Module 2 Flashcards
HP in 20th century
-Hp became a distinct concept
-E.g. ancient Egyptians developed systems for waste disposal, distributed surplus grain to feed the poor, and printed warnings against the harmful effects of consuming too much alcohol (4000 B.C. -> earliest records of public health practice)
Enduring Strategies:
1) Education encouraging individuals to adopt healthy behaviours
2) Healthy public policies at the community level
Earliest Reference
-E.A Winslow
“the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and well-being through organized community effort for the sanitation of the environment, the control of communicable infections… the education of the individual in personal health and the development of a social machinery to ensure a standard of living adequate for the maintenance or improvement of health.”
Concept Refined
-Harry Sigerist
“health is promoted by providing a decent standard of living, good labour conditions, education, physical culture, and means of rest and recreation.”
-Coordination efforts of politicians, labour, industry, education and health sector
-Comprehensive concept of health
-Call for action to address the determinants of health
•Used for Ottawa Charter (30 yrs later)
WHO defines health…
-Comprehensive/ positive
“ a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”
-Basis for features and values of HP
30 yrs + WWII
-Improved health status of western, industrialized countries
-mandatory public health measures
•e.g. mass immunization, sewage disposal, water purification and pasteurization of milk
•advocacy efforts by labour unions, community activists and progressive political movements led to the development of the “social safety net” and other economic reforms.
-Elimination of poverty, poor housing and unhealthy living conditions
Chronic Diseases (1920-1972)
- become leading cause of mortality in the world
- Changed public health practice-> shifted to address risk factors that contributed to chronic diseases
- E.g. tobacco, high fat diets, alcohol and physical inactivity
Medical Care Act (Canada Health Act)
- 1969
- Universal access of health care for all citizens
- Costs of financing= gov advertising of health promotion and disease prevention to control rising costs
- 1972
- First Canada-wide media campaign promoting healthy lifestyles
Lalonde Report
- 1974
- Reducing health risks by reducing health risks by promoting healthy lifestyles
- International recognition of Canada as being a leader in conceptual development of HP
- New phase of HP development in Canada
- Emphasized lifestyle and personal responsibility for health
- Unhealthy practices= self-imposed risks
- **caused HP “lifestyle” approach (Lalonde Report) to face criticism for victim blaming
Mark Lalonde said health is a product of…
- Lifestyle
- Biology
- Environment
- Health care organization
HP Directorate in response to the Lalonde Report
- 1978
- First bureaucratic structure devoted to health promotion in the world
- Developed around concept of lifestyle and focused on smoking and nutrition
1st Canadian Post-secondary Degree Program in HP
- 1979
- UofT
- Research showed social, economic and environmental determinants affect the health status of individuals and communities
- Black Report
- Alameda County Study (California)
Black Report (UK)
Health inequalities revealed inequities in health status of low income groups
Alameda County Study
Importance of social support and social networks as determinants of health
“Beyond Health Care Conference”
- Toronto
- “Healthy Cities” project by WHO in 1986-> “Healthy Communities”
- Local gov engaged in health development through a comprehensive approach to health policy, incorporating factors outside of health care (SDoHs, economics and urban development)
- Led to intro of HPs in communities worldwide
First HP Conference in Ottawa
-Predominant framework for HP practice worldwide
After the Ottawa Charter (1986-1991)
- HP expands-> profession & field of practice
- > Health and social service organizations begin to hire “health promoters”
- Provincial govs begin to re-organize their structure to include HP and $$$ to HP projects at the provincial and community level
Challenges in HP (1991-1996)
- Progression against Tobacco use from result of tax reductions and threats to the well-being of communities a s result of the severe economic recession and erosion of the social safety net
- Demanded HP to prove accountability & effectiveness of its initiatives
- Canada’s Federal gov shifted from HP-> population health approach
- Health promoters needed to use new concepts and values into new frameworks
Jakarta Declaration on Leading HP into the 21st Century
- 1997
- “Identified poverty as, “the greatest threat to health”
- Warns of dangers posed by globalization and environmental degradation
Changes in 2000s
- New tech (social media or health education and community mobilization)
- Challenges and opportunities
- Continuing climate of fiscal restraint
- Renewed gov interest in public health due to the re-emergence of communicable disease threats (West Nile Virus & SARS)
- Development of professional competencies that used to define the parameters of HP
Public Health Agency of Canada
- 2003
- Erosion of public health infrastructure led to this renewal
- Separate provincial ministries were established with a mandate for public health/ HP
- PHAC initiates public health workforce competencies
- PHAC $$$ the first Canadian set of discipline specific HP competencies is developed
Bangkok Charter for HP in Globalized World
WHO made health promotion…
-Central to the global development agenda
-Core responsibility for all of gov
-Key focus of communities and civil society
-Requirement for good corporate practice
Commission on SDoH
- 2005
1. Improve daily living conditions
2. Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources
3. Measure and understand the problem, and assess the impact of action
Galway Consensus Conference Statement
- 2008
- Led to international interest in clarifying the purpose, value and use of standardized competencies for HP practice
Rio Political Declaration on the SDoH
- 2011
- Political will to adopt a SDoH approach to reduce health inequities and address global health concerns
- Critical time for reflection in HP (25 yrs+ Ottawa Charter for HP)
- Advancements/ failings