Models to Explain Learning Flashcards
Define • Conditioning
process of learning associations between a stimulus in the environment & a behavioural response
Define • Stimulus
any object or event that produces a response from an organism
Define classical conditioning
• Type of learning occurring through repeated association of two stimuli
What is the criteria for classical conditioning to have taken place
• Learning has only taken place when a particular stimulus consistently produces a repose that it did not previously produce
Define • Stimulus generalisation
tendency for other stimulus similar to original conditioned stimulus to produce a response similar to conditioned response
Define • Stimulus discrimination
occurs when a person/animal responds to the conditioned stimulus only and not other stimulus similar to conditioned stimulus
Define • Extinction
gradual decrease in strength/rate of a conditioned response occurring when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer present
Define • Spontaneous recovery
reappearance of conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is presented, following a rest period
What did the little albert experiment involve
- Baby with no fear of white rats/related animals
- When touching the white rat a painful sound was sounded (metal bar clang)
- Caused Albert to fear white rats and related animals
Define operant conditioing
Type of learning where behaviour has consequences determining likelihood that it will be performed in the future
Define • Antecedent stimulus
precedes specific behaviour, signals the probable consequence for the behaviour & influences occurrence of the behaviour
Define • Behaviour
voluntary action, occurs in presence of the antecedent stimulus
Define Consequence
environmental event occurring immediately after the behaviour & has an effect on occurrence of the behaviour
What are the 2 types of operant conditioning consequences
Reinforcement and Punishment
What is Response cost
not caused by the behaviour but is used as a punishment
Define observational learning
• When someone used observation of a model’s actions & the consequences of those actions to guide their own future actions
Define • Vicarious learning
experienced through someone else
Define • Vicarious reinforcement
increased likelihood of the observer behaving in a similar way to a model whose behaviour is reinforced
Define • Vicarious punishment
likelihood of observer performing behaviour decreases after seeing a model’s behaviour being punished
What are the steps of observational learning
- Attention
- Retention
- Reproduction
- Motivation
- Reinforcement