Modernisation Theory Flashcards
Modernisation theory aims too
Explain my poorer countries fail to evolve into modern societies. And reduce the spread of communism by presenting capitalist values as a solution to poverty. Their basic principles are heavily influenced by darwinism as like an living organism societies evolve until they reach modernity.
Traditional society
This stage is characterised by the Limited and unsophisticated Technology. Only enough food is produced to survive. They live in small communities and are extremely interdependent. This is subsistence living.
Preconditions for take off
Eventually there are innovations in technology and they begin to revolutionise, production becomes more efficient so surplus can be sold for a profit.
Take off
This is the emerge of entrepreneurs who will reinvest profits in newer technologies and infrastructure - thus generating further profits. This is a period of rapid innovation and industrialisation and growth. Starts to export manufactured goods to the developed world and wealth trickles down.
Drive to maturity
Industrialisation and growth is self-sustaining and spreads. New institutions such as education and healthcare and infrastructure emerge. And political organisations needed to manage the increasingly sophisticated economy.
Age of Mass consumption
For Rostow this is the point of social maturity and modernity was characterised by an age of mass consumption. Economic activity is at a consistent high level and workers wages rise. The demand for good transcends the basic needed.
Sets out to look at underdevelopment
Sets out to respond to a key problem, there are huge amounts of the world poor and becoming poorer. They stated that the majority of these counties are stuck at rostows traditional stage. They set out to identify the barriers which were preventing the development this producing poverty.
Economic barriers
The developing counties are stuck in a cycle of poverty as they cannot produce a surplus.
Cultural Barriers - Parsons
Stated that traditional values block a country for developing e.g. valuing the extended family, blocks geographical mobility - he describes them as backwards looking. Ascription not achievement collectivism not individual pursuit of wealth.
Economic catalysts- ODA
Injections of capitalism should be given by poor countries, to get out of the cycle poverty.
Economic catalysts - FDI
Encourages TNC’s to set up their factories in developing countries to provide jobs infrastructure and technology.
Focuses on cultual factors he believed that countries need western style politics and social values to develop.
Cultural catalysts
Simply throwing money at the majority world will never produce sustained progress investment need to be accompanied by a spread of “modern” values producing a entrepreneurial middle class to reinvest profits.
Educlation - Hoselitz
We need to encourage western educations such ad a meritocracy this promotes competition and changes values.
Mass media
Spreads western values and promotes western lifestyle.