Mineral Elements. Flashcards
What are mineral elements required for?
- Body building.
- Control of body processes e.g. transmission of nerve impulses.
- Essential parts of body fluids.
What are the 8 mineral elements required in relatively large amounts?
- Calcium.
- Iron.
- Phosphorus.
- Potassium.
- Sulphur.
- Chlorine.
- Sodium.
- Magnesium.
What are the 9 mineral elements required in relatively small amounts and are known as TRACE ELEMENTS?
- Iodine.
- Copper.
- Manganese.
- Fluoride.
- Cobalt.
- Nickel.
- Zinc.
- Chromium.
- Selenium.
What are the four functions of calcium?
- Required for maintenance of bones and teeth once formed.
- Required for the correct functioning of muscles and nerves.
- Required for part of the complex mechanism which causes blood to clot after an injury.
- With phosphorus, it combines to make calcium phosphate which is the chief material that gives hardness and strength to bones and teeth.
What are five sources of calcium?
- Milk.
- Cheese.
- Bones of canned fish.
- In green vegetables, it is found in cellulose which the body cannot digest so affects calcium absorption.
- Found in whole grain cereals but there it may combine with a substance called phytic acid which makes it unavailable to the body.
What are the three requirements of calcium in terms of:
If one does not have enough calcium what does this lead to?
Not enough can lead to osteoporosis which means that the bones become weak and brittle and break easily. Women are most at risk.
What are the three requirements of calcium in terms of:
Why do we have a constant need for calcium?
We have a constant need for calcium to keep our bones strong.
What are the three requirements of calcium in terms of:
- Its absorption and phosphorus.
The absorption of calcium and phosphorous and the mineralization of bones and teeth is controlled by vitamin D. The body must have a sufficient supply of all three in order to function properly.
What can a deficiency of calcium in children cause?
- Bones and teeth are not mineralized properly and are improperly formed.
- Leg bones may bend under the weight of the body as in rickets.
What can a deficiency of calcium in adults cause?
Strength of bones and teeth are not maintained possibly resulting in adult rickets - osteomalacia.
What can a deficiency of calcium caused to muscles and nerves?
Muscles and nerves do not function correctly - may result in tetany - muscles contract rigidly and the patient has convulsions.
Why can too much calcium dangerous?
Too much calcium is dangerous as it can be deposited in organs such as the kidneys and this can be fatal.
What are the two functions of phosphorus?
- Works in conjunction with calcium and therefore has the same functions.
- It is essential for the production of energy in the body.
What are two sources of phosphorus?
- Phosphorous is present as phosphate in all plant and animal cells and is therefore present in all-natural food.
- It forms part of many proteins and is often used as an additive in manufactured food.
What is the requirement of phosphorus?
A normal diet will supply sufficient phosphorous for all age groups.