Module 4 Flashcards
White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
- Larger than RBCs
- Large nucleus
- Lack hemoglobin
- Respond during inflammatory response
> move to injured sight to fight pathogens - Pus contains large portion of dead WBCs
What is the Cardiovascular System?
A closed circulatory system that pumps fluid contents from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart
(cardio = heart)
(vascular = vessels)
Platelet Plug
Formed by fibrin and platelets to stop bleeding temporarily
How can Veins Return Blood to the Heart?
- Low resistance in the venous walls
> ability to stretch to accommodate larger volume - One way valves
- Assistance of muscular contraction
> contractions squeeze blood through veins
QRS Complex
- Ventricular depolarization
- Ventricular systole
- Largest wave as the ventricles are the largest with the most mass
- Regulate the flow of blood through the heart in one way
- 4 valves:
> pulmonary
> aortic
> mitral/bicuspid
> tricuspid
A procedure where a surgeon threads a plastic tube into an artery of an arm or a leg, toward the heart. A balloon attached to the end of the tube is inflated at the clogged portion, forcing vessel to open
4 Chambers of Heart
- Left & Right Atria
- Left & Right Ventricles
Heart Location
- Pericardial cavity; in the anterior portion of the mediastinum
> in btwn the pleural cavities
Electrocardiogram Components
- P-Wave
- QRS Complex
- T-Wave
Right Subclavian Artery
Branch off brachiocephalic trunk
- Genetically engineered
- Converts plasminogen into plasmin which dissolves clots
Tunica Intima
The inner layer of vessel that contains a layer of subendothelial tissue and a layer of endothelium
Embolus that becomes lodged in a vessel as it travels
Marginal Artery
- From the Right Coronary Artery
- Supplies right atrium and right ventricle
Do not contain granules in cytoplasm
> monocytes
MI Signs and Symptoms
- Shortness of breath
- Light headedness
- Pain in arm, jaw, neck, btwn shoulder blades
- Chest pressure or feeling of heaviness in chest
Functions of the Cardiovascular System
- Transportation
> gases, nutrients, wastes - Prevents loss of blood from ruptured vessels through clotting mechanisms
- Helps fight off pathogens with circulating cells
Left Coronary Artery
- Left side of heart
- Supplies nutrients and oxygen to heart tissue
- 2 branches:
> anterior interventricular branch
> circumflex branch
Relaxation of chambers
Dub Sound
- Semilunar valves close
- aka aortic/pulmonic valves
Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
- Biconcave
- Carry oxygen via hemoglobin molecules
- Most abundant cell in blood
- Anucleate, without a nucleus
T or F: only arteries contain a tunica media
False; all vessels contain 3 layers but in differing proportions
A white sheet of endothelium tht is continuous with blood vessel linings
Arterial Blood Flow
(once the blood leaves the heart)
- Aorta
- Aortic arch
- Descending aorta
> thoracic aorta (above diaphragm)
> abdominal aorta (below diaphragm) - Many branches throughout to supply blood tissues
- Contains iron
- Combines loosely with oxygen, helping to carry oxygen in the blood
- Each RBC contains 250 million hemoglobin molecules
- Reduces coagulation of platelets
- Lowers probability that clot will form
The Circle of Willis
- The Cerebral Arterial Circle
- Provides alternate circulation to the brain in case of the arteries being blocked
- Upper, receiving chambers
- Smaller & thinner
Systemic Circuit Provides Blood to…
- Systemic arteries
- Systemic veins
- Inferior/Superior Vena Cava
- Right atrium
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
- Portion of heart muscle dies due to lack of oxygen
- If partially blocked
> angina pectoris
> radiating pain down left arm
Anterior Cerebral Arteries
- Branches off the middle cerebral arteries
- Connected by the anterior communicating artery, completing the circle
Left Subclavian Artery
- 3rd branch off aortic arch
- Supplies blood to the left arm
Fluid build up and/or high blood pressure
Electrical Impulse Flow
SA node > AV node > Bundle of His > Purkinje Fibers (causes left and right ventricular contraction)
Mitral (bicuspid) Valve
Controls flow from left atrium to left ventricle
(2 flaps)
Posterior Interventricular Branch
- From the Right Coronary Artery
- Supplies right atrium and right ventricle
Left Common Carotid
- 2nd branch off aortic arch
- Supplies head and neck
Phase 1 of Cardiac Cycle
- Lasts abt 0.15 seconds
- Atrial Systole: atria contract
- Ventricular Diastole: ventricles are relaxed
- Allows for maximum filling of the ventricles
Types of Blood Vessels
- Arteries
- Arterioles
- Capillaries
- Venules
- Vein
Stationary blood clot
Tunica Externa
- Most superficial layer
- Anchors vessel to surrounding structures
Right Coronary Artery
- Right side of heart
- Supply nutrients and oxygen to heart tissue
- 2 branches:
> marginals artery
> posterior interventricular artery
Platelets (Thrombocytes)
- Involved in coagulation
> blood clotting - Not true cells, but cell fragments
> from megakaryocytes
Systemic Circuit
Goal: send oxygenated blood to the body tissues
Tunica Media
the middle muscular layer of a vessel has an external elastic membrane, a layer of smooth muscle, and a layer of internal elastic membrane
Basilar Artery
Branches into left and right posterior cerebral arteries
Accumulation of soft masses of fatty materials (often cholesterol) that forms plaque
Phase 3 of Cardiac Cycle
- 0.4 secs
- All chambers relaxed
- Passive filling of atria
What are the 3 branches off the Aortic Arch?
