MIsc Flashcards
random factoids
what is the risk of mesh erosion after SCP at 7 years?
10% (CARE trial)
pudendal nerve comes from which nerve roots
IC cysto findings?
Hunner’s ulcer
reduced bladder capacity
increased capillary vasculature
Patient presents with burning/pain from the labia to the pubic symphysis after labiaplasty for labial elongation.
What nerve was injured?
dorsal nerve of the clitoris
MOA of methenamine
raises pH in the bladder making it in hospitable to GI bacteria
What is the generic name for elmiron
pentosan polysulfate sodium
risk of occult SUI after anterior or apical POP surgery
UDS patient start to get dizzy, sweating, high BP, spasticity,
autonomic dysrreflexia (lesion at T6 or above)
treatment for autonomic dysrreflexia
empty the bladder
nifedipine 10mg IR tablets OR
nitroglyercine paste above the level of the injury (wipe off when BP improves)
indications for video UDS
spinal cord injury
ureteral reflux
- generic name
- dose
- how long to see effects
- side effects
- pentosan polysufate
- 100 mg TID
- 6 months
- reversible hair loss,
-elevated LFTs (get labs at 6 months
-permanent retinal pigmentary changes if more than 3 years!!! - reconstitutes the GAG layer of the urothelium
what is the normal pH of the vagina?
what is your risk of FI at age 40 after 1 OASI
what is your risk of FI at age 40 after 2 OASI
What is your risk of FI af age 60 after 2 OASI