Mod 5-4 LB Diverticula Flashcards
The conditions of __________ and __________ are referred to as diverticular disease.
diverticulosis; diverticulitis
What is diverticular disease?
An extremely common condition characterized by the presence of small outpouchings or diverticulae of the wall of the large intestine.
Where can diverticula occur?
Any portion of the GI tract with the exception of teh mouth. However, diverticula are much more prevalent in teh large bowel.
What is the cause of diverticula?
The exact cause is unknown. May be congenital but more often it is acquired.
Diverticula becomes more common with ____ and appears to what?
age; run in families
Why is the diet of those in North America thought to be a major factor of diverticula?
- Because it is low fiber and higher in refined food products.
- Much less prevalent in underdeveloped countries where highly refined food products are unavailable.
When there is inadequate bulk in the diet, the bowel tends to become irritable and spastic. When sections of the bowel go into spasm, what happens?
The area between the spasms may be subjected to very high pressure, causig small areas of the bowel to bulge out. The bulges become diverticulae and permanent.
Define diverticulum
- single defect
- a single outpouching of bowel wall
Define diverticulae
- multiple defects
- multiple outpouchings
Define diverticulosis
- Having defects.
- Presence of multiple diverticula.
- Does not imply a pathology.
Define diverticulitis
- infected or inflamed diverticulae
- Inflamation and infection of one or more diverticulum
What will the clnical picture depend on with diverticla?
On whether the patient has diverticulosis or diverticulitis
*symptoms also very considerably from patient to patient.
Diverticulosis may be asymptomatic. T/F?
What are some symptoms of diverticulosis
- Cramping (chronic or intermittent lower left quadrant)
- Comstipation
- Diarrhea
- Stool sample will most likely be guaiac (negative)
What are some symptoms of diverticulitis?
- Acute abdominal pain
- Fever
- Chills
- Tachycardia
- Nausea and vomiting
- Develops over hours to days
- Left lower quadrant pain
- anorexia
- Rebound tenderness with a palpable mass
- Blood in stool (guaiac positive)
How does diverticula appear when imaging during a barium enema?
The outpouchings appear as round or oval collections of barium projecting beyond the confines of the bowel lumen.
What are typical sizes of diverticula?
They vary from barely visible to giant tics of up to 25 centimeters in diameter.
Where are most diverticula seen?
In the sigmoid colon
What characteristic will multiple ‘tics produce?
A saw-tooth configuration
___________ is considered a complication of diverticulosis.
What will happen occasionally when diverticulum becomes inflamed and perforates?
Commonly creates a pericolic abscess.
The inflammatory process of diverticulitis can extend to what?
To involve adjacent ‘tics, resulting in teh creation of a longitudinal sinus tract along the wall of the bowel.
What is a common complication of diverticulitis?
The formation of fistulas to adjacent organs.
Where might fistulas form in diverticulitis?
- bladder
- vagina
- ureter
- small bowel
What must be present to make a radiographic diagnosis of diverticulitis?
Evidence that a diverticulum has perforated because extravasation of barium is the most reliable sign of perforation.
Escaped barium from the tip of a diverticula or collected in a percolic abscess will be visualized _______ ___ _____ of the bowel, free in the peritoneum of the abdomen, which means that bowel content has escaped into the ______ ______ when the diverticula ruptured.
outside the lumen; peritoneal cavity
*This is a major complication
What is a more common radiographic sign, but perhaps more confusing?
- The presence of a narrowed segment of bowel with or without the demosntrated prsence of a divertiucula.
- Narrowing represents a filling defect caused by edema generated by the inflammatory process and may mimic bowel cancer.
Are there radiographic markers that indicate narrowed lumen representing diverticula abscess rather than cancer?
Yes, but those markers are beyond this discussion.
What is given to control inflamation and infection of __________.
Antiobiotics are given; diverticulitis
What must be done when an abscess has been identified?
- Drainage via CT or ultrasound may be necessary.
- Surgery may be required if peritonitis develops or patient fails to improve after several days of treatment or there is a recurrence.
What is the effect of radiographic technique on diverticular disease?
There is no effect