- Brachiocephalic Trunk
- Left Common Carotid
- Left Subclavian
Double Pump
- 2 circuits:
> pulmonary circuit (right)
> systemic circuit (left)
Fainting from decreased oxygen to brain
- Keeps pH of blood near 7.4
- Transports large organic molecules in blood
- Aids in clotting
- Maintains blood’s osmotic pressure with protein presence
Anterior Interventricular Branch
- From the Left Coronary Artery
- Supplies blood to both ventricles
Peripheral Resistance
- Primarily responsible by arterioles
- Variation in blood pressure
- Depends on the external and internal conditions of the body
- Functions with the lymphatic system
> T cells
> B cells
- Ventricular repolarization
> returning to rest
> ventricular diastole - Atrial repolarization is hidden within the QRS complex
Fossa Ovalis
- Place of opening btwn the atria in developing fetuses
- Allows fetal blood to move directly btwn the atrium, bypassing lungs
- Closes during birth
Layers of the Heart
- Pericardium
- Myocardium
- Endocardium
Posterior Communicating Arteries
Connect the left and right internal carotid arteries
Lub Sound
- Atrioventricular valves close
- aka bicuspid/tricuspid valves
Aortic Valve
- Controls flow out of left ventricle into aorta
- Stronger than pulmonary bc of increased pressure from left ventricle
- Systolic and diastolic pressure significantly higher than 120/80
- “Silent killer”
- may not have symptoms until heart attack or stroke
Right Common Carotid
Branch off brachiocephalic trunk
Sinoatrial Node
- Small mass of specialized cardiac tissue
> contains both cardiac and nervous tissue characteristic - Electrical impulse that controls cardiac cycle begins here
- Found in right atrium
- Pacemaker of heart
- Spreads through atria, causing left and right atrial systole
The opening in the center of a vessel
- Blood vessel is entirely blocked
- Causes tissue death in the area supplied by that vessel
Diastolic Pressure
- Pressure in arteries during ventricular diastole
- “bottom number”
Circumflex Branch
- From the Left Coronary Artery
- Supplies left atrium and left ventricle
- A tough, thick sac that protects the heart and anchors to the diaphragm
- Covered by a layer of smooth endothelium with lubricating fluid
Blood Pressure
- Measures the amnt of pressure required to stop the flow of blood through an artery
- Sphygmomanometer; measures blood pressure
Osmotic Pressure
- The net pressure in the blood that moves fluid from tissues to circulatory system
- Driven by proteins in the plasma
Blood clot dislodges and moves in the blood
Hydrostatic Pressure
Pushes fluid into tissues by the pressure of blood pumping from the heart
- Carry (usually oxygenated) blood away from the heart
- Elastic, thick walled
- Large arteries expand and recoil to help the heart pump blood through the body
- Papable pulses
Heart Sounds
- Sounds as the valves of the heart closing
- Can be heard with a stethoscope
Pulmonary Valve
Controls the flow leaving the right ventricle into the pulmonary trunk
Prothrombin Activator
- 1st step of coagulation cascade
- Released by the platelets and the injured tissues
- Converts prothrombin to thrombin
- Identical to plasma, clotting proteins have been removed
> blood sits in a tube until it clots
> centrifuge sample to separate solid and liquid portions - Used in many lab tests
T or F: the left ventricle faces anteriorly, towards the sternum
False; the right ventricle faces anteriorly
Contraction of chambers
- Converted by thrombin from fibrinogen
- Winds around the platelet plug to provide framework
- RBCs becomes trapped making the clot appear red
- Bulb
- Bladder
> fills with air - Cuff
> wraps around arm, holds bladder in place over artery - Valve
> releases pressure to allow blood to flow - Manometer
> displays the pressure in mmHG
Internal Carotid Arteries
- Arise from common carotid arteries in the neck
- Terminate in the left and right middle cerebral arteries
- EKG or ECG
- Device used to measure electrical impulses in heart
- Corresponds to the mechanical events insde heart
- Used to monitor and diagnose patient conditions
- Interferes with normal blood flow
- Can cause a clot to form from the irregular arterial wall
- May stop blood flow in the immediate area
- Clot can dislodge and travel, clogging a smaller artery
