Module 3 - Health Promotion Flashcards
Individual-Focused Perspectives
Theory of planned behavior
Transtheoretical model (stages of change)
Theory of planned behavior
states that individual behavior is influenced by beliefs, attitudes, behavior, and intent
Transtheoretical model (stages of change)
Lalonde Report (1974)
shift from biomedical to health promotion approach
included 4 determinants of health
behavioral model –> victim blaming
address individual risk factors
Alma Ata (1978)
address health inequities b/w high and low-income countries
health for all by 2000
expanded DOH to include socioenvironmental factors
WHO Principles of Health Promotion (1984)
build healthy public policy
develop personal skills
create supportive environments
support community action
Ottawa Charter (1986)
expanded the determinants of health
included 5 action strategies to promote health
Epp Report (1986) challenges
1) reduce health inequities between low/high income groups
2) increase prevention efforts
3) enhance coping skills
Ottawa Charter 5 Actions
“blue crabs sing dank raps”
1) building healthy public policy
2) creating supportive environments
3) strengthen community action
4) develop personal skills
5) reorient health services
Epp 3 mechanisms
1) self care
2) mutual aid
3) create healthy environments
Population Health Model Components
What = determinants of health
Who = client (individual, family, etc)
How = Ottawa Charter 5 strategies
Stage: Precontemplation
not thinking about it at all
Stage: Contemplation
considering action in next 6 months
Stage: Preparation
preparing for action in next 30 days
Stage: Action
have taken action in the last 6 month
Stage: Maintenance
have maintained change for over 6 months
Stage: Maintenance
have maintained change for over 6 months
Stage: Termination
no longer have temptation. permanent behavior
Community-focused perspectives
1) Diffusion of innovation
2) Community mobilization framework