Chapter 5 - Class Powerpoint Flashcards
What is a biological rhythm?
A periodic, more or less regular fluctuation in a biological system.
What can biological rhythms be synchronized with?
External (entrainment) cues or internal (endogenous) cues.
What do biological rhythms influence?
Biological rhythms influence effectiveness of medication, alertness, and job performance.
When do Circadian Rhythms occur?
Approximately every 24 hours (e.g. sleep-wake cycle). They are commonly entrained to external time cues, and controlled by the biological clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).
How long is the average Endogenous rhythm?
Every 24.3 hours.
What does the suprachiasmatic nucleus do?
Regulate levels of melatonin secreted by the pineal gland.
What happens when the internal clocks are out of sync?
Internal desynchronization.
What is Internal Desynchronization?
A state when biological rhythms are not in phase with one another.
What are Circadian rhythms influenced by?
Changes in routine.
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
SAD, a controversial disorder in which a person experiences depression during the winter and an improvement of mood in the spring. Treatment involves phototherapy or exposure to fluorescent light. Evaluating frequency of and treatment for SAD is difficult.
What is “Premenstrual Syndrome”?
PMS, a vague cluster of physical and emotional symptoms associated with the days preceding menstruation that was labeled as an ‘illness’. There are physical and emotional symptoms.
What periods do people cycle through during sleep?
People cycle through periods of REM and non-REM sleep (approximate periods of 90 minutes).
What is REM sleep?
Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep, REMS) is a unique phase of mammalian sleep characterized by random movement of the eyes, low muscle tone throughout the body, and the propensity of the sleeper to dream vividly.
What is non-REM (NREM) sleep?
The sleep stages not including REM sleep, divided into 4 stages with different brain waves, relaxed brain associated with alpha waves.
What are brain waves like when a person is awake?
Small and rapid.
What are brain waves like when a person is in stage 1 sleep?
Small and irregular.
What are brain waves like when a person is in stage 2 sleep?
Sleep spindles appear.
What are brain waves like when a person is in stage 3 sleep?
Delta waves appear.
What are brain waves like when a person is in stage 4 sleep?
Mostly delta.
What are brain waves like in REM sleep?
Rapid, somewhat irregular.
What is the description of stage 1 sleep?
The feeling on the edge of consciousness; light sleep.
What is the description of stage 2 sleep?
Presence of sleep spindles; minor noises won’t be disturbing.
What is the description of stage 3 sleep?
Delta waves begin; breathing and pulse have slowed - hard to awaken.
What is the description of stage 4 sleep?
Delta waves predominant; deep sleep; most likely stage.
What is the description of REM sleep?
Increased eye movement, loss of muscle tone, dreaming.
What processes are allowed to occur during sleep?
Body eliminates waste products from muscles, repairs cells, conserves and replenishes energy stores, strengthens immune system, recovers abilities lost during the day, necessary for normal mental functioning.
What are the consequences of sleeplessness?
Chronic sleep deprivation and chronic insomnia.
What is Chronic Sleep Deprivation?
When lack of sleep causes increased cortisol levels, which can impair neurons involved in learning and memory.
What is Chronic Insomnia?
Difficultly falling or staying asleep; about 3.3 million Canadian adults experience this.
What is daytime sleepiness linked to?
Daytime sleepiness is linked to inadequate sleep during the night, associated with decreased mental performance.
What are some sleep disorders?
Sleep apnea, narcolepsy, REM behaviour disorder.
What is Sleep Apnea?
Disorder in which breathing briefly stops during sleep, causing person to choke and gasp and momentarily awaken.
What is Narcolepsy?
Disorder involving sudden and unpredictable daytime attacks of sleepiness or lapses into REM sleep.
What is REM behaviour disorder?
Muscle paralysis associated with REM sleep does not occur, and sleeper (mostly males) may “act out” their dreams.
What is a benefit of sleep?
Memory consolidation.
What is memory consolidation?
A process by which the synaptic changes associated with recently stored memories become durable and stable, causing memory to become more reliable. It’s linked to REM and slow-wave sleep, and may also enhance problem-solving abilities.
What is meant by “Dreams as Unconscious Wishes”?
It’s a psychoanalytic approach to dreaming where it’s believed that dreams provide insight into unconscious wishes and desires - “a royal road to the unconscious”. Includes Manifest content and Latent content.
What is Manifest Content in regards to a dream?
The manifest content of your dreams is what happens on the surface of the dream.
What is Latent Content in regards to a dream?
The latent content of dreams is what the manifest content represents.
