Moduel 5 Flashcards
Identify the major milestones of puberty.
Puberty is triggered by a complex set of hormonal changes beginning at about age 7 or eight very large increases in gonadotropic hormones are central to the process in girls sexual maturity is achieved as early as age 12 or 13 sexual maturity is achieved later in the boys with the growth spurt or Karine a year or more after the start of genital changes
-the collective term for the physical changes that culminate in sexual maturity.
-Starts when the pituitary gland signals a child’s adrenal gland to step up its production of androgen
-Adrenal androgen triggers a growth spurt in girls and affects development of pubic hair for boys it’s less significantt
Testes and penis and the ovaries uterus and vagina all grow breasts develop voice pitch changes and beard growth
Sexual development in Girls
- Early changes in breasts and pubic hair peak of the growth spurt development of breast and pubic hair first menstruation an event called menarche (~12.7yr) final stage of breast and pubic hair development
- It is possible to become pregnant shortly after menarche but a regular menstrual cycles make this highly unlikely
Secular Trend
- The decline in the average age of menarche along with changes such as an increase in average height for both children and adults that happened between the mid 19th and mid 20th century’s in Western countries and occurs in developing nations when nutrition and health improves
- In 1840 periods Started at roughly 17
- Body fat must be 17% before menarche can occur
Sexual Development in Boys
-Boys complete stage 23 and four of genital development and stage two and three of pubic hair development before reaching the peak of the growth spurt his first ejaculation or spermarche occurs between 13 and 14 but the production of viable sperm does not happen until a few months after this the development of a beard and Lauren a voice of her at the end of the sequence
-diet exercise and body fat contribute to the timing of puberty hereditary and behavioural factors also contribute to hormonal secretions
Review how the brains and other body systems of adolescents differ from those of younger children.
Myelination progresses steadily Throughout the brain during this. And there is an inverted you shaped developmental patterns in gray matter volumes from early childhood to adolescence as synaptogenesis is followed by synaptic pruning puberty is accompanied by a rapid growth spurt in height and an increase in muscle mass and fat boys add more muscle and girls add more fat becoming overweight and less fit is a growing concern for Canadian youth.
The brain
- The brains volume of gray matter follows an inverted U-shaped trajectory from early childhood to early adult hood the decreasing amount may reflect the process of pruning among the last brain regions to reach adult levels or areas within the frontal cortex that are linked to the control of impulses judgement and decision making
- The volume of white matter steadily increases in the four major lobes which is a developmental pattern that is associated with the cognitive behavioural and emotional differences between children and adults
the skeletal system
- Adolescence grow 5 to 13 cm a year then they add height and weight slowly until they reach their adult size with girls attaining most of their height by 16 and boys at 18 to 20
- A teenager’s hands and feet are the first body parts to grow to full size followed by arms and legs then truck
- The jar changes shape and joint development increases coordination
the musculature system
- Muscle fibres become thicker and denser and a lot stronger this increase is much greater and boys
- Proportion of fat rises amongst girls and declines amongst boys proportion of weight that is muscle rises in boys and declines in girls
the heart and lungs
-Heart rate drops greater endurance increase heart and lung sites
body weight in fitness
The rate of overweight adolescence increased to 20% obesity increased to 10% and fitness levels have declined significantly
Identify the issues involved with the sexual behaviour of adolescents.
. Roughly 2/3 of all Canadian teams have had sexual intercourse by the time they reach 19 years of age
Sex before age 15 is 9% current rate for 15 to 17-year-olds is 30% and for 18 to 19-year-olds it is 68%
37% of females and 27% of males age 15 to 24 so they did not use condoms which increases the rate of STI’s and unwanted pregnancy
only 3/4 of Canadian females reported consistently using birth control
- Even if they are knowledgable many teens may lack the assertiveness necessary to resist sexual pressure or discuss condom use
- Chlamydia gonorrhoea and syphilis I’ve been on the rise in youth aged 15 to 19
Sex Education
-Must include both information motivation to use the information as well as behavioural training skills such as condom acquisition andSafe sex negotiation
Summarize the issues involved in teenaged pregnancy.
.Roughly 3 out of every 100 Canadian teenage girls become pregnant less than half of pregnant teenagers give birth the long-term consequences for the teens that give birth are generally negative although with support such women may overcome the disadvantages
- Slightly more than half of all pregnancies of 15 to 19-year-olds are terminated through abortion
- Children of teenage mothers are more likely to grow up in poverty
- These kids progress more slowly through developmental milestones
- Teenage girls that do well in school and have strong educational aspirations are less likely to get pregnant less likely to be sexually active early more likely to use contraceptive
Identify issues around emergence of sexual orientation and gender identity in adolescence.
