Module 1 (Proteins) Flashcards
P_____ p______ s______: sequences of a c____ of a_____ a_____
Primary protein structure, chain of amino acids
S_______ protein structure, occurs when the sequence of amino acids are linked by h______ b______
Secondary protein structure, hydrogen bonds
T_______ structure: occurs when certain a_______ are present between a_______ h_______ and b_______ s_______
Tertiary structure, attractions, alpha helices, beta sheets
Q_______ structure: protein consisting of m____ t____ o_____ amino acid chain
Quaternary structure, more than one
Proteins are made of many small molecule called a_____ a_____ that connect to create one large molecule (p_______)
Amino acids, polypeptide
Amino acids always have an amino group, carboxyl group, R group, and an a____ c____ with a h_____ bonded to it
alpha carbon, hydrogen
The ___ g____ is the determinant for the amino acid
R group
Look at the most d_____ part to categorize the R group as nonpolar, polar, negatively charged, or positively charged. Polar molecules have oxygen, fluorine, NH, OH
All amino acids have some sort of polar charge because of their backbone. The R group is what actually c_______ the amino acid as polar or non polar
When two amino acids bond together, the c______ g____ of one amino acid bonded to the a_____ g____ of another amino acid to form a p______ b______. W______ is taken out in this process
Carbonyl group, amino group, peptide bond
D______ in only t___ amino acids. P______ are three or m____
Dipeptide, two, polypeptide, more
Which structure determines the final form of the protein?
The primary structure
The a_____ h____ in the secondary structure: each carbonyl group in the backbone forms a h______ b_____ with an amide group
does not involve the _ ______ of amino acids
Alpha helix, hydrogen bond, R groups
B____ s____ in secondary structure: h_____ bonds form between carbonyl groups in one polypeptide and amide groups in a different part of the polypeptide. A_____strands can run in the same direction or in opposite directions
Does not involve the R-group.
Beta sheet, hydrogen, adjacent
T______ s_____: is a result of i______ that involve _ ______. Occurs when certain attractions are present between alpha helices, pleated sheets, and interactions between R-groups. Has d____ structures. Can form a h____ bond between R group. Contains d_____ bonds
Found in the ____ of a protein, s_____ them from water
Tertiary structure, interactions, R-groups, diverse, hydrogen, disulfide, middle, shields
Q_______ s______: only a few proteins can form this. Involves the assembly of separate p_______ to form the complete functional protein. More than one a____ a____ interact
Quaternary structure, polypeptides, amino acids
P______ d______: protein s_____ can be disrupted and cause it to denature, meaning the proteins can lose its s_______, t_______, and q______.
Denaturing a protein will result in the protein losing its structure (u______) and therefore loses its f______
Protein denaturization, structure, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, unravels, function
Pumps in active transport work against the e_______ g______
Electrochemical gradient