Minerals and Industrial Uses Flashcards
Used for extraction of gold and silver
Mercury (Hg)
Used to cool down super conduction magnets during welding and magnet production
Helium (He)
Used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion, such as in tin cans, which are made of tin coated steel
Tin (Sn)
used in aluminum alloys to make cookware more durable and also commonly used in batteries
Lithium (Li)
best known for the brilliant reds its salts give to fireworks and flares. It is also used in producing ferrite magnets and refining zinc.
Strontium (Sr)
Used to treat cancer
Radon (Rn)
has been used to provide power to electrical equipment used on space missions
Curium (Cm)
It is used in vulcanizing rubber, as a coloring agent in glass and ceramics, and in catalysts for petroleum cracking
Tellurium (Te)
It is used in automobile batteries & in fishing & diving weights
Lead (Pb)
It is used with Platinum as catalysts in the production of lead-free, high octane gasoline
Rhenium (Re)
Used primarily for the study of nuclear reactors due to its good ability to absorb neutrons.
Europium (Eu)
It is used as hardening agent for platinum alloys. Also used in crucibles and other equipment that is used at high temperatures.
Silver (Ag)
Is used to make mirrors as it is best reflector of visible light known, although it does tarnish with time.
mostly used as fungicide, black gunpowder and sulfuric acid
Sulfur (S)
used as an agent for radio-immunotheraphy in medicine
Actinium (Ac)
Is widely used as a catalyst for chemical reactions. Its important use is in vehicles, as a catalytic converter, facilitating the complete combustion of unburned hydrocarbon passing through the exhaust
Platinum (Pt)
Brittle metal with low melting point used for solders, fuses, fire sprinklers(plug), and cosmetic pigments
Bismuth (Bi)
toxic, non-corroding soft metal used for electroplated steel, nicad batteries, red and yellow paints, and fire sprinklers
Cadmium (Cd)
High-melt-point metal used for hard steel, cutting tools, drill bits, armor plate, gun barrels, and fertilizers
Molybdenum (Mo)
is used in orange-red neon tubes for advertising signs, lasers, and supercold refrigerant.
Neon (Ne)
used in electric applications such as Polymerization catalysts for PET-plastics
Germanium (Ge)
used in incandescent and fluorescent bulbs as a protective layer around the filament the keep oxygen from corroding it
Argon (Ar)
The chemical can dissolve glass and is used mainly as an etching compound.
Fluorine (F)
Acts as high speed semiconductors that are used to make mobile phones, solar panels, and LEDs.
Gallium (Ga)
Mainly used as coatings for windows of tall buildings and protective film on welder’s goggles.
Indium (In)
Is used as an additive to make stainless steel.
Selenium (Se)
used as a radiation source substitute for a portable X-ray machine where electricity is unavailable.
Ytterbium (Yb)
Used as catalyst in the refining of petroleum
Molybdenum (Mo)
used to make specialized yellow glass goggles for glass blowers and welders.
Praseodymium (Pr)
used in alloys especially with vanadium to decrease the hardness of metals. It is also used in amplifiers and lasers.
Erbium (Er)
It is considered by many sources as the strongest radioactive element, it glows blue, and it is used as an atomic heat source and is also used in anti-static brushes to eliminate dust on photographic film
Polonium (Po)
It is used for treating prediabetes and diabetes, low blood sugar; for improving athletic performance in weight training; and for preventing cancer.
Vanadium (V)
It is used in moisture gauges for the determination of water and oil-bearing layers in oil wells.
Californium (Cf)
one of the rare earth elements used to make carbon arc lights which are used in the motion picture industry for studio lighting and projector lights
Lanthanum (La)
used to dope calcium chloride crystals for use in optical lasers. It is also used in infrared absorbing glass and as a neutron absorber in nuclear reactors
Samarium (Sm)
refining petroleum, LED lightbulbs, integrated circuit manufacturing.
Lutetium (Lu)
is a good absorber of neutrons and is used to make control rods, such as those found in nuclear submarines. It also has a very high melting point and because of this is used in plasma welding torches.
Hafnium (Hf)
This is used to make powerful magnets used in loudspeakers and computer hard drives to enable them to be smaller and more efficient.
Neodymium (Nd)
is used among Industrial Companies as coating for steel and iron to prevent rusting.
Due to the high density of ________, it is used as shield against X-ray and gamma-ray radiation.
a well known poison, is used to kill rats and for insecticide.
is used medically as treatment for osteoarthritis, improvement of mental capacity, and increasing testosterone.
is utilized in the aviation industry as cogs and gears.
is used in rechargeable batteries and hydride batteries for hybrid vehicles.
is used as a steel addititve to produce a very tough alloy
is used in molten iron and steel to remove sulfur
primarily used for electrical wiring due to its electrical conductivity and ductility.
used as a disinfectant to treat drinking water and swimming pools due to its capability to kill bacteria
is used to pressurize liquid fuel tanks in rockets.
is used as a rocket fuel igniter.
Amorphous boron
main fuel for NASA space shuttle program
can make water burn.
is used in portable metal detectors for identifying gold and silver ores.
is the main element/material used in making Formula 1 car’s chassis
produces oxy-acetylene flame used for cutting & welding metals
Oxygen combined with acetylene gas
is used in metallurgy as a scavenger element for the removal of impurities in metals.
is used in air purifiers for removing carbon dioxide from the air by forming lithium carbonates.
used for aerospace industry components and sports equipment.
is an important cryogenic refrigerant.
Liquid Neon
can be used to predict the arrival of an earthquake because it was being released from fault zones prior to earth slipping.
is present in optical fibers especially in laptops.
is used in photography, medicines, insecticides, etc.
can be used for fire extinguishing operations
has been used to locate and image brain tumors.
is used to study blood flow and in nuclear medicine to study lung function for problems.
Krypton - 85
is mainly used for photovoltaic cells
is the element used in atomic clocks.
Cesium - 133
is used to harden steel and increase resistance to rust.
the main gas in the Earth’s atmosphere approximately 78%. Can also be used as fertilizers.
It is used in light bulb filaments
Tungsten (W)
is used in manufacturing fiber optics
is used by the nuclear power industry to separate uranium isotopes.
does not absorb neutrons, so it is widely used in nuclear reactors.
is used to make chemical process equipment, nuclear reactors, aircraft and missile parts.
is for the side of matchboxes.
Red Phosphorus
is used for flares
White Phosphorus
is used in precision tubing for refrigerators and air conditioners.
used to disinfect external wounds
Iodine (I)
is utilised and associated with the aerospace, medical, power, oil and gas industries.
Used for semiconductors for phones and other gadgets
is used as catalyst in the chemical industry
used in germicidal lamps due to its capability to produce uv light
can be used as a reducing agent for preparing metals like thorium & uranium.
is combined with other gases to produce light bulbs that glow with greenish-yellow light.
Krypton (Kr)
utilized for composite armor, specifically of the Main battle tank of the US Army.
Depleted Uranium
Old thermometers use __________ to gauge the temperature enclosed in a glass.
It is primarily used when drilling for new oil wells.
Barium (Ba)
used in the making of microwave filters for radar, white LED lights and metal-cutting lasers.
Yttrium (Y)
A component of mischmetal, used in the manufacture of alloys for cigarette lighters
Cerium (Ce)
are believed to be more powerful than uranium in generating energy
Plutonium Rods
Used as nuclear reactor fuel, spacecraft power, nuclear weapon.