Misc. Flashcards
generation interval of BUFFALOES
M 5 yrs
F 3.5 yrs
generation interval of CATTLE
M 4.5 yrs
F 3 yrs
generation interval of SHEEP & GOAT
M 4 yrs
F 2 yrs
generation interval of POULTRY
M 0.7 yrs
F 0.6 yrs
intensity of selection is decreased by selection for more than one trait and it is equal to __________ for each trait
1/square root N
name two method of MEASUREMENT OF RESPONSE
CONTROL SYSTEM STATISTICAL ANALYSIS(phenotypic & genotypic trend)
name the 3 ways of CONTROL SYSTEM
- unselected(random bred) control population
- two way(bidirectional) selection
- repeat mating
name 4 methods of STATISTICAL ANALYSIS(phenotypic & genotypic trend)
- estimation of phenotypic trend
- estimation of genetic trend
- enviromental trend
- genetic change by direct selection
define CONTROL population
a population whose genetic value remains unchanged over generations
unselected(randome bred) control population system is used in ________ species. WHY?
because it is easy to maintain control population
formula for rate at which the homozygosity is increased
F=1/8M + 1/8F
it is suggested that control population should contain _____ males & _______ females
25-50 males
50-100 females
two way(bidirectional) selection is not feasible for LARGE LIVESTOCK? why
because the selection for DECREASED PERFORMANCE is not justified
adjustment of AGE EFFECT OF DAMS is done in which method of CONTROL SYSTEM
Repeat mating
repeat mating is more restricted to ______ and ______ species
poultry(for control population too)
advantages of REPEAT mating
- less expensive
- no problem of G x E interaction
- no porblem of POPULATION size
the characters under selection are called
selection objectives
simple method to calculate EXPECTED PRODUCING ABILITY was given by ______ called as_____
Most Probable Producing Ability(MPPA)
expand EPD
name the scientist who noticed resistance to diseases among WHITE LEG HORNS
________ found out genetic variability in the occurance of certain disease in MURRAH buffaloes
3 ways to find individuals showing resistance to certain disease
- occurence in normal condition
- inoculation with pathogen
- using INDICATORS of disease
animals prone to Str. Aglactiae has high proportion of ________ in teats
animals resistant to Str. Aglactiae has high proportion of ________ in teats
myristic, palmitic and linoleic acid
in cows resistant to MASTITIS, level of _______ & ______ were highest in lactosebum
LAURIC , myristic acid
Name indictorof resistance of EYE CANCER in HEREFORD cattle
pigmented eyelids(solid ring of pigment around eye)
indicator of resistance to PULLORUM DISEASE in chickens
have BETTER CONTROL to maintain their body temperature
raise temp. to 106 F by 6th day of hatching
indicator of resistance to MAREK’S disease in birds
have RBC antigen B21
birds susceptable to MAREK disease having _____ antigen on RBC
indictator of resistance to AVIAN leucosis in birds
lack antigen R1
in selection for disease resistant, maximum selection is achieved when the proportion selected is ________ to the proportion of resistant individuals
individual selection is also known as _________
expand PBV
probable breeding value
formula of PBV
PBV=selection differential x heritability of trait
the phenotypic value is poor indicator of B.V if Heritaiblity is _______
methods of multi trait selection were given by
selection is practised for 1 trait at a time in ______
tandem selection
least efficient method of multi trait selection
tandem selection
expand ICL
ICL method involves selection of _______ traits at a time
two or more
minimum standard in set in which method of mutitrait selection
ICL is used for selection of cattle used in _______ purpose
for show purpose , ________ method of multitrait selection is used
selection index method is aka
total score index
in Total score method, how many triats are taken simultaneously
SEVERAL traits
the advantage of index method ______ with the number of traits
selection index method involves the technique of _________
discriminant function
discriminant function was developed by ________, used by _______ and applied to animals by ______
in estimating economic value , all traits are given +ve sign except ______ which is given -ve sign
relative efficiency of index method increases with ________ when compared to tandem method
relative efficiency of index method rises with _____ and fall with ______ when compared to ICL
increasing n
increasing i
the superiority of index method rises with _____
Increasing n & i