Module 2 Flashcards
What is cellular aging
When cells decrease and tissues age
Aging is a biological process that leads to what two things
Reduced tissue and physiological function and the susceptibility to diseases
How do you determine chronological age
By examining the cellular changes in the body
Senescent cells undergo three changes:
Uptake of nutrients and repair of genetic damage decreases, DNA and RNA synthesis declines, cells have morphological changes
Aged mitochondria have a
Decreased ability to survive hypoxic insult
Mitochondrial decline starts at age
What is sarcopenia
Loss of muscle mass
What is dynapenia
Lack of strength and power
Strength declines at a rate of _____ after 60
10-15% per decade
Muscles ____ in volume with age
There is a ____ in the number of motor units with age
There is a _____ in muscle fiber size with age
There is a greater decrease in type ____ muscle fibers with age
With aging there is an _____ in collagen content
With increased collagen content there is:
A decrease in muscle elasticity
Due to the change in collagen content there is also infiltration of
Fat both macro and micro
Power decreases at a rate of
3-5% annually
LE Muscle ____ over muscle ___ is a greater predictor of functional limitations
Power, strength
Neuromusculoskeltal and physiologic systems peak at age
Decreased ability of cartilage Chondrocytes to
Restore extra cellular matrix
Slough off in cartilage _____ creates turn over and new cartilage
In which direction is cartilage damage worse
What two things are bound to Proteoglycans
Glucosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid
Proteoglycans are part of the
Extra cellular matrix
Weight bearing exercises will increase
Proteoglycan content
Loss of connective tissue elasticity and diminished fibroblast activity results in
Inadequate maintenance of collagen fibers and matrix
Amount of bone formed during remodeling phase will
Rate of bone loss is ___% each year
What happens to max cardiac output and vo2 max with age
Both decrease
A decreased cardiac output causes decreased
Blood flow to the body
What is the most significant age related change to the cardiovascular system
Increased calcification and thickening of vessels
Which blood vessel demonstrates the greatest increased calcification and thickening of the vessel wall
Thoracic aorta
What is stroke volume
The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle in one heart beat
Stroke volume is highest when you are
Increased SV in exercise, older adults rely on the
Frank starling mechanism
Blood pressure is a combination of
The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle and the amount of resistance in the peripheral system
If CO falls ____ is high and ____ remains stable
Total peripheral resistance and BP
If both CO and total peripheral resistance increase or decrease then
BP will become hypo or hypertensive
There is a ___ rise in SBP with aging
After age 50 there is a ___ In DBP
Baroreceptors are more or less sensitive to fluctuations in BP
Maximal HR declines by ____ per year
1 bpm
What respiratory muscle has decreased strength
There is a ___% decrease in nerve conduction velocity
There is a ___% decrease in number of spinal cord axons
Weight of the brain decrease is limited to the ___ matter
There is a ___ in number of nerve cells in brain
What type of memory decreases with age and what type remains stable
Implicit remains stable and explicit decreases
What is crystallized intelligence
Involves knowledge that comes from past experiences and prior learning
What is fluid intelligence
Ability to perceive relationships independent of previous specific practice or instruction concerning those relationships
Which type of intelligence increases with age and which type decreases with age
Crystallized increases and fluid decreases
Why does it take longer for older individuals to stabilize body temperature
The intersystem hypothalamic thermostat declines
What is cochlear osteosclerosis
Decreased ability to discriminate consonants
Decreased receptors in the corgi results in difficulty
Hearing softer sounds
In order to be considered frail you must have ___ impairments
The frailty impairments are
Strength, endurance, balance, gait speed, unintentional weight loss and low physical activity and loss of independence
Gait speed that is a predictor of declining functional ability
1 mph
Decrease in gait speed of ___ has been associated with a ___% decrease in ability to perform ADLs
.1 m/s and 10%
Adults over age 60 spend ___% of their waking time sedentary
1-2 days of bed rest can take __ months to overcome the loss of mobility and strength
Percent over 60 years older that participate in 30 min per day and 3 days per week of vigorous exercise
Percent over 75 that participates in vigorous exercise 30 min per day and 3 times per week
The three most common recreational activities for older adults
Walking, home maintenance and gardening
The minimum requirements for community dwelling older adults are
Must be able to walk a minimum of 1200 ft carrying 8 lbs and perform postural transitions
In order to increase the older adults strength you must use overload over greater than ___% of 1RM
Strength training should include __ to ___ repetitions and a ___ on the Borg scale of exertion
16-20 and 11
The most effective numbers for increasing strength are
80% of 1 RM for 8-12 reps
What is be most significant variable in exercise prescription
1RM is evaluated every
2 weeks
Long lasting and significant changes in strength occurs over a __ to __ week period
12 to 16
For a home exercise program prescribe this many exercises
Written handouts should have this size font and this reading level
14 point font and 4th grade level
For aerobic exercise prescribe
30 minutes of walking at 50-70% of HRR Max or fast walking at 60-70% HRR max or RPE 12-13
Aerobic exercise prescription Max levels
85% of HRR max and RPE 14-15
What is successful aging
Maintenance of physical and mental well being with functional independence in absence of chronic disease
The major characteristic to successful aging is