Hormonal genetic and environmental factors have been proposed to explain homosexuality the process of realizing ones sexual orientation is a gradual one that often isn’t completed until early adulthood transgendered teens are those whose psychological gender differs from their biological sex
- 96% of teens are heterosexual 1.4% or questioning 1% are exclusively gay or lesbian and 3.5% are bisexual
- If one identical twin is homosexual the probability that the other is 50% for ternal twins are only about 20% and only 11% for biologically unrelated boys adopted by the same family
- Woman whose mothers took the drug DES diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy or more likely to be homosexual as adults than women who are not exposed to DES in the womb
- Coming out is a gradual thing
-May have been exposed to a typical amount of androgens in the room
-Most children who are attracted to cross gender activities and even those who expressed a desire to be the opposite gender do not exhibit transgender is him after puberty therefore this behaviour is not predictive
-Some seek. sex reassignment although at least half who explored this option rejected in favour of a less dramatic way of coping with her dilemma of those who do undertake the procedure most are happy with the results and experience relief from their distress
Identify major factors impacting adolescent health, including;
o the impact of risk-taking behaviours
o patterns of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use among adolescents in Canada.
o Briefly review factors that contribute to eating disorders.
o Understand issues surrounding adolescent depression and suicide.
Sensation Seeking
Teens engage in higher rates of various kinds of risky behaviour including unprotected sex drug used and fast driving.
-More likely to dry faster follow too closely switch traffic lanes and you seat belts less.
-Lack of maturity in the prefrontal cortex might be cause of higher levels of sensation seeking
Drugs S,oking and Alcohol
Use of alcohol and marijuana remain high among Canadian teenagers but less so for the use of hard drugs and smoking. Sensation seeking and neuroticism are associated with alcohol and drug use and abuse.
Eating Disordera
Eating disorders such as boulimia and anorexia are more common among teenage girls and teenage boys. Some theorist have proposed biological and Socio economic costs. Others hypothesized that media images of thin models and celebrities because the body image distortions that underlie eating disorders. Still others emphasize the tendency of individuals with eating disorders to exhibit other kinds of disordered thoughts and be diagnosed with other psychological disorders.
Depression and Suicide
Depression and suicide or mental health problems that are common during adolescence. Genetics social stressors and low self-esteem are thought to be contributing factors. Although both depression and suicide attempts are more common among girls boys are more likely to succeed with a suicide attempt.
Describe the characteristics of thought in Piaget’s formal operational stage.
.Fort Piaget the formal operational stage is characterized by the ability to apply basic cognitive operations to ideas and possibilities in addition to actual objects
Formal operational stage:
-the forth of Piagets stages during which adolescents learn to reason logically about abstract concepts
Systematic Problem Solving
-the process of finding a solution to a problem by testing single factors
-pendelem problem. Adolescences will vary one variable (only string) to find out best solution vs children will vary combos (did string length and weight) which is ineffective
Hypothetical deductive reasoning ability to derive conclusions from hypothetical premises
-Deductive reasoning involves considering hypothesis or hypothetical Premises and then driving logical outcomes
-If all people are equal then you and I must be equal
Summarize some major research findings regarding the formal operational stage.
Although some adolescence the exhibit advanced forms of thinking formal operational thinking is not universal nor is it consistently used by those who are able to do it
- Can understand figurative language such as metaphors
- Can understand proverbs example people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones (6 to 11-year-olds interpret this literally)
- Only two of the 20 grade 12 participants used formal operation logic on all 10 problems these results are similar to those in the 60s 70s and 80s
- This suggests that piagets predictions about adolescent thinking we’re overly optimistic
- Rates of formal operational thinking increase with education. Piagets Overly optimistic prediction may have resulted from his failure to appreciate the rule of education in the development of advanced thoughts
Describe what kinds of advances in information-processing capabilities occur during adolescence.
Memory function improves in adolescence as teens become more proficient in metacognition metamemory and strategy use. They process information faster and use processing resources more efficiently. Better at using strategies to solve problems.
Metacognition Metamemory and Strategy Use
- By 13 or 14 Meta cognitive skills far exceed those of younger children.
- Researchers taught elementary school and teenagers memory learning task and then got them to memorize new information only teenagers Inc. this new strategy. Teenagers excelled in their ability to recognize the similarity between the two tasks.
Text Learning
- Four rules for written summaries. First they would delete trivial information. Second their summaries would show categorical organization. Third the summaries would use topic sentences from the text. Fourth they would invent a topic sentences for paragraphs I didn’t have them.
- All ages used the first rule. 10 and 13-year-olds didn’t use other rules. 15 and 18-year-olds used categories. Only 18-year-olds used topic sentences effectively.
Identify what variables predict the likelihood of dropping out of secondary school.
.Those who succeed academically in secondary school typically have parents who have high aspirations for them those who drop out are less likely to find value in school life
Those who achieve in school despite backgrounds that include poverty or daunting obstacles likely have parents who had a high aspirations for them
- In 1990 17% of Canadians didn’t finish high school by 2014 this was 7%
- Children in low socioeconomic status families are more likely to leave school early teenagers who are living alone or come from families with no psychological support for academic achievement who have caregivers with low levels of education or negative attitudes towards education are also more likely to leave school early
- Dual credit programs provided by colleges or apprenticeship programs help reduce leaving school early
Long Term consequences
-Associated with higher unemployment as adult -lower wages as adult
Describe what happens during Erikson’s identity versus role confusion stage.
