Gender Inequality Flashcards
Feminists argue
There a need for a feminist theory of development as theories of development are male stream.
Women Stats
Women perform 66% of the world work, product 50% of the world food but earn 10% of the income and own 1% of the property. They are underrepresented in education politics and have poor nutrion and work longer hours.
In some cultures if you are woman it is ascribed meaning no social mobility.
Argues that woman in developing countries often lack reproductive rights. Infant mortality rate is also higher in girls than boys in 13 countries statistic which are supported by accusation of infanticide.
Found 3 stances in the debate:m
Intergration thesis- Traditional values prevent gender development of women are not economically integrated.
Marginalisation thesis- colonialism creates gender inequality.
Exploitation thesis- Capitalism reinforces gender inequality.
IT - reasons for underdevelopment
Internal cultural factors parsons describes the values of developing countries as backwards looking. Ascribed so prevents social mobility if women are not naturally inferior.
IT-Van der Gaag
Chinese book of songs found that boys were celebrated and girls commiserated.
At least 60 million women are missing because of sex-selected abortion or abandoning baby girls.
Modernisation Theory would argue that low status of women is another obsercal to development because:
-Their potential is not realised
-Their status of mothers contributed to over population.
For contemporary mod improving position of women has become a major catalyst for development, they advocate
-Aid to fund education and increase new values
-TNC encouraged to offer women employment.
This should gradually modernise culture and integrate women into the mainstream.
(negatives of mod)
MT- Social structures
The social structures and relationships where imposed under colonialism which continue during neocolnalism this is serves to marginalised women constricting them to domestics.
Capitalism= restricts women to the home and poverty is created by human action.
Argued that traditional societies were based on gender roles, although not strictly equal at least equitable.
MT-Wallace and Abbortt found
Invading colonel powers found social arrangement “exotic” so replaced them with western notions of feminity.
Found study on SIOUX before colonialism they were martrialchal strong female basis but led to patriarchal structures of west.
MT-Men left for work
Men and women used to do agricultural work but conaloism meant that men went to work and left women to double. Mod would said mens wages should “trickle down” but LEONARD argues in Africa this “breadwinner status” was unfamiliar so they see their money as their own not families.
MT-Aid projects for women
They generally focus on men in fact only 3.4% of projects actively target women. So it has been concluded that aid is not gender neutral, rather its comes with values attached that are male dominated and orientated.
MT- Positives/Negatives
They recognise that there is inequality and it isn’t natural and has been shaped by human actions.
Offers no solutions
Fails to regonise benefits of colonialism e.g. rights for women.
ET- Marxist feminist
Inequalties have produced because capitalism needs women to be exploitable, 90% of factory workers are women as they are cheap and docile.
Survyed free trade zones in Tiger and found that in these regions of poor health and safety to attract TNC 85% are women working manual, unskilled and repetitive labour.
Support this saying underdeveloped countries are complicated in the process with governments acting like pimps offering women to TNC. Malaysian advert.
Highlights how women are especially exploitation by TNC, blames cap not values.
No solutions.
But TNC can offer good things for women, no reliance.
Doesn’t looks at exploration of men.
Leghorn and Parker
Looked at the position and status of women in any society, 3 part typology.
-Minimal power- Poorest counties (ethiopa) No control over reproductive rights and violence against women.
-Token power-(UK) some improvements but womans status is secondary to men - glass ceiling.
-Negotiating- Traditional societies, sioux women have control.
Both majority and Minorty have issues.
Van der gaan
Found that there has been improvement in the past 20yrs but there are brutal facts women still have very little power, 70% of those in poverty are women and 2/3 illiterate.