Modern Views of Psychology Flashcards
What is the Biological Perspective?
Consists primarily of biopsychology (neuroscience perspective) and evolutionary psychology.
Biopsychology examines how the brain controls behaviour; focuses on the genetic components and predisposition, heredity. The therapy often includes medication.
Evolutionary psychology believes that certain human behaviours and mental abilities are encoded in our genetic makeup; instinctive programming for learning new skills and behaviours.
Who are the key figures in the Biological Perspective?
Hebb (memories), Chombsky (language, evolutionary psychology), Gottesman (schizophrenia).
What is the Learning Perspective?
Behaviourism and Social-Cognitive Learning Theories.
Behaviourism argued that all behaviour represents learned responses to stimuli; focused on overt behaviour (classical conditioning and stimulus-response); therapy consists of replacing dysfunctional behaviour with appropriate behaviour through learning.
Who is John Watson?
Credited to Behaviourism; rejected the study of consciousness. Wanted to observe tangible behaviour. Argued that all behaviour represented learned responses to stimuli.
Who was Pavlov?
Focused on overt behaviour, field of study was Classical Conditioning. Influenced Behaviourism.
Who was Skinner?
Focused on overt behaviour, field of study was Stimulus-Response. Influenced Behaviourism.
What is the Cognitive Perspective?
Focuses on mind processes including perception, memory, and thinking. People engage in behaviours (adaptive or not) because of ideas and thoughts (schemas - Bartlett).
Therapy examines how negative cognitions are influencing behaviour.
Who is the Cognitive Perspective attributed to?
Badura, Ellis, and Beck (negative schemas/depression/anxiety). Bartlett (Schemas).
What are Schemas?
Our interpretation of our experiences.
What are Cognitions?
The thoughts and ideas that we have; mental processes.
What is the Sociocultural Perspective?
Emphasizes social and cultural influences on behaviour. This includes social psychology, or the study of rules, roles, groups, and relationships. Cultural psychology or the study of cultural norms, values, and expectations. Ecological Systems Model.
What is attributed to Sociocultural Perspective?
Bruner and Broffenbrenner (Ecological Systems Model).
What is the Ecological Systems Model?
- Meso (family)
- Micro (interactions within Meso)
- Exo (environments the child is not immediately a part of)
- Macro (attitudes and ideologies of the culture)
- Chrono (timing of events)
What is the Humanistic view of Psychology?
A departure from other perspectives; emphasized the innate goodness of people and free will. Everyone strives for self actualization - to be as good as possible, strive for personal growth and self fulfillment.
Who is attributed to the Humanistic view?
Rogers and Maslow.