For Erickson adolescence is a period when a person face is a crisis of identity versus role confusion out of which the teenager must develop a sense of who he is where he belongs in his culture
Erikson thought that a sense of personal identity is far more important developmental task faced by adolescents
- Identity: and understanding of one’s unique characteristics and how they have been ordered and will be manifested across ages situations and social rules
- identity vs role confusion: Stage during which adolescents attain a sense of who they are
- Confusion about these rules leads to an identity crisis which is a state of emotional turmoil that arises when the adolescence sense of self becomes unglued so that a new or mature sense of self can be achieved
- And adolescents tendency to identify with peer groups is a defence mechanism against identity crisis by merging their individual identities with that of a group the teen protects them selves
- the group forms a base of security from which the young person can move towards a unique solution for the identity crisis
Discuss the ways that self-understanding in adolescence differs from that in childhood.
.Self definitions become increasingly abstract In adolescence with more emphasis on enduring internal qualities and ideology
Increasing stability of the big five personality traits as a result enduring traits such as shyness show up in adolescents self descriptions for more than they do in those of younger children
-Question who I am I is not met with physical attributes but with abstract traits or ideology
Describe how self-esteem changes across the teenage years.
.Self-esteem drop someone at the beginning of adolescent and then rises steadily throughout the teenage years
An overall rise and self-esteem throughout the lessons which increases slowly through early adult hood
- Factors that influence the teens self-esteem include personal characteristics relationships with significant others lifestyle factors and achievements
- High self-esteem is correlated with positive developmental outcomes a better ability to resist peer pressure and achieve higher grades
- Low self-esteem is associated with poor mental and physical health antisocial behaviour mean disorders anxiety depression and suicidal thinking
Describe the changing relationships of adolescents with their parents.
Adolescent parent interactions typically become somewhat more conflicted in early adolescence strong attachment to parents remain so and our predictive of good peer relations
Conflict with Parent
- Teens disagree with the parents most when it comes to every day issues such as chores. There are less parenting conflict over issues such as who they are dating drugs or appearance and sex
- Parent team conflicts appear to cause more distress for parents than for adolescence
- Emotional attachment to parents remain strong
- A teen sense of well-being or happiness is more strongly correlated with the quality of their attachment to their parent then with the quality of their relationship with peers
- Good relationships with parents mean they are more likely to be academically successful and enjoy good peer relationships less likely to engage in antisocial behaviour
- Quality of attachment predicts drug use in later adolescence and early adult hood
Discuss the issues involved in adolescents’ relationships with peers.
.Teens today have more aquaintences that their parents did. Over the teen years friendships became increasingly intimate and stable. Adolescences value loyalty intimacy and faithfulness in their friends and typically form friendships with peers who share their interests and are their equals with regard to social skill development. In the early years of adolescence cliques are almost entirely same-sex groups. Between 13 and 15 cliques combine into crowds that include both male and females. This is the time when teens are more susceptible to pure influences. Crowds breakdown into mixed gender clicks and then into small groups of couples
- Technology has a major role in friendships. With most teens either texting or instant messaging your friends regularly. This leads to having a wider range of acquaintances than their parents did. They place emphasis on popularity and peer acceptance. As they get older the quality of peer relationships gets more important.
- friendships are more stable. Loyalty and faithfulness become more valued. They choose friends who share their social status. And are committed to the same activities.
- Friendships and over a difference in maturity relationship status or athletic achievements for boys.
Peer Groups
-Peer groups become stable. Adolescence choose groups that share their values attitudes behaviour and identity status.
Changes in Peer Group Structue
- cliques are made up of 4 to 6 young people who appear to be strongly attached to one another. These involved within group aggressions aimed at maintaining the route status hierarchies.
- crowds are a combination of clicks which include both male and females. This is between 13 and 15.
- Identity prototype is labelling others and oneself as belonging to one or more of these groups to create or reinforce the adolescence own identity. example gamers Emo’s popular jocks
Explain the difference between primary and secondary aging.
It is important to distinguish between the unavoidable effects of primary agent and the preventable consequences of secondary ageing primary ageing is a consequence of biological factors that are largely uncontrollable secondary ageing can be influenced by lifestyle changes.
Primary aging (senescence) - is age related physical changes that have a biological basis and are university shared. Grey hair, wrinkles, changes in visual acuity
Secondary ageing - is age related changes that are due to social and environmental influences poor health habits or disease. Not experienced by all adults.
The rich living longer than the poor is caused by secondary ageing the degree of Socio economic inequality is related to the overall health of its citizens. Prosperous nations with high Socio economic inequality experience for overall health then less wealthy and egalitarian societies (japan/Sweden)
Disability adjusted life years a measure of the gap between the populations ideal and actual health levels it is derived from the number of years lost too premature death illness or injury and the number of years living with a disability. It assumes a potential life limit 82.5 years for women and 80 years for men
Health adjusted life expectancy is an estimate of life expectancy at birth it is the number of years that a newborn can expect to live in full health given current rates of morbidity and mortality.
Quality adjusted life years is a measure of how much benefit is gained and at what cost for any particular physical or mental intervention. It provides an estimate of the time a person will live at different levels of health over his remaining years of life