Module 1 Flashcards
Its original meaning is “love of wisdom”
It is the literal Filipino translation of the term philosopher and this person like to reason out or to engage in the activity of reasoning
A Greek word which means “love”
A Greek word which means “wisdom”
A lover of wisdom or one who loves wisdom; wise men/the one who knows
The Ancient Greek thinker more popularly known for his mathematical formula, the Pythagorean theorem. He first used the term “philosopher” and preferred to be called a “philosopher” rather than a sophist
He is the father of Western philosophy and teacher of Plato
Group of intellectuals who taught oratory (the art of public speaking) for free to individuals aspiring to have a successful career in politics; a person who reasons with clever but fallacious arguments. They believed that all truths are relative. Determined by human interests
One who is aware of what he/she knows and what he/she does not know; holds beliefs that are not only true but which he/she can also justify; knows a lot about things that are valuable in life; can put his/her knowledge to practical use; does not only know what is true, but also knows what is good or what ought to be done in a given situation and he/she acts accordingly
Wise person
- Historical Approach
- Analysis of Language
- Program of Change
- Set of Questions and Answers
- World View
- Criticism
“Historical significance” from wonder to wander. Therefore, having philosophy can expose us to the truth, but doing philosophy can bring us closer to the same truth
Historical Approach
To be filled with curiosity or doubt; an event inexplicable by the laws of nature, a miracle
Walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way; an act or instance of wandering
Rejected metaphysics and accepted the simple but useful modern standard of scientific verification. Their thesis is that only truths of logic and empirically verifiable statements are meaningful
Analysis of Language
Karl Marx declared that the rome of philosophy is not to think about the world, but to change it. Philosophy is not to be an ivory tower enterprise without relevance to the world of human conditions
Program of Change
The attempt to clear away shabby thinking and establish concepts with greater precision and meaning. It must not be confused with skepticism and it is carried on for the pursuit of purer, or better knowledge
He is one of the earliest to engage in philosophic criticism
- Thematic Types
- Positional Types
- Methodological Types
- Regional Types
- Historical Types
Under this classification are the kinds of philosophy that are distinguished from one another according to the topic of the issues being addressed. Under this group are what we called branches of philosophy and what we shall call disciplinal philosophies
Thematic Types