Module 11 - Product Decisions Flashcards
1 Which branding strategy imposes the greatest risk to brand equity?
B.Global branding.
C.Individual branding.
D.Family branding.
E.Multiple brands
2 Under which set of circumstances is family branding advisable?
A.When the brand is well known and a new product has quality problems.
B.When advertising economies of scale exist and the brand has low perceived quality.
C.When advertising economies of scale exist and the products under the brand have variable quality.
D.When advertising economies of scale exist and the brand has high perceived quality.
E.When the brand is a well-known price leader and the new product is positioned toward a high-quality, high-prestige portion of the market
See section Branding Strategies.
3 Kellogg’s Raisin Bran and Kellogg’s Rice Crispies are examples of:
A.individual branding.
B.distributor branding.
C.private labelling. branding. branding.
4 When the Coca-Cola Company sells its own brand of orange juice (Minute Maid) to A&P grocery stores so that they can sell this orange juice under the A&P label, what type of strategy is A&P pursuing?
A.Private labelling.
B.Multiple brands.
C.Family branding.
D.Individual branding.
E.None of the above.
See section Retailer and Distributor Brands.
5 In a consumer retail environment like a grocery store, a product’s package can have strong ties to which other element of the marketing mix?
D.All of the above.
E.Only A and B above.
6 If Ford Motor Co. adds a Thunderbird convertible to its line to please its dealers who want a full line of cars to sell to their customers, what type of strategy is Ford pursuing?
A.Line filling.
B.Downward stretching.
C.Line extension.
D.Line pruning.
E.Line shortening
7 When Arm & Hammer used its reputation for its baking soda to come out with ‘Arm & Hammer Carpet Deodoriser’, what type of strategy was it pursuing?
A.Line extension.
B.Brand extension.
C.Line pruning.
D.Line stretching.
E.Line filling.
See section Brand Extensions.
8 In-house development is best for ____ innovative new products, while out-sourcing works best for ____ innovative new products.
A.highly; slightly.
B.slightly; highly.
C.autonomous; systematic.
D.systemic; autonomous.
E.None of the above.
See section Organising for New Product Development.
9 When a company introduces a new product in two cities to determine the trial rate and the repeat purchase rate, what type of procedure is this company using?
A.Laboratory test marketing.
B.Focus group testing.
C.Minimarket testing.
D.Field-test marketing.
E.In-house test marketing.
See section Precommercialisation Business Analysis Decisions.
10 What options does a company have if it wishes to test market a new product before launching it nationally?
A.Channel restricted launch.
B.Regional roll-out.
C.Modified test market launch.
D.All of the above.
E.None of the above
See section Commercialisation Decisions.
1 The major subgroupings of consumer goods include:
A. convenience goods, shopping goods, exclusive goods and services.
B. convenience goods, shopping goods, speciality goods and unsought goods.
C. staple goods, impulse goods and emergency goods.
D. staple goods, shopping goods and services.
E. convenience goods, shopping goods, emergency goods and unsought goods.
2 Of the four major subgroupings of consumer goods, the one most likely to be tied to a strategy of maximum distribution is:
A. shopping goods.
B. speciality goods.
C. unsought goods.
D. convenience goods.
E. All classes of goods require intensive distribution
3 Flashlight batteries and candy are most likely to be examples of:
A. shopping goods.
B. unsought goods.
C. staple goods.
D. speciality goods.
E. convenience goods
4 Which of the following could be described as a speciality good?
A. Musical instruments.
B. Encyclopaedias.
C. Toothpaste.
D. Cars.
E. Washing machines
5 Differentiation on service quality can occur on any of the following dimensions EXCEPT:
A. Reliability.
B. Assurance
C. Responsiveness
D. Tangibles
E. Serviceability.
6 Only a small percentage of new products would be classified as:
A. new to the world.
B. new to the firm.
C. product-line extensions.
D. product improvements.
E. brand extensions.
7 The biggest cause of failures among new products comes from:
A. insufficient demand for this type of product.
B. introducing me-too products that sell for the same or a higher price but do not outperform products already on the market.
C. changes in consumers’ preferences while the product is under development.
D. interorganisational conflicts between various departments in the company.
E. poor product design.
8 A company that wants to find out about the process by which a consumer adopts a new product would probably use:
A. laboratory test markets.
B. consumer tests.
C. product tests in the field.
D. a panel of experts.
E. an extensive test marketing programme
9 Which type of quality dimension refers to the EPA miles per gallon rating of a new Honda Accord car?
A. Durability.
B. Aesthetics.
C. Performance.
D. Reliability.
E. Conformance
10 A brand name:
A. is the part of a firm’s recognised and registered symbol that can be vocalised.
B. is the part of a firm’s recognised and registered symbol that cannot be vocalised.
C. is an unregistered symbol representing a product class.
D. is an unregistered symbol representing a product type.
E. includes the registered symbol representing the product.
What is a product? Describe its various components.
A product can be defined as anything that satisfies a want or need through use, consumption, or acquisition. Thus, products include goods (TVs, radios, cars), services (medical, educational), places (New York, Moscow), people (David Camer- on and other politicians everywhere), activities (entering a contest or visiting a weight-loss clinic), and ideas (have you hugged your kids today?).
Describe the four subgroups of consumer goods.
What are the eight dimensions of quality? How do these affect a firm’s quality strategy?
One important dimension on which goods or services are physically differentiated is on the basis of quality – seeking to be better, in some sense, in the customers’ eyes than competing products.
How does branding benefit consumers? Sellers?
Branding helps to differentiate one product from another
Comprises of:
Brand name
Brand mark
Perceived quality
Brand association
Branding helps by enhancing:
Effectiveness of marketing promotions programs
Brand loyalty
Opportunities for brand extensions
Prices and margins from competitive advantage
Channel relationships
Discuss briefly the various branding-strategy options.
- Individual branding – each product has a distinctive name, if one product is bad does not tarnish the overall name
- Family branding - same brand covers a number of products
– reduced costs and transfer of customer satisfaction from one to the other
- if one product is bad may tarnish the overall brand
- Co-branding – haagen daz baileys ice cream
- Global brands – very expensive
Define each of the following:
A. Line filling.
B. Line stretching.
C. Line extensions.
Line Filling: This strategy lengthens the product line by adding items within the present range. Its objective is to satisfy more customers, to increase sales and profits, to placate dealers who want a full-line supplier, and to ward off competitors.
Line Strecthing: This strategy involves lengthening the product line beyond its current range of variables, such as size and price. Aircraft manufacturers, such as Boeing and Airbus, have typically expanded the size of their jets. Such product line stretching – literally, in this case – may be up or down or both.
**Line Extentions: **This strategy consists of introducing new products that differ significantly from those in the existing line by more than just size and price.
Discuss briefly the five criteria consumers use to evaluate service quality.
How can the variation in new-product failure-rate estimates be explained?
- Most new products fail
- Biggest cause is introduction of me-too product
- Drivers of new product development:
- Change in market
- Changes in technology
- Govt regulations
- Change in raw materials
- Introduction of new products by competitors
Why are more and more firms using teams to introduce new products?
- In house or sub contract or joint venture
- In house – faster, competitive advantage, ioint venture
- Bureaucratic is better for line extensions and product improvement
- Cross functional required for innovation
What are the major steps of the new-product development process?