MNT-GI Flashcards
too much fat in stool due to malabsorption
-supplement fat soluble vitamins
-stomaches pushing into chest thru diaphragm
-acid reflex
hiatal hernia
-sxs: heartburn, nausea, vomiting
avoid: CCASE-chocolate, caffeine, acid, soda, eating before bed
“I got a CCASE of heartburn”
rxs: PPIs/H2 blockers
LES doesn’t relax
Leads to dysphasia
-H.pylori (weakens mucus coating)
-rxs: antacids, abx, no spicy, caffeine, alc
-consistency scale from 0-7 rating food and liquid texture
International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative
-same as water
-flows thru straw
Level 0
Slightly thick
-thicker than water
-flows thru straw
Level 1
Mildly thick
-flows off spoon
Level 2
moderately thick/liquidized
-drunk from cup
-spoon, no lumps
Level 3
-extremely thick/pureed
-no cup or straw
-spoon, not sticky
Level 4
-minced & moist
-spoon or fork
-minimal chewing
Level 5
-soft & bite-sized
-no knife
Level 6
-no texture restrictions
Level 7
-food & liquid “dumped” into small intestine too quickly
-sxs: fast pulse, tired, sweat, dizzy, cramps
-def: cal, iron, b12, folate (no intrinsic factor) Can I, Buy 12, Flowers?
Dumping syndrome
-small, frequent meals
-fluid after, not w meals
-avoid simple carbs
Dumping syndrome
Bariatric Surgery w…
-dumping syndrome
-malabsorption (higher vits & protein)
Bariatric Surgery w…
-band, less common
-no malabsorption
Bariatric Surgery w…
-sleeve (partial gastrectomy)
-supp D, Cal, iron
sleeve gastrectomy
-delayed or no stomach emptying
-sxs: nausea, vomiting
-damaged vagus nerve
-parkinson’s, diabetes, surgery
-avoid high fibre/fat (slow movement)
-smaller, frequent meals
GI condition w bacteria, virus or parasite (esp E. Coli)
-diarrhea, inflammation, anemia/malnutrition
-rx: b12, folate, abx, high cals/protein
Tropical sprue
-autoimmune, SI cells attached
-macrocyctic/iron-def anemia, malabsorption, weight loss, diarrhea
-avoid prolamin/gliadin/gluten
-supp: fat-sol vit, folate, b12, iron
celiac disease
-sxs: diarrhea, cramps, distention
-dx: hydrogen breath test
-limited lactase, esp as adults
lactose intolerance
-effects small intestine (ileum)
-flare ups, autoimmune/inflammatory
-destroys GI tract in patches
-sxs: malabsorption, diarrhea, weight loss, anorexia, mega/iron-def anemia
Crohn’s Disease
-mucosa ulcers in colon/rectum. Tissues eroded away due to inflammation
-sxs: weight loss, anorexia, anemia, electrolyte balance, dehydration, neg nitrogen, BLOODY DIARRHEA
Ulcerative Colitis
-adequate fluids & electrolytes
-supps: folate, Vit C, B12, iron
-high fat & protein
-elemental during flare up
-abnormal motility
-visceral hypersensitivity
-sxs: pain, bloating
-stress & food allergy connection
-Artificially created hole in abdomen, waiste leaves thru a bag
hardened biles due to extra cholesterol causing inflammation
gallstones, cholecystitis