the radius and ulna with non-adjusting hand by cupping above and below elbow or laterally
Anterior Carpal
SCP - cranial aspect of the fixated carpal bone
CP - thumbs over carpus with one thumb in contact with the subluxated carpal bone
ST - so that adjuster is safe and comfortable
STAB - inherent
LOC - cranial to caudal as joint is extended slight medial to lateral for radial and second carpal bones. Slight lateral to medial for ulnar and fourth carpal bones
Carpal Traction
SCP - metacarpals
STAB - distal forearm just above the carpus
adjuster grasps paw in one hand and distal forearm in other
Traction joint as you alternatively flex and extend the carpus
Carpal Metacarpal Technique
SCP - cranial aspect of the metacarpal
CP - contact proximal part of MC between thumb and forefinger
LOC - lateral and medial rotation, slightly extend joint and rotate
STAB - with opposite hand on carpus
Metacarpophalangeal Traction
SCP - cranial and caudal aspects of proximal phalanx
CP - grasp cranial and caudal aspects of proximal phalange between thumb and forefinger
LOC - to open up the joint, traction joint and flex around finger on caudal aspect of joint
STAB - maintained by grasping distal MC between thumb and forefinger
SCP - distal phalanx
CP - grasp cranial and caudal aspects of distal phalanx between thumb and forefinger
LOC - open up interphalangeal joint, quick pull
STAB - is the upper phalanx or upper paw
Superior Internally Rotated Femoral Head
SCP - greater trochanter of the femur
CP - thenar contact on the superior hand
ST - so adjuster is comfortable and safe
STAB - INFERIOR hand on posterior portion of the hock to cause flexion
LOC - SI. Flex the hip using the hock. Rock the hip and use a minor thrust to remove the subluxation. DO NOT jam the femur into the acetabulum.
Check for and correct the _____ before adjusting the femur
PI ilium and any other spinal subluxations
Inferior Externally Rotated Femoral Head
SCP - greater trochanter of the femur
CP - Thenar contact on the inferior hand or guarded thumb
ST - so adjuster is comfortable and safe
STAB - SUPERIOR hand on the lower leg to extend the hip
LOC - IS extend the hip. Rock the hip and use a minor thrust to remove the subluxation. DO NOT JAME femur into acetabulum
Check for and correct ____ before adjusting the femur
AS Ilium and any other spinal subluxations
Medial Patella
SCP - medial patella
CP - finger tips of the cupped hand
ST - so adjuster is comfortable and safe
STAB - contacting the limb distal to the hock. Extend the limb slightly to relax the joint
LOC - ML with a SI component if necessary. Gentle pull thrust as you extend the limb.
patellar subluxations are common in
small dogs
most are surgical repairs to fix underlying issue
Internally Rotated Tibia
SCP - medial proximal tibia at the tibial tuberosity
CP - ventral aspect of fingers while grasping the proximal tibia
ST - so adjuster is comfortable and safe
STAB - maintained by contacting the distal femur with the superior hand wrapped around the stifle
LOC - internal to external rotation
can be associated with a laterally subluxated patella
internally rotated tibia
Externally Rotated Tibia
SCP - lateral proximal tibia at tibial tuberosity
CP - ventral aspect of thumb on the adjusting hand while grasping the proximal tibia
ST - so adjuster is safe and comfortable
STAB - maintained by contacting the distal femur with the superior hand wrapped around the stifle
LOC - external to internal rotation
Can be associated with a medially subluxated patella
externally rotated tibia
Lateral Calcaneus
SCP - lateral aspect of calcaneal tuber
CP - guarded thumb
ST - so adjuster is safe and comfortable
STAB - maintained by contacting the talotibial junction with the superior hand and extending the hock
Medial Calcaneus
SCP - medial aspect of calcaneal tuber
CP - guarded thumb
ST - so adjuster is safe and comfortable
STAB - maintained by contacting the talotibial junction with the superior hand and extneding the hock