Mod 5 - Verber Flashcards
At holde
Indeholde (-r,indeholdt,indeholdt)
EKS Hun var spændt på, hvad han indeholdt, når hun lærte ham næmere at kende.
To contain; to hold; features; encompasses
EKS She was excited about what he contained when she got to know him better.
At holde
Underholde (-r,-underholdt,underholdt)
EKS Han kunne underholde et helt selskab med historier fra sine mange rejser.
To entertain; to converse with; to amuse; to support
EKS He could entertain a whole company with stories from his many travels.
At holde
Beholde (-r, beholdt, beholdt)
EKS Jeg vil beholde mit arbejde indtil jeg er blevet pensionist.
To keep; to retain; to maintain; to hold on to
At holde
Udholde (-r, udholdt, udholdt)
EKS De kunne ikke udholde den stegende hede.
To endure; to stand; to tolerate; to bear
Når men træner, så skal man holder ud (eks sport)
EKS They could not endure the scorching heat.
At holde
Opholde (-r, opholdt, opholdt)
EKS De har i en lægere årrække opholdt sig i udlandet.
To delay; to detain; to keep; to stay; to live
EKS They have lived abroad for several years.
At holde
Sammenholde (-r, sammenholdt, sammenholdt)
EKS De sammenholdt deres informationer for at finde ud af, hvad der var løgn, og hvad der var sandhed.
To compare; to hold
EKS They compared their information to find out what was a lie and what was the truth.
At holde
henholde (-r, henholdt, henholdt)
EKS Selv om der havde været flere forsøg på at nå til enighed, henholdt de sig stædigt til den tidligere indgåede aftale.
To cite; to rely on; to refer to; to take one’s stand on
EKS Although there had been several attempts to reach an agreement, they stubbornly adhered to the previously concluded agreement.
At holde
Overholde (-r, overholdt, overholdt)
EKS Han havde vanskeligt ved at overholde sine økonomiske forpligtelser.
To abide by; to obey; to comply with; to follow; to respect; to observe
EKS He had difficulty meeting his financial obligations.
At holde
Anholde (-r, anholdt, anholdt)
EKS Efter lang tids efterforskning anholdt politiet den formodede gerningsmand.
Arrested, detained
EKS After a long investigation, the police arrested the suspected perpetrator.
At holde
Forholde (-r, forholdt, forholdt)
EKS Hun vidste ikke rigtig, hvordan hun skulle forholde sig til problemerne på sin arbejdsplads.
To withhold; to relate to; to respond to
EKS She didn’t really know how to deal with the problems at her workplace.
At holde
Fastholde (-r, fastholdt, fastholdt)
EKS Selv om mange forsøgte at overbevise ham, fastholdt han sit oprindelige synspunkt.
Maintain; sustain; insist on, hold on to; stick to; restrain; retain; secure; hold down; stand by
Fasthold en synspunkt; kan være fysisk
EKS Although many tried to convince him, he maintained his original point of view.
At holde
Bibeholde (-r, bibeholdt, bibeholdt)
EKS Selv om han var blevet skilt, bibeholdt han kontakten til børnenes mormor og morfar.
To maintain; retain; to keep
EKS Even though he was divorced, he maintained contact with the children’s grandmother and grandfather.
At holde
Afholde (-r, afholdt, afholdt)
EKS Han afholdt ceremonien med stor værdighed.
To conduct; to hold; to organize; to arrange; to host; to defray
Man kan også bruge som adverbium (eks en person er afholdt dvs.alle kan lide ham/hende)
EKS He conducted the ceremony with great dignity.
At holde
Forbeholde (-r, forbeholdt, forbeholdt)
EKS Forretningen forbeholder sig ret til prisændringer.
To reserve (the right to)
EKS The business reserves the right to price changes.
At holde
Friholde (-r, friholdt, friholdt)
EKS Pigen var friholdt fra gymnastik fordi hun har brækket armen.
To exempt; grant exemption; keep clear
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