Module 1: Landing Page Fundamentals (CCD) Flashcards
What is a Landing Page?
a web page created specifically to drive targeted marketing campaign traffic in order to achieve one specific purpose (purchases, downloads, opt-ins)
Landing Page vs Website?
Landing Pages: are for campaign traffic Websites: are for organic traffic that comes from search engines like Google and Bing
What are landing pages used for?
- Paid Ads
- Remarketing
- Email Campaigns
- Social Ads
- Promos
- Event Registration
- E-Books & Webinars
- Blog Opt-Ins
- Contests & Surveys
What is the anatomy of a landing page?
- Headline + Subhead
- Hero Image (Photo or Video)
- Features + Benefits
- Social Proof
What does NSAMCWADLP stand for?
“Never Start a Marketing Campaign Without A Dedicated Landing Page”
Pro Tip:
DON’T send paid traffic to your homepage. Use a landing page.
What are the 7 Principles of Conversion Centered Design?
Attention- remove distractions + drive attention to what you want people to do
Context- delivering on the promise you’d made before the click
Clarity- delivering Value Proposition CLEARLY + QUICKLY
Congruence- aligning everything on your page with CAMPAIGN GOAL
Credibility- evidence to back up your claims (social proof)
Closing- getting the sale, lead, subscriber, customer
Continuance- making sure you take advantage of what happens post-conversion
Top 10 Mistakes on Landing Pages?
- Send paid traffic to the homepage
- Design Experience that “helps” people leave
- Mismatching expectations (not delivering on the click on the landing page)
- Trying to be clever with headline & value proposition (clear beats clever)
- The Grey Goose effect (talking about being awesome without showing you’re awesome)
- Using Stock Photography
- Blindly following trends
- Fake testimonials
- Using “Submit” as your CTA
- Not asking for a 2nd action