Military Working Dog Flashcards
MWD Program Manager
Responsible for the development and dissemination of all MWD
program policies; and shall determine the manning, training, equipment and material resourcing levels for all installations that require an MWD program. Responsible for tasking specific fleet kennel masters for MWD team deployment assignments. The MWD program manager reports to U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFLTFORCOM) operational chain of command; must be a qualified master-at-arms (MA) E-8 or above, carry the Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) 2006 (kennel master) and have a minimum of 5 years kennel master experience.
True or False: The MWD Program Manager must be a qualified Master at Arms with the NEC 2006, five years of kennel master experience and be the paygrade E-9.
How many Fleet Kennel Masters are there?
Which form is the Military Working Dog Activity Training and Utilization report?
OPNAV 5585/15
P/D and DDD teams must maintain what percent accuracy on each odor.
EDD and EDD teams must maintain what percent accuracy on each odor?
P/D and DDD team proficiency trials will include at least how many trials per month for each drug odor the dog is trained to detect?
What “schedule” of drug is Marijuana?
What “schedule” of drug is Heroin?
For semi-annual program reviews a formal report of all findings will be submitted to who?
Installation commanding officers
Detector dogs may not have a false response rate higher than what percent?
Is releasing the MWD, or allowing it to bite, considered using deadly force?
What agency must kennels register drug aids with annually?
Certified detector dogs that fail to conduct proficiency trials on all of the certified training aids in excess of how many consecutive days shall be decertified by the command on the specific odor(s) missed.