Milestones Flashcards
“out of sight out of mind”
0-4 mo
may still exist out of sight, fell onto ground
4-8 mo
child looks at a book
6 mo
Object permanence
looks for hidden object
9-12 mo
Search for object after seeing it moved
point to pictures
bring book for parent to read
Knows that object exists even when gone, wants same story over and over
18-24 mo
Symbolic thought
concrete thinkign
4 y
Turns to voice
0-1 mo
Orients to voice
1-4 mo
Responds to own name and tones of voice
4-8 mo
Understands no
9-12 mo
Follows 1 step command, points to body parts
12-18 mo
Follows 2-3 commands
points to pictures when asked
18-24 mo
Understand prepositions
answer “W” questions
3 yo
4-step commands
4 yo
Range of cries
0-1 mo
babbling, laughing
6 mo
indiscriminate dada
mama, dada
10 mo
beginning of linguistic phase; first true word with gestrues
12 mo
15 mo
3 word sentences
knows age
ID body parts
200 words
3 yo
tells story
asks questions
400-1500 words
75-100% intelligible to strangers
4 y
names 4 colours
5-word sentences
2700 words
define simple words
5 yo
thumb sucking
1-4 mo
functional play - repetitive
bang toys, dumping toys
put toys in mouth
4-8 mo
functional play - repetitive
dumping things
9-12 mo
Symbolic play
block for a truck
18 mo
Pretend/imaginative play
play with dolls
play house
short play sequences
18-24 mo
Pretend play with long sequences
pretend play with dollhouse and mini toys
3 yo
act out scenes with dolls, puppets, animals
Plan a sequence of pretend events
highly imaginative and cooperative
competitive games
games with rules
5 yo
Head up prone
0-1 mo
Moro reflex disappears
rolls prone to supine
rolls supine to prone
sit unsupported
crawling, pull to stand
8-10 mo
9-10 mo
walk alone
Babinski reflex gone
12 mo
goes up stairs
15-18 mo
ride tricycle
alternating feet up stairs
3 yo
hops and balances on one foot
4 yo
rides a 2-wheeler
5 yo
Visual fixation
0-1 mo
brings hands to midline
1-4 mo
reach for toy, toy in mouth
pincer grasp
8-10 mo
18 mo
pencil stroke
24 mo
copies a circle
buttons and zippers
3 yo
uses scissors
copies a square
uses chopsticks
4 yo
copies a triangle
ties shoes
prints name
5 yo
social smile
6 weeks
reciprocal interactions with caregiver
3 mo
clear preference for primary caregivers
4-8 mo
stranger anxiety
9 mo
play peekaboo
wave bye
10 mo
hug parent
15 mo
18 mo
listen to stories, parallel play
24 mo
parallel play and share toys
3 yo
interactive play
role play
4 yo
drink from cup
12 mo
feeds self
18 mo
toilet training
24 mo
partial dressing
3 yo
toilet alone
dress self completely
4 yo
wash hands/face
serve food
5 yo
3 mo red flag
not cooing
12 mo red flag
doesn’t respond to own name
doesn’t say mama/dada
18 mo red flag
no words, no pointing
no imaginary play
24 mo red flag
not talkign
3 yo red flag
not talking in sentences, disinterested when listening to a story
4 yo red flag
not relating events/stories
24-36 mo red flags
sparse vocabulary frustrated with inability to communicate --> can lead to tantrums no >2 word sentences doesn't follow directions doesn't like to listen to a story
3-4 yo red flags
speech not comprehensible to strangers
cannot use language to tell stories
4-5 yo red flags
can’t tell a story with a beginning, middle and end
poor grammar in sentences (should be adult-like)
Red flags for ASD
no babbling by 12 mo
no gesturing by 12 mo (waving byebye, pointing)
no single words by 18 mo
LOSS of social/language milestones at any age