- Produced by bacteria
- Convert plasminogen into plasmin which dissolves clots
- Formed from narrow tubes of arterioles and venules
- Ultra-thin
- Interconnected to form capillary bed
> perform the exchange of materials
Formed Elements
- Red blood cells
- White blood cells
- Platelets
- Return blood to the heart
- Thinner walled
- No pulse
- Compliance
> stretch w/ little to no recoil - Store largest amnt of blood
- Contain valves that open towards the heart and prevent backflow
- Usually parallel to the named artery
Blood Flow Through Heart
- Right atrium through tricuspid valve
- Right ventricle through pulmonary valve
- Pulmonary trunk into pulmonary arteries
- Lungs into pulmonary veins into left atrium
- Biscupid valve into left ventricle
- Aortic valve into the aorta into the body
Healthy Blood Pressure
- 120/80
- Systolic/diastolic
- Bulk of the heart
> composed mainly of cardiac muscle - Contractile layer
- It’s muscle fibers link all parts of heart together
Cardiac Cycle (Heartbeat)
- Each heartbeat lasts about 0.85 seconds
- Heart beats about 70x/min
- Must contract and relax in a cyclical pattern to act as a pump
Intrinsic Electrical Rhythm
- Electrical impulses enable the heart’s rhythmic pumping by contracting the muscle tissue
- Nervous and Endocrine systems help to regulate rate
> beats per minute
> changes with emotional and physical stressors
Pulmonary Thromboembolism (PE)
- Blockage of major artery in lungs
- Shortness of breath
- Angina (chest pain)
Phase 2 of Cardiac Cycle
- Lasts abt 0.30 secs
- Ventricular Systole: ventricles contract
- Atrial Diastole: atria are relaxed
- Allows for pumping of blood into pulmonic and systemic circuits
- Small veins that collect blood from the capillary beds
- Many join together to form a vein that returns blood to the heart
- Have granules in the cytoplasm
> neutrophils
> eosinophils
> basophils
Used to listen to first and last sounds of blood flow
- Atrial depolarization
- Atrial systole
Systemic Circuit Flow
- Left atrium
- Bicuspid/Mitral valve
- Left ventricle
- Aortic valve to aorta
Pulmonary Circuit Flow
- Right atrium through tricuspid valve into right ventricle
- Exists right ventricle through pulmonary valve
- Pulmonary trunk to pulmonary arteries
- Lungs for exchange of gases
- Pulmonary veins to left atrium
- Small arteries
- Constricted and dilated by muscles controlled by the autonomic nervous system
- Contraction: increased blood pressure
- Relaxation: dilates, decreases pressure
Erythrocyte Maturation
- Manufacture in red bone marrow
- Must lose nucleus and synthesize hemoglobin before released into blood
- Live for about 120 days
- Destroyed in the liver and spleen
- Hemoglobin is recycled and returned to red bone marrow
2 Artery Systems
- Left & right coronary arteries
> arise from base of aorta - Supply oxygen to heart tissue
Systemic Pressure
- Highest in aorta
- Falls w/in arteries and arterioles
- Differences in systolic vs. diastolic, gradually diminishes
- Classified as a connective tissue
- 2 portions:
> liquid (plasma)
> cell (formed elements)
Left-Sided Heart Failure
- Pulmonary edema / Congestive Heart Failure
- Fluid backs up into lungs
- Impaired systemic circulation
- A protein manufactured by the liver
- Floats freely in blood
Blood Pooling
- Standing for long periods of time with no movement
- When viens are fully distended, they. can no longer accept blood from capillaries
- Plasma forces out of capillary walls
- Drop in arterial blood pressure
Tricuspid Valve
Controls flow from right atrium to right ventricle
(3 flaps)
Pulmonary Circuit
Goal: send deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
- Segment from another blood vessel is removed
- One end stitched to aorta
- Other end stitched below the area of obstruction
- Bypasses area of obstruction
- Lasers may also be used to clear vessels
Brachiocephalic Trunk
- 1st branch off aorta
- Supplies blood to right arm and neck
Systolic Pressure
- Pressure in the arteries when blood is forced into the arteries
- “top number”
Separates left and right sides of heart
- Lower, sending chambers
- Larger & thicker
Right-Sided Heart Failur
- Peripheral Edema
- Fluid builds up in the body and limbs
- Impaired pulmonic circulation