Milestones Flashcards
6 week milestones
Gross motor - holds head briefly in ventral suspension. Some head lag. Primitve reflexes. Symmetrical limb movement.
Fine motor - eyes - fix and follow through 90º, turn to light. Holds fists closed
Language/ hearing - Cries. Responds to mother’s voice and startles to noise.
Social - smiles
3-4 months
Gross motor - No head lag. More vigorous limb movements. Raises chest when prone.
Fine motor - eyes fixes and follows through 180º. Holds an object that’s placed in hand. Reaches for objects
Language/ Hearing - cooing. Quietens to mother’s voice.
Social - laughs
6 months
GM- Sits with supported or unsupported with curved back. Lifts chest with arms extended when prone. Rolls front to back, later back to front.
FM - Eyes - brings object to midline. Transfers between hands, consciously releases objects.
Language / Hearing - Babbles
Social - screams. No stranger anxiety
9 months
GM - sits unsupported with straight back. May crawl / bum shuffle.
FM - pincer grip
Language/ hearing - developed babbling - mama/dada
Social - plays peekaboo. Stranger anxiety develops
10 months
GM - pulls to stand. Cruising
FM - Developed pincer grip - pick a grain of rice off the floor
Language - understands no.
Social - understands bye-bye
12 months
GM - early walks, unsteady, broad-based gait.
FM - Points at things, bangs objects together, object permanence.
Language - 1 word sentences. Imitates sounds and speaks with conversational intonation. Understands names and simple objects.
Social - finger feeds, can hold a spoon. Waves bye-bye / claps. Points for desire, then points for excitement
15 months
GM - walking more confident
FM - 2-3 block tower. Turns thick pages.
Language - obeys simple commands. Can identify common objects.
Social - Uses spoon and cup
18 months
GM - squats to pick up object. Runs
FM - 4 block tower, to and fro scribble. Points to pictures in books, Turns pages in book .
Language - 10-20 words. 2 word sentences. Points to body parts.
Social - removes socks / shoes. Imitative play / domestic mimicry
GM - Jumping. Kick ball. Climbs stairs 2 feet per step / holding on.
FM - circular scribble. Straight line at 2.5yrs. 6 Blok tower.
Language - 50+ words. 2 and 3 word sentences. Understands the function of objects e.g. eat with fork not pencil. Obeys 2 part commands. ( Pick up the ball and give it to me)
Social - fork and spoon. Starts toilet training. Temper tantrums. Plays alongside other kids - parallel play. Symbolic play.
3 yrs
GM - upstairs 1 foot/step, down 2/step. Tricycle.
FM - Circle. 9 block tower. Copies a bridge and stairs with 6 bricks.
Language - complex 4-5 word sentences. First and last name. Knows nursery rhymes. Answers who and what questions. Understands prepositions and comparisons
Social - washes hands. Plays with children. Understands sharing. Pretend play.
GM - stairs like adult
FM - Draws cross. Copies stairs with 10 bricks.
Language - understands negatives ( which one is not blue?).Can tell descriptive account of events
Social - undresses but can’t dress independently. Understands taking turns.
5 yrs
Skips, catches a ball
FM - triangle / square
Language - complex story with past and future tense
Social - dresses with buttons and zips. eats with knife and fork. Chooses and names best friends. Imaginative playing
What are possible causes of Global delay?
Down syndrome
Fragile X
Fetal Alcohol syndrome
Metabolic disorders
What are possible causes of gross motor delay?
Cerebral palsy ataxia myopathy spina bifida visual impairment
What are possible causes of fine motor delay?
Visual impairment
Cerebral palsy
Muscular dystrophy
What are possible causes of Language delay?
Hearing impairment Multiple languages at home Learning disability Neglect Autism Cerebral palsy
What are red flags in development ?
Not sitting unsupported at 12 months.
Not standing independently at 18 months.
Not speaking at 18 months.
Not walking independently at 2yrs.
No interest in others by 18 months.
Any regression in any developmental area.