Module 4 Flashcards
Rehab measures are directed towards
Preventing premature disability
The WHO defines health as
Complete physical, mental and social well being not merely the absence of disease
Those who rate there health as poor were __ to ___ times more likely to die
2 to 3
Older or younger adults have higher anxiety
2 home assessment screening tools
Home Falls And Accident Screening Tool (HOME FAST) and Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries (STEADI)
Older adult needs __ times the amount of light to function
What is a restraint
Any physical or chemical measure that can be used to limit patient activity or control an individual’s behavior
3 main areas to consider when considering use of restraints
Reduce the chance of falls, maintain medically necessary treatment, prevent disruptive patient behavior and wandering
Physical restraints do not decrease the risk of falls true or false
Physical restraints may increase the risk of patient injury true or false
Which piece of legislation included the right to be free from restraints
Omnibus Reconciliation act of 1987
There must be informed consent by the individual or responsible party for restraint use true or false
Orders for restraints are limited to a ___ period
24 hour
You should asses restraint usage or discontinuation every ____
8 hrs
Assessment of restraints on agitated patients occur every ___
4 hrs
FDA recommends removing restraints every __
2 hours
What is the max score on the LEFS
The higher the number on the LEFS the
Higher function
The Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability questionnaire has how many questions for how many points each
10 and 10
The higher the score on the Oswestry the higher the
The neck disability index score of over ___ indicates complete disability
The Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand has __ questions with ___ being the max score
30 and 100
The higher the DASH score the more
G code modifier is used for
Indicating severity level or functional limitation
What is the most definitive test for function
There is none
The examples of functional assessments are
Physical performance test, multi directional reach test, two minute walk test, fukada step test and berg balance
What are the four components of function
Physical, social, mental, emotional
The Holmes and Rahe Life Events Scale assesses
Stress levels
The mini mental state exam assesses
Memory, recall, orientation, attention, language and visual-spatial skills
The maximum score on the mini mental state exam is
A score below ___ on the MMSE indicates cognitive decline
The geriatric depression scale has how many questions
The questions for the geriatric depression scale are in a ____ format that asks questions about the past ___
Yes or no, week
The short form GDS has how many questions
GDS score range that is normal
GDS score range that indicates mild depression
GDS score that indicates moderate depression
GDS score indicating severe depression
The zung self reporting tool measures
The Holmes and Rahe Life Events scale asks questions through what time frame
One year before to one year in the future
The Holmes and Rahe score of 180 or less indicates
Mild stress or < 40% probability of developing a stress related disorder or serious illness in the next year
Holmes and Rahe score of 180-300
Indicates moderate stress or a 40% chance of developing a serious illness in next year
Holmes and Rahe score over 300
Indicates severe stress or an 80% chance of serious illness in next year
The Barthes index is used for
To assess the ability of an individual to perform ADLs without a caregiver
The Barthel index was really designed for
Use with institutionalized adults
How many ADL activities are there on the Barthel Index
Barthel index score minimum to be appropriate for discharge
Barthel index score 60-79 indicates
Will require 2 hrs of assistance with ADLs
A Barthel index score of over 80 will
Require 2 hours of assistance with self care
The balance evaluation system test has a high
Inter rater reliability
The BESTest has how many items
The BESTest is both ___ and ___
Sensitive and specific
What are the 6 sections on the BESTest
Biomechanical constraints, stability limits and verticality, anticipatory postural adjustments, postural response, sensory orientation and stability in gait
The mini BEST has how many items
14 items from 4 of the 6 sections
Which two sections are excluded in the mini bestest
Bio mechanical constraints and stability and verticality
How many tasks from each section are included in the mini BESTest
3 tasks each accept there are 5 from the stability in gait section
Each item in the BESTest is scored from
0 to 2
What is the max score on mini BESTEst
28 indicating high balance performance
Physical performance test is a valid measure for
How many items are on the physical performance test
The physical performance tests involves performing
Everyday tasks for time
Physical performance test max score is
A score under ___ on the physical performance test indicates that he person cannot function in the community
A score of ____ to ___ on the physical performance test indicates mild frailty
A score of __ to ___ indicates moderate frailty on the physical performance test
Score of ___ to ___ indicates not frail on physical performance test
32 to 36
Short physical performance battery test has __ types of tests
The short physical performance battery is on a scale of
0 to 12
A score of equal to or less than __ on the short physical performance battery test indicates high risk of mobility disability
Berg balance test has how many tasks
Each item on berg balance is scored on a __ point scale
Scoring of ___ to ___ indicates wheelchair bound on berg balance
0 to 20
Score of __ to ___ indicates walking with assistance on berg balance
21 to 40
A score of __ to __ on berg balance indicates independent
41 to 56
The modified gait abnormality rating scale has how many items
Higher score on the GARS-M indicate
Poorer performance
In the functional reach test those that could not reach past 25.4 c, were
Twice as likely to fall
In the functional reach test those that could not reach past 15.2 cm were
4 times more likely to fall
In the functional reach test those that could not reach at all were
8 times more likely to fall
In 5 times sit to stand, those ages 60-69 normal values were
12 seconds
In 70-79 age group, the five times sit to stand score norms are
13 seconds
In five times sit to stand the 80-90 age group should have a score of
15 seconds
In Normal individuals the TUG score is
Less than 10 seconds
The usual adult walking speed is
1.2-1.3 m/s
The community ambulatory walks at a pace of
.8 m/s
The household ambulatory at risk for falls pace is
.5 m/s
In the Balke test the treadmill speed is at a speed of
3 mph
In the Balke test the grade is initially set at
In the Balke test every __minutes grade is increased ___% increments for first _ stages
2 minutes, 3.5%, 6
In the Balke test for the remainder of stages after 6 there is a steady 3 mph pace up to ___% or until exhaustion
The 5 red flags for metastatic cancer
History of cancer, age over 50 or less than 17, night pain or pain at rest, unexplained weight loss, failure to improve over expected time period
The four red flags for infection within the disk
Immunocompromised patient, prolonged fever over 100, history of IV drug use, history of recent UTI, cellulitis or pneumonia
5 red flags for undiagnosed vertebral fracture
Prolonged use of corticosteroids, mild trauma over age of 50, age over 70, history of osteoporosis and recent trauma
Red flags for dangerous abdominal aortic aneurysm
Pulsating mass in abdomen, history of atherosclerotic vascular disease, throbbing pulsating back pain at rest or with recumbemcy, age over 60