MLC Flashcards
What are the 5 titles of the MLC?
Title 1: Minimum requirements to work on a ship
Title 2: Conditions of employment
Title 3: Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering
Title 4: Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection
Title 5: Compliance and enforcement
MSN 1838?
Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Minimum Age
Outline the contents of MLC Title 1: Minimum Requirements for seafarers to work on ships.
Title 1, regulation 1.1: minimum age
“Purpose: to ensure that no under-age persons work on a ship.” (MLC, 2006)
MSN 1838 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Minimum Age
The minimum age for working on a UK seagoing ship is 16 years of age.
Title 1, regulation 1.2: medical certificates
“Purpose: to ensure that all seafarers are medically fit to perform their duties at sea.” (MLC, 2006)
Title 1, regulation 1.3: training and qualifications “Purpose: to ensure that seafarers are trained or qualified to carry out their duties on board ship.” (MLC, 2006)
Refer to the Manila Amendments and additional Merchant Shipping Notes below this paragraph, for information on how they affect seafarer training certificates for merchant navy officers, ratings, and yacht officers.
Title 1, regulation 1.4: recruitment and placement “Purpose: to ensure that seafarers have access to an efficient and well-regulated seafarer recruitment and placement system.” (MLC, 2006)
MGN 475 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Recruitment and Placement
List of recruitment and placement agencies with voluntary certificates of conformity.
Outline the Contents of MLC Title 2; Conditions of Employment?
Title 2, regulation 2.1: Seafarers’ Employment Agreements (SEAs)
“Purpose: to ensure seafarers have a fair employment agreement.” (MLC, 2006)
MGN 477(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Seafarers’ Employment Agreements
Recommended formats, Download and use these model formats as templates for your own documents;
- Outer cover for list of crew and list of young persons (MSF 4156)
- List of crew and signatures of seafarers (MSF 4157)
- List of young persons (MSF 4158)
Use this model format for a seafarer agreement as a basis for your documents, updated 20th August 2020
Title 2, regulation 2.2: wages
“Purpose: to ensure seafarers are paid for their services.” (MLC, 2006)
Guidance, MGN 478(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Seafarer’s Wages
Title 2, regulation 2.3: hours of work and rest, and 2.4: entitlement to leave
“Purpose: to ensure that seafarers have regulated hours of work, or hours of rest”, and “…to ensure that seafarers have adequate leave.” (MLC, 2006).
MSN 1877 Amendment 1 gives information about applying the regulations to do with seafarers’ hours of work and entitlement to leave.
Title 2, regulation 2.5: repatriation
“Purpose: to ensure that seafarers are able to return home.” (MLC, 2006)
MGN 479(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Repatriation
Title 2, regulation 2.6: seafarer compensation for the ship’s loss or foundering
“Purpose: to ensure that seafarers are compensated when a ship is lost or had foundered” (MLC, 2006)
See also MGN 480 (M) Amendment 2, under title 4 regulation 4.2
Title 2, regulation 2.7: manning levels
“Purpose: to ensure that seafarers work on board ships with sufficient personnel for the safe, efficient and secure operation of the ship/” (MLC, 2006)
Read MSN 1877 Amendment 1 and MSN 1868 for information and guidance on the hours of work, safe manning and watchkeeping regulations.
Title 2, regulation 2.8: career and skill development; opportunities for seafarers’ employment
“Purpose: to promote career and skill development and employment opportunities for seafarers” (MLC, 2006)
Outline the contents of MLC Title 3: Accomodation, recreational facilities, food & Catering.
Title 3, regulation 3.1: crew accommodation and recreational facilities
“Purpose: to ensure that seafarers have decent accommodation and recreational facilities on board” (MLC, 2006)
Read 21A and 21B in the ‘Large Commercial Yacht Code’ (LY3) for details of seafarer’s accommodation standards on large commercial yachts, equivalent to those required by the MLC.
- MSN 1844(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Crew Accommodation*
- MGN 481(M) Amendment 1 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Crew Accommodation -*
- Supplementary Guidance*
- MGN 490 (Amendment 1)*
- MGN 491 (Amendment 1)*
Title 3, regulation 3.2: food and catering
“Purpose: to ensure that seafarers have access to good quality food and drinking water provided under regulated hygienic conditions.” (MLC, 2006)
- MSN 1845(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Food & Catering - Provision of Food and Fresh Water*
- MSN 1846(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Food & Catering - Ships Cooks and Catering Staff*
- MIN 559 (M) Maritime Labour Convention 2006: Food & Catering-recognised qualifications*
MSF 4395 - Application for Ships Cooks Certificate of Competency
Outline contents of MLC Title 4: Health Protection, medical care, welfare.
Title 4, regulation 4.1: medical care aboard ship and ashore
“Purpose: To protect the health of seafarers and ensure their prompt access to medical care on board ship at shore.” (MLC, 2006)
- MGN 482(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Medical Care*
- MGN 225 provides information on getting radio medical advice when a medical incident or emergency arises while at sea*
- MGN 296 outlines the possible effects of prescription or over-the-counter drugs on a seafarer’s performance while working at sea*
- MSN 1841 provides information on the qualifying criteria for a medical practitioner to work as a ship’s doctor on a UK ship.*
Confidential medical report form (MSF 4155)
- MSN 1768 gives information on applying these SIs, and lists the medical stores to be carried*
- MSN 1768 (M+F) Corrigendum: ships medical stores*
1995/1802: The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessel (Medical Stores) Regulations 1995
1996/2821: The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Medical Stores) (Amendment) Regulations 1996
Title 4, regulation 4.2: shipowners’ liability
“Purpose: To ensure that seafarers are protected from the financial consequences of sickness, injury or death occurring in connection with their employment.” (MLC, 2006) Regulations and guidance
MGN 480(M) Amendment 2: Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Shipowners Liabilities including Seafarer Compensation
Title 4, regulation 4.3: health and safety protection and accident prevention
“Purpose: To ensure that seafarers’ work environment on board ships promotes occupational safety and health” (MLC, 2006)
- MSN 1850(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Health and Safety Reporting of Occupational Diseases*
- MGN 484 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Health and Safety published accident statistics - information and advice*
See the ‘Code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers (COSWP), its annexes.
