Misc PIE Flashcards
How many branches are there in PIE - Name them
10 Branches,
Anatolian, Albanian, Armenian, Balto-Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Indo-Iranian, Italic, Tocharian.
Name 2 of the Anatolian branches
Hittite and Luvian
Name a Balto-Slavic branch. (not Balto & Slavic)
Name a Germanic Branch
Name an Indo-Iranian branch
Name the 2 Tocharian languages
A and B
Name an Italic branch
Latin (descendants are the romance languages)
How many branches are there in PIE - Name them
10 Branches,
Anatolian, Albanian, Armenian, Balto-Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Indo-Iranian, Italic, Tocharian.
What’s the Narten Present?
It’s an acrostatic athematic root present ‘paradigm’ (?) where the accent always remains on the root (hence acrostatic), however only in the 3rd sg. is there a lengthened ē-grade. Full elsewhere.
3rd. sg. *stḗu-ti
3rd. pl. *stéu̯-n̥ti (diff. ending)
Name the PRESENT stems (2)
Athematic and thematic
Name the AORIST stems (4)
s-aorist, thematic aorist stems, root aorist, long-vowel preterites.
How many PERFECT stems are there. Name the 2 categories of it. and how is the imperfect formed
- Primary and Secondary. reduplication
Name 3 Athematic presents
Nasal-infix, Reduplicated athematic present, Narten present
What’s a Nasal-Infix?
An infix inserted before the last consonant of a zero-grade root to form an athematic PRESENT stem. Typically transitive active.
full grade in the SINGULAR active: -ne-
zero-grade elsewhere: -n-
Name the 2 voices
Active and Middle
Name the Personal Endings (5)
primary active, secondary active
primary middle, secondary middle,
Name the persons and number
1st, 2nd, 3rd singular
1st, 2nd, 3rd dual (not used much)
1st, 2nd, 3rd plural
What is the TYPE I present and the TYPE II present
TYPE I: Athematic Narten Present
TYPE II: Thematic Simple Present
Name the 3 categories of stems
- Present
- S-Aorist
- Perfect
How many Present stems are there?
- idk
Whats an s-aorist stem. How many are there?
*s added to the end of a root where the theme vowel would be.
2 (lengthened and full-grade)
How many perfect stems are there? And how is it formed?
- Reduplication.
primary: redup
(secondary: imperfect, secondary endings?)
Aktionsart - (Karl Hoffman)
The concept of a root’s inherent aspect. Different roots formed different
aspects. - Roots have inherent aspect!
Due to lexical meaning: ‘she kept arriving late’ vs ‘he came running’
What does the ACTIVE VOICE do?
Role of the subject in a VERB’S ACTION; active or middle
What does the ACTIVE VOICE do?
Active voice = John threw the ball,
> John (subject) is doing the throwing
What does the MIDDLE VOICE do?
Middle voice = subject is internal to the action in some way