Anatomy Flashcards
Describe the course of the ureter start at the IP
-lateral to medial under the IP
-next to genitofemoral nerve over the belly of the psoas, -then medially over the bifurcation of the common iliacs
-beneath the broad ligament
-under the uterine aretery
-1.5cm from the origin of the uterosacral ligament from the cervix
- medial to the vaginal artery
-into the trigone
Bladder perf rate with retropubic slings
bladder perf rate with TOT
perf rate with fascial sling
6 other complications from TVT
- over tensioning
- mesh exposure
- bowel injury (use t-burg to
- venous plexus hematoma
- arterial injury (inferior epigastric, supericial epigastric, external iliac)
- nerve pain from abrasion of pubic bone
Obturator trocar path in to out
- periurethral fascia
- obturator internus m.
- obturator membrane
- obturator externus m.
- adductor brevis m.
- gracilis
- skin
post op TOT has groin pain, what muscle did you hit
adductor longus. trocar should have been below that
where in relationship to the urethra do burch stitches go?
one at mid urethra and one at the bladder neck
Fascial sling harvest size
7-10cm long
1.5cm to 2 cm wide
SSLF anatomy
- What level on the sacrum does the SSL attach?
- What muscle overlies the ligament?
- S2-3, SSL and sacrotuberous ligament fuse together and attach to the sacrum
- coccygeus
Name the relationship between the anatomy and the SSL?
- pudendal neurovascular bundle
- inferior gluteal neurovasculature
- sacral venous plexus
- underlying ischial spine
- superior midline of ligament
- caudal to the ligament
USLS anatomy, what can be injured?
vasculature: sacral venous complex medially, vaginal vessels at the vagina
nerves: if too deep hypogastric /sacral plexus, too lateral obturator, levator
McCalls Cauldoplasty
what is it?
obliterate the cul-de-sac by bring the uterosacral ligments together.
internal sutures between USL
external sutures go through posterior vagina, then to USL and across cul de sac to the other USL and then through the posterior vagina
What muscle are you plicating with your levator plication?
What is the rate of postop dyspareunia after posterior repair?
What muscles are you bring together when doing a posterior colporrhaphy
rectovaginal fascia
transverse perinei
(external anal sphincter)