Who is Edgar Cayce?
“The Sleeping Prophet”, gave predictions of the future and explanations of the present/past while in a trance-like state.
What is the Problem-focused approach to dreams?
Explanation in which the symbols and metaphors in a dream do not disguise its true meaning, they convey it. Dreams often contain material related to our current concerns (e.g. relationships, work, sex, health) and may provide opportunities to resolve problems.
What is the Activation-synthesis theory of dreaming?
Dreaming results from cortical synthesis and interpretation of neural signals triggered by activity in the lower part of the brain. In the first step, there is spontaneous firing of neurons in pons in the brain. In the second step, the central cortex synthesizes the signals and tries to interpret them.
What is hypnosis?
A procedure in which the practitioner suggests changes in the sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, or behaviour of the participant.
What is the technique most often used in hypnosis?
What are the six key ideas of hypnosis?
- Hypnotic responsiveness depends more on the efforts and qualities of the person being hypnotized than on the skills of the hypnosis
- Hypnotized people cannot be forced to do things against their will
- Feats performed while under hypnosis can be performed by motivated people without hypnosis
- Hypnosis does not increase the accuracy of memory
- Hypnosis does not produce a literal re-experiencing of long-ago events
- Hypnotic suggestions have been used effectively for many medical and psychological problems
What are the two competing theories of hypnosis?
Dissociation theories and Sociocognitive approaches
What is the dissociation theory of hypnosis?
Involves dissociation or a split in consciousness in which one part of the mind operates independently from the rest (presence of hidden observer). The control of the executive function (frontal lobes) is weakened to altered (not dissociated) state of consciousness.
What is the sociocognitive theory of hypnosis?
The effects of hypnosis result from an interaction between the social influence of the hypnotist and the abilities, beliefs, and expectations of the subject. The hypnotized person plays a role and submits to hypnotist.
What are Consciousness-Altering Drugs?
Cultural history of practices designed to release people from the confines of ordinary consciousness involving substances.
What is a Psychoactive Drug?
A substance that alters perception, mood, thinking, memory, or behaviour by changing the body’s biochemistry.
What are stimulants?
Drugs that speed up activity in the CNS (e.g. caffeine)
What are depressants ?
Drugs that slow activity in the CNS
What are opiates?
Drugs, derived from opium poppy, that relieve pain and commonly produce euphoria.
What are Psychedelic drugs?
Drugs that produce hallucinations, change thought processes, or disrupt the normal perception of time and space.
What are anabolic steroids?
Synthetic derivatives of testosterone that are taken by pill or injection; used to increase muscle mass and strength.
What is marijuana?
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); related to mild euphoria, relaxation, intense sensations, reduced pain, and various cognitive deficits.
What are the physiological effects of drugs?
Psychoactive drugs produce their effects by acting on brain neurotransmitters, by increasing or decreasing their release or preventing reabsorption of excess NTs or blocking the effects of NTs on receiving cells or by binding to receptors that would ordinarily be triggered by NTs.
What is special about cocaine?
Cocaine blocks the reabsorption of dopamine and norepinephrine resulting in over-stimulation of brain circuits to produce euphoric ‘high’. Later, depletion of dopamine results in ‘crash’.
What are the effects of alcohol?
Alcohol effects brain regions involved in judgement; drinkers are unable to judge own competence. Small amounts of alcohol affect perception, response time, coordination and balance. Alcohol also affects memory, information stored before drinking is preserved but recalled slower. The storing of memories is impaired.
What is ecstasy?
MDMA, a synthetic drug with properties of hallucinogenics and stimulants. Increases empathy, insight, and energy. Heavy use causes temporary damage of serotonin cells.
What can repeated use of psychoactive drugs lead to?
Tolerance and then when stopped, severe withdrawal symptoms.
What do reactions to psychoactive drugs depend on?
Individual factors such as weight, metabolism, level of emotional arousal, personality, physical tolerance. Experience or number of times the drug has been taken. environmental setting or context where drug is taken. Mental set or expectations about drugs effect, and reasons for taking it.
What is the Drug Debate?
“Use versus abuse” - distinguished based on how much a drug interferes with functioning and relationships. Many legal drugs are commonly consumed (e.g. coffee, tobacco, alcohol), and many illegal drugs may have positive or medicinal uses (e.g. marijuana).
Debates continue surrounding the skewed negative views of substances that are illegal versus legal (e.g. cocaine versus legal painkillers). Canadians debate over marijuana use and benefits, as well as hard reduction programs providing safe injection sites to drug addicts.