Minerals Quiz Flashcards
What is a Mineral?
A solid, naturally formed, inorganic substance that always has the same composition and same properties
What is a rock?
A bunch of a natural mix of minerals stuck together
What is a streak?
A color left when a mineral is rubbed on a rough surface
What is a Luster?
A luster is an appearance of a minerals surface in light
What is Density?
A measure of how much mass something has for its size
How resistant something is to being scratched or dented
MInerals that break along flat planes
Irregular, uneven breaking
What is the difference between a rock and a mineral
A mineral is a single mineral, while a rock is made up of different minerals mixed together.
Why is color a bad characteristic for classifying materials?
A lot of materials might have the same color
Is a mineral harder or softer than another material it can scratch
What are the 6 ways to identify a mineral?
1: Hardness
2. Fracture
3. Cleavage
4. Density
5. Crystal Form
6. Streak