Module 1 Flashcards
A patient presents with poor short term memory loss, bumps into structures and gets lost easily.
Which area of the brain would most likely be the culprit?
Abnormalities in diurnal cortisol rhythm combined with a lack of smell and short term memory
problems can be key warning signs for which neurodegenerative disease?
Alzheimer ’s disease
Which neurological structure plays a primary role in turning off the HPA Axis?
Fear, anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are associated with dysfunction of which
neurological structure?
Noradrenalin is used to improve focus by stimulating which structure?
Pre-Frontal Cortex
Diurnal cortisol rhythm is regulated by which two neurological structures?
Pineal gland and Hippocampus
The pineal, and hence melatonin, are greatly influenced by which aspect of the colour spectrum?
Blue light
What is the primary influence on Aldosterone production?
Sodium potassium ratio
Which hormone signals the pituitary to release ACTH?
Which hormone signals Zone 1 and 2 of the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol?
Adaptogens have their affect on which structure in the HPA Axis feedback loop?
Primarily the hippocampus
Cortisol stimulation of the hippocampus elevates which neurotransmitter?
The Locus Coeruleus is the primary source of production for which neurotransmitter?
Aerobic exercise can rehabilitate the hippocampus through the elevation of which hormone?
Blockage of the Vitamin D Receptor has what affect on the HPA Axis?
Elevates Cortisol