Basic Structures Flashcards
Tillykke med fødselsdagen
Happy birthday
God fornøjelse
Have fun
Q. Vil du have kvitteringen?
A. Ja, tak/nej, tak/ellers tak
Q. Will you have a receipt?
A. Yes, thank you/no, thank you/thanks but no thanks (more polite)
God bedring
Get well soon (or literally “good recovery”)
Held og lykke
Good luck
Person 1: Tak for sidst.
Person 2: Tak, i lige måde.
Person 1: Thank you.
Person 2: Thanks, and you too.
This is used when you meet up again with someone after a social setting usually involving alcohol.
God arbejdslyst.
Have a good working day.
Here you go.
This is typically used if you go in a coffee shop when the barista serves you the coffee.
Jeg vil gerne have en pizza, tak.
I would like to have a pizza, thank you.
This is typically used when ordering.
Enjoy your meal.
Har i en vegetar-version?
Have you a vegetarian version?
Det smagte godt.
It tastes good.
Det smagte herligt.
It tastes delicious.
Det smagte fantastisk.
It tastes fantastic.
Mange tak.
Many thanks.
Tusind tak.
Thousand thanks.
Tak skal du have.
Thanks may you have.
Thanks (slang version).
Det lyder godt.
It sounds good.
This is typically used if you get a special at a grocery store.
Det lyder herligt.
It sounds wonderful.
This is typically used if you get a special at a grocery store.
Person 1: Hvordan går det?
Person 2: Det går fint/godt, tak. Hvad med dig?
Person 1: How goes it?
Person 2: It goes fine/good, thank you. What about you?
Hyggeligt at møde dig.
Nice to meet you.
Det er godt at se dig igen.
It is nice to see you again.
Person 1: Vi ses på næste mandag.
Person 2: Ja, det gør vi.
Person 1: See you next Monday.
Person 2: Yes, we will.
Det er helt i orden.
No problem/it is totally in order.
This is used in writing only.