Ethnic Inequality Flashcards
Social scientists and darwin
Following darwin theory they suggested that human groups developed in isolation also white races are inherently superior to others. These theories reflected underlying beliefs of the brit empire and have been since discredited.
Set out to prove white there naturally superior and then brain side is direct to intelligence. Skulls filled with pellets found europeans, chinese last africans.
Gould found that is techniques were biased and used to support his prejudicial views.
Refers to the physical appearance such as skin, but it is not biological fact it is socially constructed, there is not single gene and there is no “pure race” any individual is the product of at least 10,000 years of genetic reshuffling. There is genetical more difference between group than racial groups.
Judging people on the basis of ethnic differences can lead to both personal and institutional racism. This occurs when people discriminate. Institutional racsim is having different procedures, this was found by macphearson report.
Stratifications based on race
- Aparthide in SA when having jobs and land depended on having white skin.
- Brazil, possession of light skin is highly prized and most of the ruling elites in such a country are drawn from such group.
State that racism can be functional such as Nazi Germany providing a group bonding experience.
Slavery because morally justified as the dominate group benefited.
Rasism is inevitable but temporary PARSONS
Argues that there is a process of assimilation, this means than minority group adapts to the majority group preventing anomie, he uses the term “American Negro” who is integrated into American culture and is part of meritocratic system.
This links to mod because it assumes west is best, according to rostow can evolve and reach the age of mass consumption.
Assimilation is important
Because discrimination can be dysfunctional as it fails to use the resources of all the individuals.
And aggregates social problems such as poverty and crime.
But criticisms
Its ethnocentric - assumes whites is best
Argues that cultures don’t assimilate but become more diverse.
Exploitation theory
Rasism keeps the minorities in low paying jobs so supplies the capitalist ruling class with cheap labour, forced to accept it. And workers who are in the dominate group who want better wages can be replaces.
Stated that rascism creates a fake class consciousness by creating a divide by creating devisions that means there is less united action to revolt agains capitalism.
However criticism
Its is economically deterministic as it focuses too much on capitalism.
World systems
They link the concept of nationalism and racism to the evolution of capitalism, he specifically argues that international economy has developed into a world system with core to exploit peripheral areas. He regards race as part of the pseudo-justification of the divisions of the world.
Negatives of WST
Very vauge about rebelliaban
Doesn’t operationalise terms
Economically deterministic
Frank would arguers that capitalism has created racial inequality. Inc mercantile capitalism(slave)
-Economic impact-undermines indigenous cultures
-political-imposed borders
-Cultural-replaced by the west
Ethnic inequality is not natural
No solutions just highlights
Ignores Kleptocarcy