Mineral ores - Global distribution / geopolitical ideas Flashcards
What is the global distribution of mineral deposits like?
Very uneven.
Developed countries - used their supplies up. Need imports.
What country produces the most copper?
Why is trade in mineral ores largely one directional?
Developed countries = few reserves.
Developing countries - haven’t exacerbated supply yet!
What is the ‘Resource Curse’?
When countries with lots of minerals experience poor growth due to:
creation of single product economy
Dependence on mining TNCs for investment
High income jobs to foreign workers.
How have China invested into developing countries?
Large state controlled mining TNCS - Jianxi
Built railways in Zambia copper belt.
How has China’s trade with developing countries had an impact?
Issues due to over-reliance
How have China impacted developed countries?
China flooded market with cheap steel - undermined other suppliers
Led to:
Trump - tax on chinese steel
UK - Port Talbot in Wales - lots of job loss.
WHat is the role of TNCs in mineral ore distribution?
Negotiating exporation
developing area’s infrastructure for projects
accused of neglecting EIAs.