Title 4, regulation 4.4: access to shore-based welfare facilities
“Purpose: To ensure that seafarers working on board a ship, have access to shore-based facilities and services to secure their health and well-being” (MLC, 2006)
- Read MGN 486 about the UK’s arrangements for seafarers’ welfare under the MLC, 2006*
- Read MGN 370 for information about the Dreadnought Medical Service for seafarers, given at Guy’s Hospital and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London.*
Title 4, regulation 4.5: social security
“Purpose: To ensure that measures are taken with a view to providing seafarers with access to social security protection.” (MLC, 2006)
Read HM Revenue & Customs’ tax information for seafarers
Outline contents of MLC Title 5: Compliance and Enforcement
Title 5, regulation 5.1: Flag State responsibilities
“Purpose: to ensure that each Member implements its responsibilities under this Convention with respect to ships that fly its flag.” (MLC, 2006) Regulations and guidance
Read MSN 1848 Amendment 3
- Survey
- Inspection
- Certification
of seafarers’ living and working conditions on UK ships, in line with the MLC.
Download the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) part I
Download the DMLC part II: maritime labour certificate (MSF 2401) and guidance
Complaints procedure for seafarers
Before doing anything else, you have to follow the on-board complaints procedure, as outlined in MSN 1849. If you’re on a ship in a UK port and the complaint isn’t resolved, you can make an onshore complaint to MCA.
Port State responsibilities
“Purpose: To enable each member to implement its responsibilities under this Convention regarding international co-operation in the implementation and enforcement of the Convention standards on foreign ships.” (MLC, 2006)
MGN 487 Amendment 1 outlines the on-shore complaints process.
Send the details of your on-shore complaint to the MLC 2006 Co-ordination Group
ENG 1 vs ML5
ML5 is for inshore vessels only, such as river boats or barges. You cannot work on an sea going vessel with an ML5, ONLY an ENG 1
Someone dies onboard, what paper work do you need to complete?
- Inform next of kin
- Record in OLB
- Arrange death certificate immediately in the port state that the ship is located.
Which document shows guidance on creating an onboard complaints procedure?
MSN 1849 - MLC 2006, Onboard complaints procedure guidlines.
What is the key term to describe DMLC Part 2?
To ensure ongoing compliance and continuous improvement by the owner
Can you go to sea with an expired ENG1?
Yes as it can be extended up to 3 months.
What are the minimum hours of rest?
10 hours in any 24 hour period. 77 hours in any 7 day period. Rest should be no less than 10 hours! Can be divided into 2 periods, as long as one of those periods is not less than 6 hours.
Which MSN gives guidance on hours of rest?
MSN 1877 - MLC 2006, Hours of Work Which gives guidance based on SI 2018 No.58 Merchant Shipping(MLC)(hours of work) regulations 2018
Explain MLC?
It is a comprehensive International employment Convention adopted by the ILO in 2006! It contains seafarers rights to decent work and living conditions and creates conditions of fair competition for ship owners.
A Crew member has complained about not being paid on time, after inspection what will the surveyor do?
MGN 487 - If a complaint cannot be resolved at the shipboard level, the MCA surveyor concerned will notify the MCA/ISM/ISO Policy branch who will then contact the ship owner and discuss the complaint and how it can be resolved. If necessary the ship owner will be required to provide a corrective plan of action which is acceptable to the MCA.
Explain DMLC Part 1 (Declaration of maritime labour compliance) certificate? Who issues this certificate?
This form is to be filled in by the attending surveyor and it identifies the topics for inspection! The form: • identifies the topics for inspection. • lists the relevant pieces of legislation putting the MLC convention in place. • lists any “substantial equivalents” and exemptions that have been granted.
List of 16 items: 1. Minimum age 2. Medical certification (eng1) 3. Qualifications of Seafarer 4. SEA’s 5. Use of licensed recruitment services 6. Hours of work and rest 7. Manning levels 8. Accommodation 9. Onboard recreational facilities 10. Food and catering 11. Health & safety and accident prevention 12. Onboard medical care 13. Onboard complaints procedure 14. Payment of wages 15. Financial security for repatriation 16. Financial security related to ship owners liability Issued by the MCA.
Explain DMLC Part 2?
This form outlines the ship owners procedures to comply with the MLC convention, so it is filled in by the ship owner. A surveyor must confirm it’s compliance when the initial inspection is undertaken! • it outlines what the ship owner needs to do to meet the national requirements(16 items listed in DMLC part 1) • shows the measures suggested to make sure that improvement continues • must be written in clear terms • is designed to help everyone involved to easily check that requirements are being put in place properly.
What is an SMC and what does it mean?
A Safety Management Certificate is issued to the ship of a DOC holding Company by the administration.
Every individual ship must have an SMC which ensures that it complies with the onboard Safety Management System/Manual based on ISM.