Chapter 3; Class Flashcards
What is Nativism?
A previous perspective of human differences that emphasized genes and inborn characteristics (nature).
What is Empiricism?
A previous perspective of human differences that focused on learning and experience (nurture).
What is Evolutionary Psychology?
Considers the evolutionary foundations for modern psychological traits. Looks at what the evolutionary foundations/reasons for things like human memory, perception, language ability; why people do what they do and how those behaviours have helped in the survival of the species.
What is Behavioural Genetics?
Looks to understand the link between behaviour and genetics.
What does empiricism emphasize?
The role of experience.
What attempts to tease apart the relative contributions of heredity and environment?
Behavioural genetics.
What are reasons that the frequency of genes in a population may change?
- Mutation
- Crossing over
- Copying errors
What are rod-shaped paired structures made of DNA that are located in the nucleus of the cell?
What are some innate human characteristics?
- Sucking reflex
- Interest in novelty
- The ability to walk on two legs
What does “The Event” refer to?
The publication of Chomsky’s ideas about language.
Sociobiologists predict that, compared to males, females:
Are more likely to be monogamous; choose a partner who is stable and secure; be discriminating in their choice of a mate.
What arguments may be used by critics of evolutionary explanations of courtship and mating behaviours?
- On questionnaires, both sexes rate kindness, understanding, and intelligence above physical qualities and financial status
- Similarity and proximity are the strongest predictors of mate selection
- Sexual attitudes and practice vary considerably within a culture
Define Heritability.
An estimate of the proportion of the total variance in a trait that is attributed to genetics.
What is an advantage of genetic testing?
Knowing that a child’s disorder is genetic can keep a parent from experiencing unnecessary guilt.
What are disadvantages of genetic testing?
- Genetic information could be used to discriminate against an individual
- Knowing a genetic risk could result in a self-fulfilling prophesy
- Knowing that a child’s disorder is genetic can keep a parent from experiencing unnecessary guilt
What does Nativism emphasize?
The role of our genetic nature.
What emphasizes the evolutionary mechanisms that might help explain similarities in behaviour?
Evolutionary psychology.
Define Genes.
The functional units of heredity that code for the structure of proteins.
Evolutionary psychologists view the mind as:
A collection of specialized mental modules.
What supports the existence of an innate language acquisition device?
- Children in different cultures go through similar stages of linguistic development.
- Adults who do not consistently correct their children’s syntax.
- Children combine words in ways that adults never would.
Who is the founder of the field of Sociobiology?
EO Wilson (ant guy).
Sociobiologists predict that, compared to females, males:
Are more likely to be promiscuous; choose a young, attractive mate; be polygamous.
What is true about heritability?
Heritability can help explain difference within a group.
What happens with estimates of the heritability of intelligence?
It increases with age, at least up until middle age.
What is associated with reduced mental ability?
Poor prenatal care, malnutrition, stressful family circumstances.