Module 11.1 Flashcards
Which three hormones have been shown to promote maternal behavior in birds and mammals?
Estradiol, prolactic, and oxytocin
What is the SRY gene?
gene on the Y chromosome in males that causes gonads to turn into testes
What are Mullerian ducts?
precursors to female’s oviducts, uterus, and upper vagina
What are Wolffian ducts?
precursors for some male reproductive organs
What are the three main sex hormones?
The estrogens, progesterone, and the androgens
What is the pudendal nerve?
it transmits tactile stimulation from the pubic area to the brain
How do the three main sex hormones exert their effect?
They are released mostly by the gonads and some by the adrenal glands
Distinguish between organizing and activating effects of hormones.
Organizing effects of hormones occur before birth and they determine if an individual will be male or female. Activating effects can occur at any time in life when a hormone temporarily activates a particular response.
Describe the chain of events that results from the presence of SRY during development.
The SRY gene causes the gonads to develop into testes. The testes produce testosterone, which increases the growth of testes, causing them to produce more testosterone and so forth. Testosterone also causes the Wolffian ducts to develop.
Describe the effects of testosterone injections on female rats during the last few days before birth and the first few days after birth.
Her body is partly masculinized, as if her body had produced the testosterone. Her clitoris grows larfer than normal, her behavior is partly masculinized, she approaches sexually receptive females
What happens to a mammal that is exposed to neither androgens or estrogens early in life?
they develop female anatomy
By what mechanisms does testosterone exert its effects on the hypothalamus in rodents?
The hypothalamus is masculinized
What are two sex differences in the structure and function of the hypothalamus?
The sexually dimorphic nucleus is larger in the male than in the female and contributes to the control of male sexual behavior. The hypothalamus in females can generate a cyclic pattern of hormone release, the male hypothalamus cannot.
What is the role of alpha-fetoprotein?
it binds with estradiol and prevents it from affecting the fetus
Which hormones can restore male-typical sexual behavior following castration?