CBRNE Flashcards
What amount of time is required to mask with the M40 protective mask?
Nine seconds, fifteen seconds with a hood.
What type of attack does the M8 alarm mean?
What shape are all Contamination Markers?
Who makes the decision to unmask after a chemical attack?
The person in Command.
How long should you apply firm pressure when using an auto injector?
At least ten seconds.
How do you clear your protective mask?
Place hands over outlet and exhale.
What does “CBRNE” stand for?
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive.
Do you give warning before or after you mask under an NBC attack?
What are the three fundamentals of NBC (CBRNE) defense?
- Contamination Avoidance
- Protection
- Decontamination
Following a nuclear detonation, the development of the nuclear cloud can be divided into what three stages?
- Fireball
- Burst cloud
- Stabilized cloud
What is Atropine used for?
A counter agent for G & V agents or nerve gas.
Biological agents can be disseminated in what three forms?
- Aerosols
- Liquid Droplets
- Dry powder
When and why are the most effective times to use chemical agents?
Evening and early morning, lack of wind and sun allows agents to persist.
Threat forces classify chemical agents according to their effect on the body. What are the three major types of chemical agents classified by threat forces?
- Nerve
- Blood
- Blister
After injecting, what should you do with the Auto-injector?
Pin it on the left jacket flap of the person to prevent mistakes.
What is “MOPP”?
Mission Oriented Protective Posture.
What are two types of gases the protective mask will NOT protect against?
Ammonia vapors and carbon monoxide.
What are the three types of NBC warnings?
Verbal, metal banging, and hand and arm signals
How tight should the filter canister be on the M40 series protective mask?
Hand tight.
What should you do to the protective mask prior to washing it?
Remove the filters.
What sequence should the straps be tightened to ensure a good seal on the protective mask?
Top, Bottom and Sides.
How many CBRNWRS reports are there and what is the purpose of each?
NBC 1: observer’s report.
NBC 2: report of evaluated data.
NBC 3: warns of predicted contamination and hazard areas.
NBC 4: passes monitoring and survey results.
NBC 5: reports areas of actual contamination.
NBC 6: passes detailed information of CBRNE events.
How many levels of MOPP are there? Describe them.
MOPP Ready: carry mask; IPE nearby
MOPP 0: carry mask; IPE available
MOPP 1: don over garment
MOPP 2: don protective boots
MOPP 3: don protective mask
MOPP 4: don protective gloves
What eight factors affect persistency of chemical agents?
- Type of contamination.
- Concentration and droplet size.
- Temperature
- Wind speed
- Sunlight
- Humidity and rain
- Composition of the contaminated surface
- Type of soil and terrain.