In young plants, stunted growth and chlorosis (yellow coloration)
of older leaves; often abundant anthocyanin in veins; stems
short and woody
Nitrogen (N)
Young plants stunted; leaves dark blue green, sometimes
purplish; stems slender, not woody; often with anthocyanin in
veins and may become necrotic
Yellow with marginal or mottled chlorosis which then develops
into necrosis occurring at leaf tip and margins towards leaf
base; margin “firing” (rapid drying of margins and tips)
Potassium (K)
Interveinal chlorosis appearing first on old leaves; severely
affected leaves wilt and shed or may abscise; brittleness of
leaves common; necrosis often occurs
Young shoots deformed in appearance; breakdown of meristematic tissues in stems and roots (death in acute cases);
roots poorly developed; symptoms appear near growing points
of stems and roots; little or no fruiting
Calcium (Ca)
Leaves light green to yellow, appearing first along veins of young leaves; stems often slender
Sulfur (S)
Interveinal chlorosis appearing first on young leaves; tendency
for chlorosis of all aerial parts, often becoming necrotic; in some
cases, leaves may completely bleached with margins and tips
Iron (Fe)
Willting of leaves, especially at leaf margins; with severe
deficiency curling of youngest leaves, followed by shriveling;
necrosis might occur
Chlorine (Cl)
Terminal leaves necrotic, shed prematurely; internodes of
terminal shoots shortened; apical meristems blacken and die;
plants dwarfed, stunted
Boron (B)
Mottled chlorosis with veins green, appearing first on young
leaves, may spread to old leaves; stems yellowish green, often
hard and woody
Stunted growth in dicots due to reduction in internodal growth
(“rosetting”) and drastic decrease in leaf size; whitish chlorotic
streaks between veins in older leaves; chlorosis of lower leaves
followed by necrotic spots
Zinc (Zn)
Wilting of terminal shoots frequently followed by death; leaf color often faded
Copper (Cu)
Light yellow chlorosis of older leaves; flowers may fail to grow
Root growth severely inhibited; leaf tip necrosis with urea application
Nickel (Ni)