Army Programs Flashcards
What does ACS stand for and what AR covers it?
Army Community Service ( AR 608-1 )
What is the Army Regulation for the Army Safety Program?
AR 385-10
Who qualifies for ACS?
Military Personnel and their Families. Mostly new Personnel just arriving on post.
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Association
How can you help ACS?
By donating time to ACS committees, donating useable household utensils, and by donating staple food stuffs to the food locker.
In a risk assessment matrix, what does each of the numerals I thru IV represent?
I - Catastrophic
II - Critical
III - Marginal
IV - Negligible
What does TABE stand for?
Test of Adult Basic Education
In a risk assessment matrix, what does each of the letter’s A-E represent?
A - Frequent
B - Likely
C - Occasional
D - Seldom
E - Unlikely
What is DEERS?
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System - It is the program used to obtain Dependent ID cards for eligible Spouses and Children.
What is AER and what AR covers it?
Army Emergency Relief (AR 930-4) - It is a non-profit organization. Its purpose is solely to help Army Personnel and their Family Members.
What Army publication covers the Army Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action?
AR 600-20
How does AER provide relief?
Financial assistance is provided by AER either as a loan without interest, as a grant, or as a combination of both.
Who is your EO Officer in your Company?
The Unit Commander
What is the AER motto?
Helping The Army Take Care of Its Own
What is an EOR?
Equal Opportunity Representative