Military Justice Flashcards
What Army Regulation covers Military Justice?
AR 27-10
Do you have the right to demand trial by court martial?
How many Articles are there in the UCMJ?
146 Articles with 12 sub-articles
Who may be punished under the UCMJ?
All military personnel, including Warrant and Commissioned Officers with the exception of ROTC cadets.
Under what Article is Non-Judicial punishment imposed?
Article 15
Can a member of the Armed Forces accused of a civilian offense be delivered to civilian authorities?
Yes, upon request.
What is UCMJ?
Uniform Code of Military Justice.
To whom may an Article 15 be appealed to?
The next higher Commander in the chain of Command.
When was the UCMJ established?
May 1950
If a person accepts an Article 15, does he acknowledge guilt?
Who has the power to reduce a Soldier in grade?
The Promotion Authority
When offered an Article 15, does a person have the right to present a defense, call a witness or present a statement?
Can a Warrant Officer administer an Article 15?
Only if he or she is the Commander in charge of the individual.
What are the two classifications (or types) of Article 15?
Company and Field Grade
When can Special Court Martial convening authority impose a bad conduct discharge?
Only when a Military Judge is detailed to the Trial.
Can a Company Grade Commander reduce a person in Pay Grade E-5 or above?
Can an NCO be given extra duty by an Article 15?
Yes, but only in a supervisory capacity
How many appeals are permissible under Article 15?
Name the five types of discharges.
Honorable, General, Other-than-Honorable, Bad Conduct, and Dishonorable Discharge
What article of the UCMJ is designed to protect the rights of the Soldier?
Article 31
Who may be placed in correctional custody?
E-3 and below
What is the highest court in the Army?
The Court of Military Appeals
Can an Article 15 be posted on the Unit’s bulletin board?
Yes, for 7 days following imposition of punishment for E-4’s and below. Commander’s discretion for E-5 and above.
Name the three types of Courts-Martial.
Summary, Special, and General